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  1. babychickens321

    baby chick with injured leg

    my neighbours baby chick has injured leg/joint he cant put weight on his leg keeps curling his toes and sticking his foot to his tummy. he hatched with a small cut on his hocks and she put iodine on it. the injury is gone and she said it scaled over or something but the scaled thing fell off...
  2. babychickens321

    long thin 3d poo

    ive been seeing loads of long thin poob string in my garden and i caught one of my hens doing it right now. everyone acting fine, apart from someone not laying eggs and one always bloody egg. she was straining for quite a bit and then three weird poops which were standing up came out. poop in...
  3. babychickens321

    Poopy butt, bloody egg and straining to poo

    hello everyone one of my chickens have stopped laying i do not know which one but they have. all are behaving normal and scartching around in the dirt as usual. one has a poopy butt and shes always the one with poop stuck on her butt. like a few days ago she had a lot of poo but i think her bum...
  4. babychickens321

    green watery diarrhoea

    my chickens have green watery diarrhoea im on holiday and my uncles taking care of them so i cant send images. hes at work so he cant take pictures of the poo right now but he says its everywhere and dark green but he cant remember the exact shade. doesnt know which chicken it is. is there any...
  5. babychickens321

    heavy door slammed on roosters leg

    my rooster was watching us cook in the kitchen when the kitchen door SLAMMED on his foot. the door was super heavy. for the first 2 days he was walking fine. we put turmeric paste on his leg because it had broken the cap off his spur and he was bleeding quite a bit all over his foot/toe. 2 days...
  6. babychickens321

    4wk chick hunched over and not foraging

    one of my 4week old chicks is sick and is hunched over and fluffed up. the others are running and foraging but this one just stands still in one part of the garden even if everyone else is across the garden. it might walk over several times but mainly just stands still and shows no interest in...
  7. babychickens321

    foulish smell from broody

    the broodies eggs were supposed to hatch on Sunday, or so I thought as 4 of them hatched on Thursday and Friday (there were 8 total). now the four that have hatched are doing great, but the ones that haven't, well the two haven't pipped, and I thought I saw a pip on one this morning but I didn't...
  8. babychickens321

    veins but eggs are dark

    all my hens have gone broody :celebrate im so excited for these chicks to hatch but I think today is day 6 or 7 and I only candled some eggs because I had to do it quick and I see veins in all the eggs I candled, but there's loads of shadows in the egg and its like a dark lump(for all the eggs)...
  9. babychickens321

    Chicken bum has hardened poop

    my chicken has hardened poop on her bum, i dont know why but i think it was because she had one runny poop and then a normal poop got stuck on her bum. anyway she is pooing normal and shes also broody, so i dont want to wash her with water so that she loses her broodiness(shes lost it once like...
  10. babychickens321

    scaly leg treatment

    i want to buy a scaly leg mites spray for easy use and also because it is difficult to put vaseline on my chickens legs because its feathered it sounds silly but in this one it says that i have to remove eggs before use? why would there be eggs when im using it on their legs? also it says not...
  11. babychickens321

    chicken starting to poop and vent coming out

    today as i was looking inside their coop, i saw something weird dangling from the same hens vent. its poo, im sure, but it was like dangling from her vent and she kept trying to push it out but it wasnt coming out fully. she had her vent like exposed and pushing it out. THEN she started pushing...
  12. babychickens321

    scaly leg mites

    my chickens definitely have scaly leg mites. but I was wondering what else they have, because along with raised scales, they have feathered feet, so the part of their toe/feet which have feathers, there are kind of no scales there or something and its like pin feathers growing out of a fat meaty...
  13. babychickens321

    chicken limping but eating and drinking fine

    hello everyone my chicken was limping today a lot, and i only saw her do it this morning. i checked the bottom of her feet and they were super muddy so i wiped the mud off and there was nothing wrong apart from really long toenails. She had a sort of pinkish circle under one of her foot pads...
  14. babychickens321

    chickens in below freezing temperature with rain

    its super rainy and temperatures are around -4. there is ice and snow on the floor, can I let my chickens out? I kept the coop door open and they went out themselves but then got so wet that I could wring them. and stayed frozen under a tree so we had to shut them in.
  15. babychickens321

    roughly smacked / handled my rooster

    so i was bringing my chickens inside because it was night and my rooster started pecking at everyone inside in the dark. He pecked me when i tried to stop him from moving to the others so i got really frustrated and kind of shoved him roughly. i feel super guilty about this. then he went on to...
  16. babychickens321

    puffed up hen no egg laying and sleeping

    my hen has not been laying any eggs recently, although that may be because they are all moulting. but she usually does lay even if she's moulting, she's not moulting crazy like she's bald, but you can see some missing feathers on her wing. She usually stands still in one spot sleeping, but if...
  17. babychickens321

    raise a chick game

    so i had this RANDOM idea whilst eating and thought it woupd be cool but it might be a little difficult to carry out. Its basically where you guys raise one chick and it isnt meant to be realistic at all so please remember that because lots of weird things might happen so you start off with eggs...
  18. babychickens321

    girl or voy? 3 weeks old.

    hey everyone! my lone baby chick has turned 3 weeks old!! :wee Is it a girl or a boy? i was thinking girl but i could be wrong…
  19. babychickens321

    can 1 week old baby chicks drown in water

    I have a one week old bantam baby chick and im wondering if it will drown in its waterer it doesnt normally sleep when its standing and it goes under the mum if it wants to rest this is the feeder and waterer I have I raised some baby chicks before and none of them died in this waterer and my...
  20. babychickens321

    hole for about 24 hours but hasn't zipped

    hey everyone another one of my eggs are hatching. it made a hole yesterday (was supposed to hatch the day before yesterday or the day before that) and its been around 24 hours but the hole hasn't increased in size and it hasn't zipped all the way either. should I help it by peeling a little bit...
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