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  • Users: cgmccary
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  1. cgmccary

    75 million year old dinosaur had a rooster comb

    Interesting animal from the past. The comb was 13 inches long and 8 inches tall at its highest point, in the Cretaceous Period, here:
  2. cgmccary

    My Guardian Livestock Cat

    My cat, "Martha"
  3. cgmccary

    Game Hen defends her chicks

    I was in my coop cleaning cages. I heard a hen screech loudly in the pasture. I looked up and saw my game hen who has month old chicks meet a large Cooper's Hawk (an adult female) head on. I was sure it had a chick in its talons. She beat the hawk off and even flew up in the air after it when...
  4. cgmccary

    Nature finds a way - my Toulouse

    I did not want to add to my population of six Toulouse Geese this year so all Spring, I removed their eggs & broke them off their nests when they went broody. I had to be out-of -town for a few weeks in May-June. I removed all the eggs from a last nest and the goose was broody. She laid two eggs...
  5. cgmccary

    Biodiversity vs. Classic Animal breeding

    Originally Posted by 3riverschick Hi, Wow, what a thread! I think there are 4 things going on here in his thread. 1st and 2nd are different schools of thought needed to breed mammals and poultry. Tho both fields are husbandry, the rules for each are only generally similar. The...
  6. cgmccary

    Decided to get rid of my Guineas

    I have had Guineas about a year and a half. I now have a flock of 31. I love watching them, their eating up the bugs, etc. except I cannot let any of my Buckeye cockerels/ roosters out with their hens because the Guineas gang up on the roosters. They chase the hens sometimes but aren't overly...
  7. cgmccary

    My Guineas went to the Sheriff

    The Sheriff of my county lives on my road (next home up on opposite side of the road), not even a quarter of a mile. I heard my Guineas in the distant the other day. For the first time they had went the direction of the Sheriff's house and were in his yard raising a ruckus -- I mean they were...
  8. cgmccary

    My new Jenny

    My intact Jack was aggressive at times with my Bull so when an opportunity arose for me to trade for a good Jenny (who had been raised with cows), I traded. This Jenny does not like any canines (so my dogs have to be wary) -- I'll not worry about the coyotes as much. She's the color of my Dexter...
  9. cgmccary

    Lost a Goose last night

    I rarely lose something to a predator because I have two dogs out and they do a great job. I also have a Donkey (intact Jack). I lost my white Guinea last month, but she always ventured in the woods (off the property where the dogs can't go) & stood out like a sore thumb. I have lost another...
  10. cgmccary

    My Geese and their goslings

    I thought I'd share some pictures of my Toulouse Geese and their goslings. One of them hatched 7 eggs and all 4 of the adult geese raised and protected them. They took care of them solely on their own. All made it. I sold 3 of them and kept 4 so I now have 8 Toulouse.
  11. cgmccary

    My Donkey

    Here is my donkey, Lucas. We took Lucas in when one of the April 27 tornadoes, an F4 in his case, hit his pasture and barn. It took out all the trees (hundreds) & his fence in his pasture. His previous owners believed he had gone to donkey heaven. Several days later, he showed up. Lucas didn't...
  12. cgmccary

    My Guineas and bouts with predators & road

    I have have had two Guineas run over in the road. Last Saturday, I found the remnants of my only solid white Guinea in the forest across the road (her wings and legs & some bones). She was a little over a year old. My dog is confined to my property so when they are over in the forest across the...
  13. cgmccary

    Guinea hen showed up with keets

    I had a Guinea hen show up with 10 keets this morning (a couple of lavenders, some pearls, a bonaparte, and other pieds -- nice group). She had nested out in my pumpkin patch but I was unsure when when she went to setting, so didn't know when to expect them. Based on what I had read on here...
  14. cgmccary

    Crippled Guinea Keet

    I am increasing my Guinea flock by 16. I have 14 adults. I have a keet that is about 5 weeks old in a group of 6. It was a late hatcher and had bad splayed legs from the beginning. I did the band-aid but it has not gotten much better. One of its legs goes to the side. It is not roosting on the...
  15. cgmccary


    I caught sight of these when I was vacationing in Kauai - Nene (Hawaiian Geese) and the State's bird (thought I'd share):
  16. cgmccary

    Another Guinea nest

    I found another Guinea nest deep in the woods the other day. Today, the hen went broody so I waited until dark to go and get her. It was very dark and i did not want to scare her; I had marked my paces so I would be able to tell where I was in the woods without using the flashlight. Imagine my...
  17. cgmccary

    Guinea on her nest tonight

    I have a Guinea on her nest. The nest is pretty much on the boundary or just off my property. It is situated in bushes underneath a Dogwood tree. The tree is next to a dirt road in an open field. It is well hidden and you can't see her without walking right up on her and looking down. I had...
  18. cgmccary

    feathers look different??? question

    This is hard to describe. One of my Toulouse geese -- her feathers suddenly appear darker, almost oily & not the same appearance / sheen as my other three or the way they looked before. If she were a chicken, I'd guess she needed to molt. I don't know geese enough to know if something is wrong...
  19. cgmccary

    One dozen Buckeye Hatching Eggs

    1 DOZEN BUCKEYE HATCHING EGGS -- LIMITED OFFER Many of you have requested my eggs, and I cannot fill all the demand. I thought it only fair to auction some eggs and give everyone an equal opportunity. These eggs are from my cockerel that was the American Class Champion at the N.E. Georgia...
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