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  1. D

    Is this kind of wire fox proof?

    It is like 2x4" (5x10cm), insure of gauge but much thicker than chicken wire. Full story: We have lost so many chickens to foxes in the last year. She/they come/s to feed her pups every few weeks and five or six times now she has succeeded in getting two or more chickens. 2 days ago she took...
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    Automatically filling a gravity waterer

    We have to go away for about nine days last minute. We’re leaving on Monday. We have nine chickens. I have two 15 L buckets with horizontal nipple waterers in the chicken run/coop. I also have a 20 L gravity fed waterer like the picture below. We have a rain barrel that captures rainwater right...
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    Hen Suddenly Died

    I am so sad and bewildered. I had four hens left after foxes took eight of our flock one night several weeks ago. I went out to close the pop door tonight and could hear a hen making a slight ruckus of clucking and wind-flapping, sounds I hear often as they are getting up into the roosts. When...
  4. D

    Did I purchase sick hens?

    When it rains, it pours. Sorry I am seemingly incapable of a short post. Thanks for reading. As I have mentioned before, we lost 8 girls a few weeks ago and we were looking to replace them. We bought six 1 year old hens and when we got them home, I noticed one hen was making a growling/gurgling...
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    Can foxes lift a pop door?

    The title says it all. I was just wondering, because after googling a lot I can’t seem to find a good answer. We have a lot of breeding foxes around the area now, and one already took eight of our chickens. Can they lift and squeeze under a pop door? Does it need to lock? Only four of my girls...
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    Sweet PDZ in Europe?

    I have been reading all the rave reviews about Sweet PDZ but I live in Sweden and cannot find anything like it here. I checked their website but they say nothing about selling outside of the U.S. I see that it is made from something called zeolite but googling, I still found nothing similar...
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    Desperately need coop advice

    (see attached sketch - hopefully it is sufficient. Unfortunately I can't get any good pictures to show the whole layout) We have a large workshop with a smaller (about 90ft2) separate area that has been anything from a chicken coop to a storage shed to a jail cell (yep!). It has a fireplace, a...
  8. D

    Cleaning Red Mites from Coop

    We have a complicated coop (at least I feel like it is). It is a building from the late 1800's that used to be a house with a chicken coop built within it. It is hard to explain but there is a brick and concrete chimney from an old fireplace IN the coop. It has a cement floor, wood walls, the...
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    Lone Chick

    I have been juggling four broody hens and their egg clutches and in the process of trying to control it all I missed an egg. What I mean is, one batch of eggs hatched 7 days ago, another is due in about 13 days, but one single egg hatched last night. One hen stopped being broody when all of her...
  10. D

    Urgent advice needed PLEASE

    I had an incubation go wrong and out of 15 eggs, only one hatched. This chick hatched five days late and seems slow (only hatched about 36 hours ago) and is very wobbly and sometimes falls onto her back and just lays there and scares me half to death. I have a broody hen who has been sitting on...
  11. D

    Stopped laying eggs?

    We have 15 hens who were laying eggs like crazy since March. One went broody a Month ago, then three more went Broody about two weeks ago. The rest seem normal but have suddenly stopped laying for the most part. I am lucky to get 3 eggs a day. Is this a normal down wave after them having laid so...
  12. D

    24 days incubated, not hatching

    Hi there, it's that time of year again, I suppose. I had 13 eggs in an incubator and on day 18 when I was preparing for lockdown, I realized that only two were still alive. The others looked to have stopped developing somewhere around day 10. I think the incubator got too cold one night (I had...
  13. D

    Broody let eggs get cold

    So I had a broody hen that has been sitting on 10 eggs for about 17 days now. I went out to check on things and realized she moved to a new nest box and was sitting on a couple of freshly laid eggs. I have no idea how long, but her eggs are cold to the touch. Are they dead now? I moved her back...
  14. D

    To help or not to help?

    Hello, I have read the amazing guides about assisted hatching, and also many threads about it, and I am rather clear on the theory, but having a hard time putting it into practice. I have two broody hens that are together in a pen in the coop who were sharing a clutch of eggs. Six hatched over...
  15. D

    Help!! Rooster with Fox injuries, now infection?

    I posted last week about our rooster, Lola, who was attacked by a fox. He was lethargic when I found him and not eating or drinking properly (only about 1tsp at a time if I really cajoled and made a fuss to snap him out of his stupor). So we started tube feeding him, which - when successful -...
  16. D

    Emergency - Severely Injured Rooster, Suspected Fox Attack

    Hello, I hope someone might be able to help. I have been googling and post-reading nonstop but hoped that I might get a little confirmation/extra info that might help us. We believe a fox attacked our flock yesterday, two of our girls are missing, lots of feather piles around, and another was...
  17. D

    Lethargic chick 5 days old

    Sorry for such a long post! I just don't know how many details you all need. We have had chickens for only two years and made our first attempt several weeks ago at incubating some Welsummer eggs. I bought a 15-egg incubator and they seemed to do well, 7 of 9 grew, two failed around day 14...
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    Rooster sleeping just outside coop every night??

    So we have a young (26 wks) cockerel that only a few times has chosen to go in at night. We have an enclosed run outside the coop and he always roosts just outside the entrance to the coop. There is plenty of room for him inside. Is this normal? Now that it is getting so cold out, I have been...
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    Please tell me this is not a rooster!

    Hello, First time posting here but have read and learned a lot in the past several months from you all. I am a new chicken owner. We purchased some Welsummer 3 week old chicks in the spring and they all seemed to fit the profile for being hens. Typical story here, we live in a village that...
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