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  • Users: Serrin
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Serrin

    We Can Change This!!

    We're over 77,000 strong here at BYC. That's a considerable figure, don't you think? And I'll come back to that in a moment.... Just a quick show of hands.....How many of us have a flock whose numbers even approach 1,000 birds?? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? I thought not! And there in lies my...
  2. Serrin

    Farewell My Feathered Friend

    We'll meet again, some sunny day, on the other side of the bridge......... This is a very sad day for me. My dear sweet friend, Rita, an almost 5 year old Golden Sex Link hen, has passed from this world and on to the next. My heart is aching and my soul knows no solace, other than to cling to...
  3. Serrin

    Thin shelled egg problem. Suggestions?

    My sweet little Abigail, a three + year old Golden Sex Link, has been laying a thin shelled egg for the better part of six months now. She has free choice oyster shell available to her 24/7/365. She free ranges every day along with the rest of the flock and has always exhibited a healthy...
  4. Serrin

    I must be out of my ever lovin' MIND!!!

    I don't know what possessed me to do it. I think I must have had the mother of all brain farts in doing this. And heaven help me, I'm in for it now!! So, what did I do that could be all that bad? I stuck an egg in the incubator! But not just any egg, oooooh no!! Not by a long shot!! The Story...
  5. Serrin

    Here I go again!! Who's with me???

    First things first!! A great big humongous, ginormous, huge thank you goes out to Jean Ribbeck (Pips&Peeps) for supplying six of the most beautiful Ameraucana eggs I've ever seen! I had the distinct pleasure of getting to meet Jean this weekend when I drove out to pick up eggs from her. Jean...
  6. Serrin

    7 Weeks! I just had to share! (pic heavy)

    They're outside now....FINALLY!!! And I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief. (OK, so maybe part of me is really sad that they're outside now...but I sure don't miss the mess! ) These poor little guys and gals have been cooped up in the house since they hatched seven weeks ago. Old mother nature...
  7. Serrin

    How soon is too soon???

    The chicks that I incubated myself are now six weeks old. One would think that is plenty old enough to strike out into the great outdoors, wouldn't one? But now I'm beginning to wonder if this little flock of hooligans is actually ready. I'd very much appreciate a second, third, fourth, heck...
  8. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    So, I'm just sitting here at the computer, minding my own business, enjoying a morning cup of tea, when from behind me, somewhere in the vicinity of my work table that the incubator sits on, comes a loud POP!! What the heck was that??? It almost sounded electrical in nature and I'm thinking...
  9. Serrin

    Chick Starter Shelf Life?

    OK, first, I wouldn't normally even consider this. But, sometimes you hit a period of time in any given month where things can get a little tight in the budget department. Yeah, we're having one of those months right now. I have a bag of chick starter sitting up on the top shelf in the coop...
  10. Serrin

    Results of my first candling are in!! Update Second candling results!!

    And YAAAAAY!!! I HAVE MOVEMENT!!! : Out of 24 eggs set on 2-13, four are clear and look as though they never even started. Perhaps a fertility issue? One egg is questionable. I'll leave it in there for now and candle again just before lockdown. Eight definitely have developement in them...
  11. Serrin

    Vaccinating home hatched chicks

    The issue of buying vaccinated versus non vaccinated chicks from the feed store came up in another thread, and it got me to thinking...... I have 24 eggs in the incubator that will be hatching around the 6th of March. And as such, I have a lot of questions about vaccinating. 1) Is the vaccine...
  12. Serrin

    I want to adopt him, but I don't even know what he is!!!

    Help!!! Is this handsome fella just a mutt? Or is there a name for what he is? Can anyone identify what went into the making of this big boy? Here's the story: My neighbors down the road purchased him about a year and a half ago or so from the local feed store. Par for the course from those...
  13. Serrin

    24 Donated Eggs in the bator this morning! (pics of parents too!)

    Here it is!! FINALLY!!! The eggs I was promised from the neighbor lady down the street! 24 eggs of mixed breeding. I have a couple of pictures to share, and hope y'all like them. First, here's the full set of two dozen that went in at roughly 11:30 AM PST. Next, here is a picture of one of...
  14. Serrin

    Am I Ready Yet?????

    OK, so I put a fan into my still air LG last weekend, thus making it a circulated unit. I've been holding steady temps and humidity for a little over a week now. Humidity is the only thing that has given me even the slightest amount of fits since installing the fan and that's only because I...
  15. Serrin

    Attention DIY Bator Builders and Designers....I need your input!

    OK, I've had it! I have just utterly and completely HAD IT with this silly LG still air incubator in trying to get the temperature regulated. Just had it up to my eyeballs and beyond! So, what's the solution to the LG frustration. Why, build my own cabinet type bator myself, of course! I've...
  16. Serrin

    Cute Video and song

    I found this on YouTube tonight while looking for something else entirely....but, I thought y'all might enjoy it as much as I did. Now, if we could get this guy to change the lyrics just a wee little bit, I think this could become the new BYC anthem...
  17. Serrin

    Breakfast with the Oatmeal Buddies (pic heavy)

    Some mornings are so cold around these parts, that nothing, absolutely nothing, beats a nice warm breakfast of oatmeal with some whole kernel corn and broccoli tossed in for good measure! And there’s no better company to share it with than your Oatmeal Buddies! Here’s a few pics of my girls...
  18. Serrin

    Who is on your Spring "wish list" for new chicks?

    Reading through several threads, I find that I am not the only one considering various breeds to replenish my flock come spring. I know for sure I want some chicks from PipsnPeeps, and she has promised to set a number of eggs for me. And Katy has some of the most beautiful BRL Wyandottes I've...
  19. Serrin

    Light green runny poo and lethargic...what's wrong?

    For the last three days or so, I've noticed Clarissa, our 2 1/2 year old Golden Sexlink acting very lethargic and has by and large separated herself from the flock. The first two days she spent in a corner of the scratch yard, hunkered down and puffed up. It wasn't cold out, though it was a...
  20. Serrin

    What would I get if.....

    I crossed an Araucana roo with any of the following: Barred Rocks Buff Orpingtons Golden Sexlinks Light Brahma's What I'd like to know is, if I cross an Araucana roo with any of these breeds, would the eggs the resulting hens lay be brown or of the easter egg variety? There's a very handsome...
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