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  1. Welllaidacres

    Leghorn Rooster x various breeds

    I have a leghorn rooster. My hen flock is leghorns, isa browns, barred rocks, whiting true blues and whiting true greens, a few australorps, a few Rhode Island reds and some Easter egger. I know very little about egg genetics. I’ve tried researching this but either find something that’s in...
  2. Welllaidacres

    Permanent Pasture/Chicken Run Sizing (Want to keep it green)

    I am luckily enough to have access to a free bag of alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover, timothy grass, and orchard grass mix. A friend of mine does custom seed blending and this batch was an oops for a farmer (Grass seed wasn't supposed to be there, but hired man messed up blending). Bad day...
  3. Welllaidacres

    IL or IN processors

    I thought I had a butcher date scheduled for my batch of birds I’m currently growing. I scheduled it 4 weeks ago. Apparently, the gentleman I spoke with that day did not get it recorded and now the locker cannot get my birds in until 2 weeks after my original date. I just found this out today. I...
  4. Welllaidacres

    Large brooder ideas

    I have a need to brood around 200 Cornish cross at a time. I’m running a small business off of my poultry and have demand for that many. I have been using Ohio brooders and they’ve worked alright, but not perfect. I’ve debated building a stacked brooder system where’d I’d house the chicks for a...
  5. Welllaidacres

    Dekalb Whites or Dekalb Brown availability

    Years ago my grandfather worked for Dekalb in their hatchery division. He passed away 2 years ago. For no other reason than sentimentality I would like to find a hatchery that carries the Dekalb White or Brown hybrid layers. Does anyone know of a hatchery in the US that carries those "breeds"?
  6. Welllaidacres

    Odd egg. Frozen or something else?

    Due to the Christmas holiday we were gone today for about 12 hours. It was in the teens F today. Is this egg a frozen or is it another type of egg abnormality? When we got home we had two other eggs in the nest box and pullet egg from our quarantined newbies that was laid on the ground in a...
  7. Welllaidacres

    ISO IN/IL Pullets or young hens

    I live in east central Illinois and am looking for 6 started pullets or young laying hens to add to my egg flock. We have started a business from our poultry and the demand for eggs is much greater than we anticipated. If you have started pullets or young hens available please let me know. Thanks!
  8. Welllaidacres

    Homemade Battery Brooder

    I’m looking for ideas on building a homemade battery brooder. I would like for it to be able to house 200 Cornish cross chicks. I’d like to keep them there for 1-2 weeks. What size would I need to build or is there a golden rule for square footage on that? My thought would be to build a tiered...
  9. Welllaidacres

    Layer feed or all flock for nonlaying hens in winter

    My hens are starting to really slow down on egg production with the days getting shorter. This will be my first winter with hens. I have been feeding them a premixed layer feed from the local feed coop. Its Hubbard's Homestead brand. With them not laying in the winter, should I switch to an...
  10. Welllaidacres

    Broody Breaking Help

    I have an australorp hen who has gone broody. For 3 days I kicked her out of the nest box as often as I could. On the 4th day I put her in a 24x30 dog crate that I flipped upside down so she was on the narrower spaced section for the floor. She has food and water. It is resting on bricks in...
  11. Welllaidacres

    Transport Crates

    I have a batch of 125 cornish cross I'm raising currently. On 10/23 I am taking them to the processor. What does everyone use for Poultry crates? I have a a pallet that I built a tiered platform on that can hold about 20 birds per level. I was thinking about building a couple more to put on...
  12. Welllaidacres

    Profitable Cornish Cross Project

    I raised a batch of Cornish Cross chickens recently from Welp Hatchery and kept accurate records of inputs and outputs. I have raised our own birds before, but on this batch I raised extras and sold to family and close friends. This was a sort of trial run to see if I could expand this...
  13. Welllaidacres

    Square footage/Cornish cross

    Just curious what others are doing in regards to square footage per Cornish cross bird when raising them. I know the gold rule for hens is 4 square foot and that industry standard for broiler houses is .8 square foot/bird. The last batch I had averaged 3.5 square foot per bird. I raise my birds...
  14. Welllaidacres

    Cornish Cross Pen

    I’m still fairly new to all this and always looking for ways to be more efficient/provide better for my birds. Lifelong cattle and hog farmer. But I Have only ran two batches of Cornish crosses and one of turkeys. Attached are pictures of my meat bird pen. I currently have 42 Cornish cross...
  15. Welllaidacres

    Summer chicks

    Next week I have a batch of 40 Cornish cross birds coming in from Welp Hatchery. I have only ever raised one batch of meat birds before and that was this past winter. Do you folks have any recommendations for raising these birds in the summer? I have fans and plenty feeder and water space.
  16. Welllaidacres

    Turkey Pen Ventilation

    I posted this on the turkey forum and didnt get much of a response. Going to try here too and see if I can get more info. Thanks! I am going to be installing a 12” exhaust fan into my turkey pen. The north wall of the pen is solid all the way up. The other 3 walls of the pen are solid wood...
  17. Welllaidacres

    Turkey fan ventilation

    I am going to be installing a 12” exhaust fan into my turkey pen. One wall of the pen is solid all the way up. The other 3 are solid to 30” with chicken wire from there to the 7’ ceiling in my pen. I can tell my turkeys have been beat stressed lately based off of their panting and general look...
  18. Welllaidacres

    Gravity Fed Horizontal Nipple Bar and homemade grit feeder

    I built this water tower from a 15 gallon food safe drum I found on amazon. I threaded a spicket in the bottom and put a splitter on. One hose on the splitter runs to my hog nipple waterer. The other hose runs to a horizontal nipple bar I made from 1 1/2” pvc. I hung the pvc pipe at an angle on...
  19. Welllaidacres

    Breed ID

    Any idea what breed of chicken this is? I ordered 15 brown egg layers in a Murray McMurray assortment along with a dozen other puller chicks. I also received a free surprise chick. This is the only chick that is not feathered. He also seems smaller than the rest. The old hog farmer in me says...
  20. Welllaidacres

    Ramp in and out of Coop

    I have an 8x10 “coop” inside my barn. I have built a ramp to go outside through a window. I thought I’d if i showed a couple chicks how to get outside the rest would follow. Boy was I wrong. Is my ramp too steep? The ramp is less than 45 degrees. Is a ramp outside a bad idea? Will it just take...
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