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  1. PolishAllTheWay

    Looking for emu chicks!

    I am looking for emu chicks and I can’t find any. I thought about getting eggs but getting an entire incubator would be extra expenses. I am just looking to see if any people would know where I could find chicks or have some currently. Preferably I would want them to be in Mississippi, but any...
  2. PolishAllTheWay

    we might get some new chicks this spring!

    I’m so excited for some new polish chicks this spring, depending on the weather we might get some new ones! Hoping to get all different kinds of polish again like I did a few years back! If y’all think I should try something new post it, I’m always up for a challenge.
  3. PolishAllTheWay

    My pollet Chai isn’t doing well

    She seems lethargic and is tired and cold, I have been giving her food and water today because I just noticed it. She is my favorite pollet and I don’t want her to die, it has been getting cold out and she wanders far from her mom recently. She seems bony and possibly malnutritioned where as her...
  4. PolishAllTheWay

    My cat is attempting murder

    My cat is has tried to take my chickens lives several times now, she has succeeded in killing a young chick about 3 months old. She is being inside the house until otherwise, but I’m wondering if there is anything else I can do. The chicken she attempted to kill has half of her breast feathers...
  5. PolishAllTheWay

    Moving across country taking chickens with me 2500 miles...

    I’m moving across country, literally. I’m taking 7 hens with me, but I’m taking my moving stuff too. The hens are all important. I have a 4x4x1 cage I'm taking for them, but their gonna be in the wind, they need to be in an enclosed ventilated secure spot. I was thinking to put cardboard on the...
  6. PolishAllTheWay

    Chicks coming soon!

    I have some chicks on the way from a cute broody hen named “Crazy” she is in a small enclosed area, she has 13 eggs under her and I don’t want her to be crammed in the pen with her chicks, I have a bigger coop that I can put them in, but the coop has some holes that chicks can get through...
  7. PolishAllTheWay

    Chicks on the way!

    I have some chicks on the way from a cute broody hen named “Crazy” she is in a small enclosed area, she has 13 eggs under her and I don’t want her to be crammed in the pen with her chicks, I have a bigger coop that I can put them in, but the coop has some holes that chicks can get through...
  8. PolishAllTheWay

    I can’t keep my rooster in the yard

    My rooster will not stay in the yard he is supposed to be in, and unfortunately I will have to get rid of him if I can’t manage to keep him in the yard. I don’t know what to do since are fence is 8 feet tall and we already clipped his wings, I don’t wanna have to contain him for the rest of his...
  9. PolishAllTheWay

    My rooster won’t crow or breed

    My rooster Peepers isn’t breeding or crowing and his brother Inky is, I know he’s a male because he is old enough to tell his hairdo is exactly like rooster pics and he sounds like a male but I monitor him fairly often and he has never crowed, I don’t know why or what to do about it!
  10. PolishAllTheWay

    I wanna hatch chicks this spring but am hesitant

    Heyo, I have struggled in the past with hatching, but I really wanna try again this year. I have people who wanna buy polish chicks from me, but I’m not so sure I can. I could really use some tips on hatching successfully! :fl
  11. PolishAllTheWay

    Devastating Raccoon attack

    Last june a raccoon got into my coop and killed all of my best breeder hens, along with all my favorites. it was one of the worst days in my life. for about a week i went out and checked around the yard and finally I heard something fighting ina tree I quickly ran outside with my family and took...
  12. PolishAllTheWay

    I’m having problems hatching quail and chicken eggs

    My chicken eggs are fertile, but they aren’t hatching, I am trying to figure that out but could use some help!
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