Search results for query: Portugal

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  1. E

    Hi there from central Portugal 😊

    I'm new here today and the timing couldn't be better, 2 bantam chicks have just hatched :) I'm based in Central Portugal but British. Working full time and looking after 2 cats, 3 geese, 2 muscovy ducks and 3 chickens, a rooster and 2 hens, bantams. There are 6 more under the 2 hens which I will...
  2. S

    Newbie from Portugal to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had hens for many years in the UK, mainly ex batts, but I have recently moved to Portugal and have yet to start a flock here. (3) What breeds do you have? I had ex batts and leghorns (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising...
  3. J

    Hello from Portugal

    Hi, I'm from Portugal and expect to share some info and doubts about raising chickens. I'm not exactly new to this (been raising chickens for about 7/8 years) bit there's always something new to learn. I got a mixed flock and some true breeds (FBCM, Cream legbar, mixed colour brahmas, Jersey...
  4. J

    My races - Portugal breeder

    Happy to hear your thoughts 😊
  5. A

    Ok new to BYC emergency help did not come as im in portugal ..but incredibje journey from what i read on this forum ..amd thank you all for the help i

    I posted as a new member here from Portugal.. 2 days muscovie female abandoned a certain wrong timed nest in a storm 25 days ago . Eggs were soaked she abandoned the lot out of 11 ..5 were OK my crazy chicken psycho stole the ducks eggs for 5 days ..i knew the humidity would be...
  6. A

    A new to BYC from Portugal

    Hi My name is Alli I live up in the mountains of Góis Central Portugal ..I have bantams and muscovies . New to BYC have some experience with bantams only ..learnt A lot from reading BYC before joining . I live in a rural village ..have a good amount of land have rescue cats and dogs also ..I'm...
  7. Mjarissa

    22 y/o girl in Portugal with a bunch of chickies

    Hi all, My name is Marissa. Im 22 years old and was born and raised in the Netherlands. After studying biology I decided to travel to Portugal and now Im renting a piece of land with 3 friends to start a permaculture project including chickens. Now one of our roosters is limping and that's...
  8. Horacio

    I'm Horácio from Portugal.

    Hello, I'm Horácio de Portugal and I hope to learn to take care of my birds.
  9. M

    Hello from Portugal

    Hello, I'm from sunny Portugal, we keep around 15 bantams free roaming in a large apiary behind our house.
  10. N

    Hi, from Portugal

    Hi, Since we dont have any forumlike this in our contry, I came here. I have currently 18 chickens and 1 rooster. I have 2 female gooses, and also 2 dumb duck´s, also females. I am currently bulding an incubator,.....but before starting to cut wood, I came here for opinions. Regards Nezocas
  11. T

    Greetings from Portugal

    Hi, My name is Filipe Teixeira and I have chickens for 3 years now. Initially only had 4, but last year it has grown to 11 and this week I have bought 11 small ones. I only have them for the eggs. Came here to look for coop designs that I can built :) If I end up building one will post the results.
  12. Deblett

    Anyone in Northern Portugal

    Hi, I am Debbie, British/American Expat living in the far North of Portugal. I have a small holding with chickens and goats and the usual fruit and veg growing. looking for other English speaking Expats who live a similar life.
  13. E

    Presentation from Portugal

    Hello chicken friends, First of all i'm sorry for my english but i'm "speaking" from Portugal so probably i'll give some mistakes... I'm a mother of two girls, a dog, 2 cats, one guinea pig and i'm starting now to enter in chickens world so i'm trying to collect as much information as i can...
  14. Francisco91

    Hello from Portugal!

    Hi everyone! My name is Francisco and I'm from Portugal. :frow I've always loved animals and had chickens and ducks when I was younger... A few years ago I decided to go back to backyard poultry and start raising chickens again. But this time I decided to breed two specific breeds: Marans and...
  15. Deblett

    Grower feed not available in Northern Portugal?

    Hi, I have 3 11 week old chicks not sure what sex, it seems Wyandottes are not that easy to sex this early, so my dilemma is: I know I need them off Chick crumb but after scouring every village in a 10 mile radius of me, I am unable to find Grower Feed, only Layers pellets or Broiler feed!! The...
  16. Deblett

    Wanted - Chicken friends in Northern Portugal

    Hi, I am Debbie, I live in the very North of Portugal and would like to keep in touch with any one else in the North. At the moment I only have 3 young Wyandottes but we're building a lovely big stone coop in our woods so I can start a small flock for eggs and meat, but would like to point out...
  17. bluecat

    Hello from Portugal

    hello im Bluecat (Olga) from Portugal and i love chickens ans ducks and geeses
  18. A

    Greetings from Portugal!

    Dear folks, My name is Ariadne, I'm a visual artist, enthusiastic gardener and the worried caretaker of 14 birds, recently acquired. The group began with 17 but three have died by now. This is my first flock. I have done my homework the best I could before they arrived, but despite all I'm...
  19. guilhermegeek

    My first broder @Portugal

    ...only for broder. After moving them i'll have more 40 :) I'll also leave you some pics of our farm. My grandpa worked 40 years outside of Portugal mostly in Africa, when he retired he came back and bought this farm to us. And this is the manure i'm preparing. I've already used in...
  20. Westo

    Hello from Portugal

    Just picked up my two girls this morning, they looked about the run, had a wee drink and feed, then went into the coop and have been there for 3 hours...all normal I'm presuming. Will add a idea of the breed, anyone help?? Alan
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