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  • Users: Tiranni
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  1. Tiranni

    Poults covered in poo

    I'm new to turkeys, and have two sweet cuddly little 5 week old poults. One royal palm and one black spanish. They have a big clean brooder with pine shavings that I clean out every other day- but for some reason they always have poop all over their feet and feathers. Are turkeys just naturally...
  2. Tiranni

    Hen or roo, this one has me stumped.

    I have 4 chicks we hatched this year, and one has me completely stumped. We've been able to sex 3 of the 4 with the obvious telltale rooster/hen signs... But this one is tall and lanky like a roo, with pretty thick legs, developed a red comb and wattles really early... But is not sprouting...
  3. Tiranni

    Broken leg at the joint

    Hello. We are relatively new to guineas and adore them. I have a 3 month old female that appears to have broken her leg at the joint. She won't put weight on it, and it is really loose at the joint area, unlike her good leg. We're not sure how it happened, as she hobbled back from free ranging...
  4. Tiranni

    Apparent guineas like lasers... Who knew?

    My husband was playing with a laser pen outside, then our guineas caught eye of it. It was hours of entertainment. They are seriously relentless, and determined to get that "bright-green-drunk-bug-looking-thing". What a great way to exercise the guineas. 🤣
  5. Tiranni

    Breed mystery

    A local farmer gave me three chicks that needed a home. They are 6 weeks old now. I'm just assuming barnyard mixes, but any thoughts on breeds? I also have a sneaking suspicion that all three are cockerals... Chick #1 Chick #2 Chick #3 (refused to have a picture by themself- its the white...
  6. Tiranni

    Newly hatched chick care

    We have a bad broody that has eaten a couple of her chicks. I was able to save 1, but is newly hatched... So new that it is still wet. We don't have an incubator yet. I have raised 1 day Olds before, but have no clue what to do with this little wet baby. It's currently in a towel, on a heating...
  7. Tiranni


    Our MMM, Large Marge, got vent fleet. We followed all the instructions from the stickied post on how to treat it. When we bathed her, we noticed her vent and the under her vent she looks all swollen. Is this part of gleet? Should we be treating her for something else as well? And here is her...
  8. Tiranni

    Feeding chicks with the rest of the flock

    We have a few chicks due to be hatched in a few days that are under a broody hen. We plan on letting her raise the chicks with the rest of the flock. We raise laying hens and have a couple roosters. I have chick feed, but what do people normally do to make sure the chicks are getting that and...
  9. Tiranni

    EE cockerel's bird feathers gone- he has bald neck

    My handsome EE cockerel has lost his beard seemingly overnight. He's 7 months old, very active, and is acting normal. Is it possibly mites, or molting? Or is he maybe getting picked on? We do have an older EE/leghorn mix rooster, but they get along well and make a good team protecting their...
  10. Tiranni

    Egg with membrane outside

    I have a few new layers and one of them for the past few days has been laying a regular size egg (with a hard shell) with what appears to be a membrane on the outside of the shell. I think it's one of my MMM that is laying it. I couldn't find anything in these forums or on Google that matched...
  11. Tiranni

    Nest box idea- will this work?

    We did the milk crate idea with nesting material, and my hens lay everywhere but in the nesting boxes. We were thinking of adding an old shoe rack which the dimensions work. We have two of them, so we would stack them and screw them one on top of the other. I'm just worried, as it's veneer...
  12. Tiranni

    Pulling out nesting material

    I have some new layers that seem to enjoy laying on a hard surface. We have nice nesting boxes with cozy nesting material. The hens keep pulling out all the material and laying on the hard bottom. Luckily, we haven't had any broken eggs yet, but I figure it's just a matter of time. We are...
  13. Tiranni

    Rooster & cockerel welcoming committee

    We just added a rooster, Elvis, that needed a new home to our young flock. We already had a 5 month old cockerel, Chamberlain, that was in the flock. They appear to be best buds. The rooster seems to be teaching the younger one how to be an adult, as they do everything together- including...
  14. Tiranni

    Stupid neighbor's cat...

    My beautiful 3 month old barred rock rooster was eaten by our neighbors cat. I caught the darn feline in the act. He broke through the avian netting on the top of our run. Now it's time to hardware cloth our chicken run's top and figure out how to keep the cat away. :hit
  15. Tiranni

    Raising keets with gosling? Okay or no?

    Next spring we are planning on getting a pair of goslings, along with 5 guinea fowl. Can we have them in the same brooder area, or would you recommend keeping them separate? I've read they are okay with ducklings, with enough room, but with goslings- they are so much bigger.
  16. Tiranni

    MMM does anyone know their breeding?

    I ordered 4 MMM, and they are now 10 weeks old. They are probably my most chill, and the biggest of my whole flock. I absolutely love them. My question is, has anyone figured out what they are bred from? I ask because all they all look drastically different from each other. I also wonder if I...
  17. Tiranni

    EE pullet or cockerel

    I have a 7 week old EE that is starting to look like a cockerel to my untrained eyes. Any thoughts?
  18. Tiranni

    First night in the coop for my babies.. Scared mama here

    My chicks are finally feathered enough to be in the coop. We worked so hard on making it as safe as possible. I'm praying nothing gets in there, and they are safe and sound. I have a feeling I will not be sleeping much tonight. We got netting on the top of the run for when they are out. Their...
  19. Tiranni

    Sexing Wyandotte chicks

    Is there a way to sex wyandotte chicks easily, like barred rocks? Or are they usually a breed you wait for their saddle feathers and combs to fully come in? I have four 6 week old Wyandottes, and am feeling like one is a cockeral. He/she is a lot bigger than than the other 3, and very outgoing...
  20. Tiranni

    BR... Pretty sure roo, but maybe too early to tell

    I have 2 week old BR chicks, and they all look pretty similar except one.. I have a feeling it's a roo, but wanted to see what others think. Below pic: he/she is on the left Thoughts?
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