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  1. JennyPatty84

    Saddle Sac! How should I lay the egg to increase likelihood of surviving hatch?

    Help!! I shipped Croad Langshan eggs 2700km and they were all scrambled from shipping except for one. This little guy, that I’ve named Bruce Lee (in hopes it’s good karma for him to “ninja” his way out of the shell) is on day 16. He’s pretty feisty when I candle him, but he does have a saddle...
  2. JennyPatty84

    First Hatch With Hen! Need Some Advice

    I just had my first hatch via a broody hen and I am super excited about it! I have hatched many chicks with an incubator, but this is the first time one of my hens has gone broody. I have a couple questions I am hoping you can help with! 1. Right now there is one chick out and we aren’t...
  3. JennyPatty84

    Bloating in Chicks??! HELP!

    Hi Everyone! I am in desperate need of advice! I hatched 5 Coppers Marans chicks one week ago and everyone (but one) has been happy, healthy, acting like normal chicks and growing. The one that isn't just won't eat yet, so I have been force feeding her - otherwise she's happy and active...
  4. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    I need some advice! I have a 95% hatch rate on everything I put into the incubator except Copper Marans. All my Marans will seem to do great up until they are supposed to hatch, and they all die. It’s so sad to see the eggs hopping around and hear them chirping and then eveything goes silent and...
  5. JennyPatty84

    Dark Brahma’s - How long does it take to lay?

    Hi Everyone!!! I have 3 beautiful dark brahmas pullets and a roo that hatched the first weekend in April 2017. None of the ladies have started to lay yet and I was wondering if this was normal for them? I do live on the east coast of Canada, so do deal with winter but my barnyard mixed...
  6. JennyPatty84

    Mites??? Lice??? Help!!!

    I brought one of my roosters into the basement for a few days because he wasn’t feeling well, and while holding him I noticed some creepy crawlies on him. Ugh! I’ve had my chickens for a year and this is the first time I’ve seen any parasites so this is new to me. I don’t know if they are...
  7. JennyPatty84

    3 Month Old Black Copper Marans - Help with Sex!

    I have 3 x 3 month old Black Copper Marans and I am hoping you can help me sex them - I am terrible at this. I usually find out when they crow! I am also new to owning Marans so I have absolutely no idea! I did noticed the two of them have black ears and one has red/brown ears so I don't know if...
  8. JennyPatty84

    Blue Ameracauna - Please help with gender!!

    I have a 12.5 week old Blue Ameracauna, and I have a sneaky suspicion that it's a male. I am hoping you'll say otherwise! Only two eggs hatched in this lot and one of the babies was stoken by a fox, so this is the only one I have left and I was really hoping for a hen!
  9. JennyPatty84

    Oh no!!! First sick hen - worried!

    I think I many have my first sick hen and I am terribly worried about her! She is an 8 month old heritage breed cross. I let them all out this morning and she seemed fine then. When I went to put them back in she was in her nesting box with her eyes closed and her bum up, which I thought was...
  10. JennyPatty84

    Truth or Fiction? - Determining Sex of Chicks from Tail Feathers

    I read somewhere about there being a debate on tail feathers determining the sex of a chick and I'm just wondering your thoughts? I have some 1 week old Brahma babies and one half have very distinctive little tail feathers were as the other half don't have any at all. Coincidence or is there...
  11. JennyPatty84

    2 Day Old Dark Brahma Chicks

    Are these babies not absolutely adorable!!? And they are already so inquisitive and friendly!!
  12. JennyPatty84

    Chronic Watery Diarrhea in 8 month old Hen

    I have an 8 month old Hen that has had awful watery diarrhea since Jan 2017. She also has never laid a "normal" egg. They are always either completely thinned shelled and broken or partly thinned shelled and partly hard shelled and usually still broken. And many times she will lay it while...
  13. JennyPatty84

    Day 19 - Looks like only 2 of 14 eggs are wiggling. Is this okay??

    Hi Everyone!! =) I am on day 19 of incubating 14 dark brahma eggs. I candled the eggs at day 7 and there was only one not fertile, so I threw that one out. Lockdown commenced yesterday, so my observations are coming from trying to peek in through the windows, but it appears as though only...
  14. JennyPatty84

    Blue Ameracauna Chicks

    I had to post these, my first ever chicks that I hatched! Their fuzzy little bodies kill me! They are SO CUTE!!
  15. JennyPatty84

    What would cause a chick to die a few days before hatching?

    I need some advice so this doesn't happen again if it's something I am doing wrong! I had 4 Ameracauna eggs in the incubator. 2 hatched a day early and are happy and healthy and the other two passed away very close to hatching. When I opened them, one was near full term, having absorobed most of...
  16. JennyPatty84

    Help! Day 8 in Incubator and Think Something Could be Wrong!

    Help! I have looked online but can't find any info on this! My eggs are at Day 8 in the incubator and when I candled them there is one questionable egg. The clear area is running vertically rather than it just being clear where the air sac is like. Is this a bad sign?
  17. JennyPatty84

    PVC Pipe Feeder - Knocking food EVERYWHERE

    My husband just installed two PVC Pipe feeders for the hens. They have saved so much space in the coop not having the large metal feeding taking up so ground surface area. The only problem is that the hens are throwing all the food onto the floor. We didn't have this problem with the metal...
  18. JennyPatty84

    Recommendations for First-Aid Kit!

    I'd like to put toether a "first-aid" kit for the hens with products that you recommend! There are so many different types of dewormers, antibiotics, at home remedies...etc, and it's hard to know what to use/works well. Please tell me your favourite products and I will get the tried and true...
  19. JennyPatty84

    Hen just started laying 3 days ago now has very watery diarrhea - Is this normal?

    Hi Everyone! I have a hen that just started laying three days ago and now she is having almost pure water consistency diarrhea. Is this normal? This is my first flock of chickens and first hen ever to lay an egg so I don't have anything to compare to! Should I be concerned about this...
  20. JennyPatty84

    Mixed-breed, all white pullet with pea comb, what colour will eggs be?,

    Hi Everyone!! I have a mixed breed pullet with a pea comb and I am wondering if anyone has a guess as to what colour her eggs might turn out to be? The lady I got her from said the chicks could be a mix of, Rhode island red, barred rock, Americauna, speckled Sussex and something else. She is an...
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