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  • Users: Wolfie2
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  1. Wolfie2

    New to guineas

    Had a freind give us 3 guineas. Never dealt with them. She would have to destroy them If I could not take them, due to her neighbors. I've read a bit on this forum about them and have seen very little to suggest that I need some. What do I need to know about keepin 'em? I know they are noisy...
  2. Wolfie2

    Egg sexing.

    Mrs. Lobo swears that an egg that is pointed on the small end will hatch a hen and rounded will be rooster. Wives tale? Truth? Any opinions about this?
  3. Wolfie2

    Wasted feed

    My flock is mostly young Barred Rock hens which have just started laying. My problem is that they waste a very large amount of food. As an example, Yesterday I filled their empty feeder. This morning it was half empty with several lbs of feed on the ground. This did not happen with my older...
  4. Wolfie2

    greenhouse performance?

    We just built a relatively small greenhouse, 10x12. We are on the gulf coast so we very seldom have freezing weather much less what we had last night, 18 deg. That temp used to be considered a once or twice occurrence in a generation. But we have had those temps once each year for 3 yrs. in a...
  5. Wolfie2

    A little work in the garden.

    Haven.t done much lately but the past few days, Got some brussel sprout, and lettuce plants in the ground, Sweet peas, spinach, radish and carrot seed in the ground and watered in. Weather supposed to be mild for the next few days so maybe they will sprout quickly and get a good head start...
  6. Wolfie2


    I was down to 3 older but still layin when they felt like it, hens. Back in early June I ordered 10 Barred rock chicks from Mcmurry Hatchery. Just me & Mrs. Lobo left @ the house and the older girls were nowhere close to keepin up with our small egg consumption. Finally, got a small green egg...
  7. Wolfie2

    just yakkin, no questions

    Let the little ones outta the hoopcoop where I've been keepin 'em. They had outgrown their "brooder" cage. Didn't wanna just throw them in with the Ladies so they have been locked in for the past couple weeks. they are about 2 months old now. I opened the door after the ladies went into the...
  8. Wolfie2

    Hey to all the Dry Landers out there!

    S E Tx. here and it's dry! As is a lot of the country judging by what I've been seein on the weather reports. How's the rest of ya holdin on? Hopin you're keepin your head above water(pun intended). And prayers to the folks in Kentucky! They seem to be gettin more than their fair share.
  9. Wolfie2


    Don't remember which forum I put it in but I have made a few posts recently about my roosters tearing up the backs of almost all my hens. I had 2roosters, One was an older roo and he started the trend. Then when the young'un came of age he added his 2 cents in. I wrote about wanting to get rid...
  10. Wolfie2

    Month old barred rock chicks

    Have 10 of 'em. They are now in a 6X8' Hoop coop. Had to go to a 3 gallon waterer and they are going through about 2 lbs if mixed chick starter & flock raiser per day. Gettin a lot of feathers. The 5 hens that are in the same run will circle the hoop coop and peck @ 'em if they get too close to...
  11. Wolfie2

    Movin young'uns

    10 barred rock chicks, About a month old (don't remember the exact date I picked 'em up @ the post office) . Lots'a feathers. Try to escape every time I open the brooder door. Been movin them to an outdoor cage every day to get them used to the outdoors. They seem to like it. I have a hoop coop...
  12. Wolfie2

    Sick Chick?

    Just got an order of chicks from Tractor supply a little over a week ago. About 4 days after receipt I noticed one whose head kinda hung to one side a little but @ times it woukd be normal looking and other than that it seemed normal, was active, eating and drinking in a normal manner. Past few...
  13. Wolfie2

    crooked neck chick

    Got a shipment of chicks from Tractor Supply a couple days ago. Yesterday I thought I saw a chick whose neck/face was not looking right. She was able to eat, drink and get along with the other chicks so I did not think much about it. This morning I was cleaning/ feeding and noticed this chick...
  14. Wolfie2

    New chicks

    Have had a flock for about 5 years now. 10 hens and 2 Roos. Flock has dwindled down to only 5 hens now so I got 10 hen chicks in the mail yesterday. All barred rocks. I have a 16x32 run with 2 coops inside. One coop is relatively small and is where the present flock reside. The other is about 3X...
  15. Wolfie2

    Gettin rid of my roosters.

    They're wearin out my hens terribly. No manners at all. One is (I think) a maran. Light black with feathered feet. Not sure how old but not very old, spurs a little over 1". We got him from a friend along with a hen of the same stock. The other is his son, crossed with RIR, a little less than a...
  16. Wolfie2

    Greens beds.

    I have 2 What I call greens beds in my run (Wooden frame, planted, with hardware cloth over the top). One I put in this past fall because the first was grazed heavily. They are planted with a fall deer plot mix. Clover, rye, oats and winter peas. The winter peas do not withstand the grazing and...
  17. Wolfie2

    Managong roosters

    I've posted before on my hens being featherless on their backs. Hasn't gotten any better. My rooster is by far the largest bird in the flock and don't take NO for an answer when he wants to breed and that is quite often. I feel sorry for the girls. I have 2 roosters coming up from chicks that...
  18. Wolfie2

    Lost a hen

    Yesterday. Found her stiff, dead, on a nest sittin on 4 eggs. Did not find any injuries, no one has been sick and she was only 1.5 yrs old. Only thing I could think of: Barred Rock. I have 3 of them. Had 1 that I tried to discourage from setting for about 2 months then out of desperation i went...
  19. Wolfie2

    Shell issue?

    I give my girls free choice oyster shell and they get almost all of the empty egg shells that we use. The OS dispenser is 2" pvc and full, it it lasts a long time, 6 months or so. This is for 12 hens. A lot of the eggs have good, hard shells but maybe 20 % have thin shells that break easily...
  20. Wolfie2

    Is this a good place for preserving veggies?

    I hope so cause I need help with pickles. I always grow cukes. I love cukes. I always have more cukes than we can eat. I love dill pickles above any other pickles so that is all I make. I have been making dill pickles for years, using recipes from everywhere. Dill pickles are supposed to be...
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