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  1. mejumpmore1

    Controlling mold on fodder?

    I'm trying to grow fodder (wheat) for my chickens and have come across an issue with mold growth. Currently, I am soaking the wheat with a bit of bleach for 12 hours, draining and rinsing then placing in a container with holes for drainage. I water several times per day making sure to soak...
  2. mejumpmore1

    What breed(s) am I?

    The pullet in the center is the one in question. I purchased her as a Black Australorp, but upon getting her home and taking a closer look realized there is no way she's a BA. Her eyes are orange, has a rose comb, black legs and copper colored feathering right around her head. Her body shape is...
  3. mejumpmore1

    Wormer and withdrawal period question.

    Hi there, I recently wormed my chickens and my husband has asked me why it is that there is a withdrawal period for eating their eggs after worming them. If anyone could break that down for me (specifically) I would greatly appreciate it. Simply saying, "because that's what you are supposed to...
  4. mejumpmore1

    What breed(s) might she be?

    Recently, I picked up a couple new girls from a lady who was selling off a number of pullets breeds included Black Austrolorps, Blue Copper Marans, Black Copper Marans and Lavender Orpingtons. I intended to purchase two Black Austrolorps to replace Lucy, a pullet that passed away from illness...
  5. mejumpmore1

    Short days and lighting the coop. What do you use?

    I'm interested in extending the "light hours" for my girls by adding some lights to their housing. I would love to hear what you use for this. I'm really interested in something solar with a timer. My husband wants to piece something together himself, but I'd like to see some options of what's...
  6. mejumpmore1

    Pullet with swelling in one leg...please help.

    This poor girl has had some difficulties. First with dry turned wet fowl pox coupled with a limp that had no discernible reason for the limping. Today I decided to once again check her out to see if I could determine why she was still limping. This has been going on for weeks now. While...
  7. mejumpmore1

    Not an emergency, per se, comb/wattle coloration question

    I'm not sure where I should put this question or if it's something that should concern me. I'm such a newbie and almost feel silly for asking. I have had some avian pox coursing through my flock and not sure if this is related or just a normal chicken thing, so here goes: I have a number of...
  8. mejumpmore1

    Help with RIR pullet.

    I've got a RIR that is having a lot of trouble. We are currently battling dry fowl pox with this particular pullet, but I believe she has a secondary infection as well. Please help me treat her! Here are her symptoms (not including the scaby/warty growths associated with fowl pox): Thick...
  9. mejumpmore1

    how long can an egg be outside

    SootHow Long Is It Ok For An Egg To Be Outside And Still Be Eaten? One Of My Girls Laid Her First Egg, Which I Discovered In A Hiding SPot This Morning As She Was Trying To Get InTo Lay Another Egg. I'm Not Entirely Sure When The Egg Was Laid, Could Have Been Two Days Ago. We Have.Had Cool...
  10. mejumpmore1

    pullet with eye troubles ((Possible Fowl Pox?)) HELP!

    I Have An austrolorp Pullet That Has Something Going On With Her Eyes. Bith Appear To Be Watery, One Seems Like The Skin Is Raised Or Swollen And Has Bubbles In The Fluid Tgat Has Accumulated, Some Quite Large. Please Help, she's One Of our Favorites The picture AbOve Is the Worst. I...
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