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  1. countryladyNH


    PLEASE HELP! I hope you get this message and can help! We were getting groceries yesterday AM and when we came home, our 6 1/2 month (full grown) Pilgrim goose Gabby's beak was bleeding, some blood spatter in the run (from her shaking head), and we quickly saw that somehow she had a clean cut...
  2. countryladyNH

    HELP! Goose swallowed small diamond.

    My goose is 4 months old so pretty much adult size. Just now she grabbed the little diamond out of my engagement ring and swallowed it. I saw it happen but it was too fast. This was the diamond, not the ring. Nothing sharp, etc. Diamond was perhaps 1/2 ct. or less---small. We have just isolated...
  3. countryladyNH

    Missed the Calendar photo deadline so.....Sharing summer photos of our pet goose!

    'GABBY'S DAY AT THE BEACH'~LABOR DAY! We took our pet goose Gabby to a beach on a lake near our home. It was just beautiful and we had a great time! All the boats were going in and out very close to shore, and they honked and took photos of Gabby. Some even pulled up and kids got out and we let...
  4. countryladyNH


    We have a White Crested duckling that is one month old. She is in a brooder in the house with 2 other ducklings. All have been in perfect health and behaving normally. Just this morning we could see that the crested duck is sick. She is very lethargic and not eating or drinking at this point...
  5. countryladyNH

    Our beloved Pilgrim goose passed away

    Hello, We are in New Hampshire. We had a 4 year old female Pilgrim that we loved dearly and raised from a day-old, and who was also our guard goose. She died unexpectedly yesterday (May 27). We are completely heartbroken. Her name was Mayflower. She watched over our few ducks and the chickens...
  6. countryladyNH

    Hard black scab on duck's LEG

    One of our ducks had a large, hard, round black scab on her leg for a month or so. We just removed it today. It was deep but there is no pus, etc. Small amount of blood ooze but nothing significant. We cleaned it, sprayed it with Vetricyn, and dabbed it with Green Goo, put gauze and then wrapped...
  7. countryladyNH

    Easter Egger question...

    We have 2 Easter Egger hens that will be one year old in April. They both just started laying eggs for the first time in late January. They laid their blue eggs for a few weeks and then both just stopped. Our other hens are laying well, with spring almost here. WHY would newly laying hens just...
  8. countryladyNH

    Chicken coop upgrade in a day using all leftover materials we had.

    Hi, I just want to share a few photos. We've had our chicken coop for 5 years, and had customized it with several touches inside and out in that time. We had 2 nest boxes inside. and they took up a lot of floor space in a relatively small coop. This past weekend we decided to remove them...
  9. countryladyNH

    My funny goose

    I just wanted to share a cute story with you. We have a Pilgrim goose named Mayflower. She is extremely laid back and sweet. She has always loved music. She is now 1 1/2 years old. We bring her into the den wrapped in a towel and put the 'easy listening' TV station on and she adores it! I rub...
  10. countryladyNH

    Really weird duck egg. Can someone tell me what the heck this is???

    Can someone tell me what the heck this is?? This was laid by one of my ducks. I found it just like this in their coop this morning. The membrane (or whatever) came off easily and the eggshell is hard and looks completely normal. Never saw anything like this before! We have no male ducks, only...
  11. countryladyNH

    Please help. Goose bullying ducks.

    We have a Pilgrim goose and 2 Buff ducks. All are females. They were bought and shipped together as day old chicks almost a year ago. They have been raised together and have always gotten along. (We have chickens, but they have their own coop and run.) The ducks and goose share their own coop...
  12. countryladyNH

    A chicken's Night Before Christmas

    By Mary Spencer, with apologies to Clement Moore! 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the coop, not a hen was stirring among straw, sand, and poop. Little stockings were hung by the window with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Prissy, Maisie, Bella, Hannah...
  13. countryladyNH

    Our coop update

    MAY, 2017~We have re-painted and updated our coop and run... We built the window box with leftover scraps of cedar boards we had. We're siding our house in natural cedar shingles and painting the window trim the new dark black/brown color, so I just finished painting the coop/run exterior...
  14. countryladyNH


    **(I hope it's moulting and not the hen being picked on around the neck by other hens. Was not sure because the feathers appear broken off leaving sharp stubs.)
  15. countryladyNH

    An "Awwwww" photo op~

    Months ago my friend Marcia, a most talented maker of baskets crafted this broody hen carrying basket for me and we have it hanging on a beam in our 240 year old house. Today my husband put one of our buffs, Hannah in it and they both looked so darn cute, I grabbed the camera and took this...
  16. countryladyNH


    ...JUST LIKE THE WHOLE THING, WE'VE DONE IT ALL 'ON THE CHEAP' OURSELVES. I THINK OUR 4 BUFF GIRLS, PRISSY, BELLA, HANNAH, AND MAISIE LOVE IT! COME ON IN AND TOUR THE COOP... We painted the inside a sunny, scrubable yellow... We leaded the sliding windows ourselves, and Adam...
  17. countryladyNH


    So the good news is that now all four of our buff orpington girls are laying! The first 3 had no problem using the nest boxes, and going to them even if they were out free ranging. We got our first eggs on Aug. 18, from Prissy and Maisie, and then Bella laid her first on Sept 5th. Hannah was our...
  18. countryladyNH

    Time traveling couple and our 'historical' coop with budget DIY tweaks and perks~ "FORT ORPINGTON"!

    Hi! We live in NEW HAMPSHIRE~ We are historical reenactors living in a little 240 yr. old house that has been a DIY labor of love to restore for over 17 years. We JUST got chickens for the first time---4 English buff orpingtons, and put up a coop. Always on a tight budget, we do pretty much...
  19. countryladyNH


    THURS. AUGUST 18~ OUR FIRST EGG(S)!!! TWO AT THE SAME TIME!!! Well, almost right after I wrote the post below hubby called me outside to see one of our hens in the nest box!! There was a lot of squawking going on by all 4...
  20. countryladyNH


    OUR FIRST EGG(S)!!! TWO TODAY, AT THE SAME TIME!!! Well, almost right after I wrote this post this AM, hubby called me outside to see one of our hens in the nest box!! There was a lot of squawking going on by all 4 hens...
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