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  1. corewassen87

    Chicken tractor size

    I'm building a small chicken tractor for meat birds and im wondering what size I could get away with for say 20 meat birds. It will be moved atleast once a day but probably twice. Would 6x6 be okay ? Any input is appreciated
  2. corewassen87

    Huge eggs

    I know there are a lot of factors that can contribute to odd sized eggs but I have a hen who just started laying again Tuesday because she was molting. Tuesday and Wednesday she laid a ginormous egg. I've had it happen here and there but never 2 days in a row. Will this be the norm possibly?!
  3. corewassen87

    Egg color question

    If I hatched eggs from a Marans rooster and a Orpington hen would the eggs from the offspring be somewhere between the dark brown of the Marans and the light brown of the Orpington?
  4. corewassen87

    Black copper Marans chicks

    In about 3 weeks I'll finally be adding some bcms to my flock. I'm going to be picking out my own day olds and was curious if there is anything in particular I should be looking for to hopefully get pullets instead of cockerels. Any help is appreciated!
  5. corewassen87

    My friend has some hens

    None of his hens are laying. I know the days are short but there is supplemental lighting from 2-8 am. The production red is 32 weeks today. He's got 11 just like her and none have layed yet
  6. corewassen87

    Lost or broody

    Earlier in the fall my 9 month old Olive egger disappeared for a few days and I assumed she was toast but after a few days she started showing up every once in a while and has been back since. Now another pullet about 8 months old is m.i.a. the pAst 3 days. I'm in northern Wisconsin and I'm...
  7. corewassen87

    A chicken squatting at point of lay

    Thought I'd share a video of one of my girls doing the squat. This is the first time I've witnessed it and thought some might find it helpful. Here's the link
  8. corewassen87

    Didn't really know where to post this

    I'm going this weekend to look at some 22 week old pullets that just started laying. They're welsummers and j was curious what a person should pay about? They're from welp hatchery originally
  9. corewassen87

    Will a rooster help?

    I have a Delaware hen who rules the roost big time. She can be a real B sometimes. If I were to add a rooster to my flock would it knock her attitude down a bit?
  10. corewassen87

    I'm worried!

    My Olive egger started laying about 6 weeks ago. She was laying daily and all of the sudden stopped for the last 2 weeks. Last night she disappeared and I can't help but think she is sitting on a nest of eggs somewhere on the property. Is it even possible to go broody at 8 months old? Maybe I'm...
  11. corewassen87

    Any thoughts on one of my ee's

  12. corewassen87

    Easter egger what

  13. corewassen87

    All roo's?

  14. corewassen87

    5 week old mixes

  15. corewassen87

    Gotta be close

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