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  1. A

    No crow collar — what’s your experience?

    Anyone successfully found a no crow collar that works long term?? What’s your experience? Do you put it on 24/7 or you have a time schedule? I live in a neighborhood and took home 2 rescue roosters. 1 is a bantam I believe and a Copper Maran? Anyway my neighbors are nice so far but i don’t...
  2. Femerithian

    Are kitten collars safe for chickens?

    I was thinking of using collars on my hens as more of a decorative and identification thing I figure if I got break away kitten collars that those would be safest, and if they don't seem to break easy enough I planned to cut away some of the plastic Would these collars be safe? Are there any...
  3. K

    Measurements for Serama no crow collar?

    ...our lone roo has stolen my mums heart and there's no way she'd let me sell him. He's very, very small. just 6inches tall and it seems other collars are too thick for him. He's not that loud imho but I still don't want him bothering my neighbours tbh. I tried finding measurements online...
  4. A

    Has anyone successful trained a rooster to not crow with vibration/beep collar?

    Anybody? I might attempt this if I can find a small one. It’s only vibration and beep, no shock.
  5. M

    I'm confused

    There has been a pair of Eurasian Ringneck doves "nesting" atop the cage I keep outside for my Quaker Parrot. They have been sitting on this nest for about three weeks. I have tried to minimize any disturbance, but I noticed today that no one was sitting on the nest, so I went out to get my...
  6. S

    Rooster vomiting from collar

    I recently bought one of those no-crow rooster collars for our rooster, and I placed it on and made sure that I could fit my smallest finger in between his collar and neck. I watched him for 20 minutes, and it seemed like he was doing okay until I noticed he was in the hen house a lot more and...
  7. Lady Clucks-a-Lot

    Are rooster collars dangerous?

    ...we can't keep roosters is because they're so loud, I was looking up solutions to keep them quiet. I googled and found a result of rooster collars. But I've also heard that they can be risky and might accidently kill the rooster and I'm not sure if its safe or not. Can anyone that's got...
  8. movick

    Eurasian collared dove 'crested'

    I came across a mention of a 'crested' Eurasian collared dove (S. decaocto) in nature. It is said that crested ringneck doves escaped from captivity in their area in the past. Now there are 'crested' ECDs. This recessive trait is likely to be in the population forever, as is the case with...
  9. Chicken love to infinity

    Best crow collar for big rooster?

    ...guys! I have to get my rooster a crow collar or the HOA says I can't keep him. I really love him and since he saved my hen's life, he's very special to me. However the crow collars I've tried for him are too small. He's a cukoo maran and pretty big. (6 months old, maybe 7lbs?) Any...
  10. F

    Can I use a crow reducing collar on a goose?

    ...want to get rid of her. She means a lot to me and is mainly loud once seeing me and at night. I have come across people using a crow reducing collars on their chickens and was wondering if you can use the same on ducks and geese? I bought one the size for a turkey and I’m just not sure if...
  11. C

    Best type of crow collar?

    Hi guys! Wanted to know everyone’s reviews on different brands of no crow collars. I’ve seen people say the cheap ones on Amazon work just as well but was wondering if anyone likes the “fancier” ones better and why? My roo is pretty small so I think any collar will work for him, I almost...
  12. RainyDayChickens

    Rooster Collar Opinions?

    Due to what's going on in my area, getting chicks will soon be very hard, and im considering a Rooster, to help with the pecking in the flock, protection, aswell as being able to rely on myself to provide chicks for meat and eggs. And one problem is my neighbors, they have voiced that a loud...
  13. C

    Rooster Collar not working very well

    Hi so I have two ameraucana roosters right now that are about 3 months old, one of them doesn’t hardly crow at all with the collar, then again he didn’t crow much before I put it on, and the other is still crowing somewhat loudly. I think the loudness of his crow is lessened a little, but not...
  14. chickeneer1-1

    Rooster Collars!

    Hi everyone! I recently ordered a packet of rooster collars and I have a bunch of extras. If you have a rooster or multiple roosters and cant deal with the noise, rooster collars help with that. For for info, PM me or just comment on this post. Theyre safe, ethical, and help your rooster from...
  15. M

    Does no crow collar cause rooster to regurgitate foam?

    Hello, I have a 5 month old Rhode Island Red rooster. He was given to us by accident by our chicken farm when we supposedly bought 4 pullets. The farm where we bought him will not take him back, they say there's no way we got him from there, and if there was a mix up I waited too long to bring...
  16. Somyis

    Crow collar- need help getting it right : (

    So we have a Silver Campine cockerel (smallish-medium breed) about 4 months old and we bought that one very popular crow collar on Etsy, but I can't seem to get it on him right. He keeps taking it off after hours of pecking the front/side of it lol. I think maybe i put it on too loose? He is...
  17. E

    I want to put a collar on my hen, what type should I use?

    I want to put a collar on my hen, what type should I use?
  18. Nia24

    I need help! Should I use a rooster collar on my rooster?

    I just incubated some Jubilee Orpington's and now they are getting pretty old! I figured out that I have 2 roosters which for me is a bad thing. I either have to kill them or sell them... which both I hate. So I researched on how I could stop the roosters from crowing so my neighbors won't be...
  19. L

    Help! Crow Collar on rooster!!!

    I have a 14 month old barred rock rooster. I live in an urban setting and decided i didnt want to get rid of hm so i got a crow collar. Everything was good with him for a while until i noticed him wheezing. I imediatley took the collar off and its been off since. he breathes sort of loud and his...
  20. B

    Rooster Collar Not Consistent

    Hi all, Spoiler alert, not interested in people's opinions regarding the ethics of collars. This post is hopefully to troubleshoot a sporadically effective collar, which if can't be resolved will result in said rooster being et! We have opted for a DIY collar, 1" wide velcro job, started it...
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