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  1. LizStreithorst

    They just arrived!

    I'm a first timer at hatching my own so I'm pumped. One arrived with a crack but the lady sent 4 extras! I have them in cardboard egg cartons for a few days before I put them in the incubator my borrowed incubator. my Bielefelder eggs will arrive tomorrow. I'm going to have a ton of chicks...
  2. LizStreithorst

    Need assurance

    I might be silly but I've never hatched eggs before and I want not to fail. My neighbor loaned me an incubator. It's a still air Little Giant with an egg turner. I have the thermostat set at 101. with the probe taped the top of the unit. Is that where I should have it taped? I will test it...
  3. LizStreithorst

    Is this unusual?

    The broiler I rescued and rehabilitated after it fell off the truck has now laid 4 eggs in 4 days. Is this production from a broiler the normal thing?
  4. LizStreithorst

    need help with rescue hen

    I was driving to town about 6 weeks ago when I saw a hen in the middle of the highway. She must have been on her way to the processing plant when she managed to escape. Cars slowed down for her but I pulled over, shooed her off the high way and with the help of an old man walking down the...
  5. LizStreithorst

    What would you do

    If I'm posting this in the wrong place please move it. I've ordered from Murray McMurray twice Both times I ordered Light Brahmas. Both times the fish arrived healthy and vibrant. The first time they grew into hens that mirrored the breed standard. This time they grew into hens with black...
  6. LizStreithorst

    Might this work?

    First a bit of backstory...I had 10 Light Brahma hens and a Light Brahma rooster that I raised from day old chicks from Murray McMurray. When I found that my dogs ignored them I allowed them to be free range. They roost in the chicken house and go in to eat and lay but the rest of the time...
  7. LizStreithorst

    Eggs hatching under broody hen.

    This is my first time and I have young chickens. Mama hen started laying at 4 months. She was the first. She got broody at 6 months. I'd been collecting her eggs to keep or give away until I saw that she would not get off the next and realized that she was in the family way. One baby...
  8. LizStreithorst

    Made a mistake

    I went to the feed store and asked for 50 lbs of laying pellets instead of 50 lbs of chick starter. My mind was on other things...I didn't notice my mistake until I got home and opened the bag. My chicks are only 2 1/2 months old, but they range free during the day so they have access to bugs...
  9. LizStreithorst

    Hi I'm Liz

    I'm 66 years old. I live on a few acres in Rainey Community Mississippi. It's not exactly like living in nowhere, but it's close. I have 8 dogs, a cat, and two horses. I am a dog groomer. I have my own shop in the closest small town from where I live. I breed topical fish for fun even...
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