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  • Users: Nicky S
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  1. Nicky S

    Rooster kicking leg out behind him every step

    My almost 3yo Buff Brahma roo started kicking his right back leg out behind him with every step today. I don’t think he was doing it when I let them out to free range, but I noticed it about 20 minutes later. We brought him in, gave him a warm salt water foot bath which he enjoyed, and then...
  2. Nicky S

    Safe-Guard alternative when molting

    My girls have roundworm, and my vet told me to give them fenbendazole. I bought the bottle and was just double-checking I had the correct dose when I saw the bit about not giving it to them when molting (they all are). I don’t want to delay de-worming as one of them has lost weight and had weird...
  3. Nicky S

    Hard crop in morning and weird poops

    My 18 month girl has been waking up with a hard crop - not large, but definitely has a grainy texture. She’s acting normally. Yesterday I brought her inside for the day - she was hungry so I fed her scrambled eggs. Massaged the crop when she was cooperative, Overnight the scrambled eggs emptied...
  4. Nicky S

    How deep to place hardware mesh under run

    I’m placing hardware mesh underneath the entire run (1/4 inch). How deep down should it be buried to make sure the gang has enough dirt to scratch in - I was thinking 6 inches, or is 4 enough? The run is a dirt/gravel floor with pine shavings on top - I currently have mesh sunk into the ground...
  5. Nicky S

    Poop with ‘egg white’ around - stress?

    So my sweetest girl Crumpet did a poop this morning that looked like it was surrounded with egg white (see pic). The flock spent the day and night in the garage because of wildfire smoke….could this be a stress response? I’ve seen one like it a while back in the coop, but I have one girl on atb...
  6. Nicky S

    Prolapsed vent - vet unable to get back in so far 😭

    We noticed today that our 2yo Australorp started straining right after we gave her deworming medication (she’s very highly strung and got very stressed out over it), and when we looked we saw she had a prolapsed vent. I put her in some warm water as her butt was all poopy to try and get a good...
  7. Nicky S

    Large wound under wing - cause?

    So I came back from a week’s vacation to find one of my girls with a large nasty looking wound under her wing. We only saw it as she lifted her wing to preen. It’s obviously not fresh, but I’m going to take her in tomorrow to get her checked out….I’m just wondering what on earth caused it? The...
  8. Nicky S


    Just found this in the coop poop tray - it was more in the poop but I separated it out. Assuming it’s a worm - any idea what type and how do I treat? Obviously I’ll treat the whole gang, 9 girls and 2 boys. We are going away at the end of the week….is one treatment enough? Side effects? Should I...
  9. Nicky S

    Way to let smaller hens through but not big roos

    Wanted to pick all the wonderful chicken brains out there. I’ve ended up with two Roos who no longer play nicely - one is submissive *most* of the time, but the other kind of has it in for him so I’ve had to separate by dividing the run. Until now the more aggressive guy was by himself (he could...
  10. Nicky S

    Is this a cockerel purring?

    So my cockerel and rooster (son & father) have just had to be separated as the son has decided his father must go. I heard the cockerel making this noise this afternoon…is this his purr? I’ve not heard it before. Just want to check he’s not super upset. He does have some supervised flock time...
  11. Nicky S

    Trying to determine who started it (rooster fight)

    So our harmonious father-son duo suddenly got into it this morning. Son is 7 months old so I guess hormones are raging. After his vet visit I tried reintroducing him…I did it outside free ranging and observed as I had no idea what happened this morning, but son was covered in blood and dad...
  12. Nicky S

    Chicken swallowed whole mouse - unknown if poisoned

    One of my girls just found a dead mouse while free ranging and swallowed it whole (I just saw its bottom half disappearing down her throat). I’m hoping it was just from my cat who left it there once bored with it, but I obviously could t get a look at it. We don’t ever have poison, but a few...
  13. Nicky S

    Trying to find right feed!

    I can’t seem to find a feed that is just right for us! I’m looking for organic feed that the boys can also eat, and that is not small crumbles /mash….and that resembles what a natural diet would be for them. And on-line ordering too 😆. I have 9 girls - the 4 youngest are now coming up to laying...
  14. Nicky S

    One eye swollen

    One of my ladies has a bit of a swollen eye. I rinsed with saline this afternoon. Could it be anything sinister? I was assuming some kind of injury or irritation as it is only in one eye, but I don’t know. She’s behaving quite normally, but I have seen her scratch at it from time to time, and it...
  15. Nicky S

    Easy way for guests to disinfect shoes?

    We are hosting a party over the weekend, and some people coming are also chicken owners. My guys free range part of the time in the whole garden, so I was wondering if there is a safe and easy way for people to disinfect their shoes when they arrive (and leave if they have chickens)? I don't...
  16. Nicky S

    Trying to interpret rooster noise!

    My one year old rooster started making funny noises a while back, and he does them a lot now. Definitely not his crow, his alarm call, egg song reply, goodnight noises or look at this tasty food noises! It does not sound like the girls when they purr either. He makes it with his beak closed, so...
  17. Nicky S

    Wound to earlobe (?)

    Just came home to find my cockerel has a wound to what I think is his earlobe. He’s got a little shred hanging down I think - nobody else is home and it’s hard to get a look, and I’m now covered in cecal poop of course 😂. I just sprayed it liberally with Vetericyn - should that do it? I’ll...
  18. Nicky S

    Help! Sour crop / possible crop stasis in 6/7 week chick

    My 6wk old chick had surgery Wednesday am (now Friday eve) to caponize. It was quite traumatic and lasted a long time - though he had sedation. Took him to avian specialist Thursday because he wasn’t eating / drinking well until right before I took him in when he drank. Vet said he was stable...
  19. Nicky S

    Trees in run - how to get the roof on

    So we have finally got the run walls done - wooden frame with hard wire cloth, 1/4 inch. For the roof we have part with plastic corrugated sheeting so they have a dry and sunny area in winter. The rest will be the same as the walls. The issue is we have two birch trees and one mulberry in the...
  20. Nicky S

    Should we start subcutaneous fluids?

    I have a 6 week old chick who had surgery today to caponize him. He was sedated with some pain relief. The surgery did not go at all well in the sense that the vet (my husband) could not find the testes (we are actually doubting that he is a cockerel despite DNA eggshell testing), and my chick...
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