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  • Users: CurvyCoop
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  1. CurvyCoop

    Breeding for olive eggs, why cross dark brown roo over blue hen and not the other way around?

    I've always been told that the best way to create an olive egger is to use a blue laying hen and cross her with a roo with dark brown egg genes. Why is that? Why does it work better than the other way around, with a dark brown laying hen and a blue gened roo? In the end the offspring still...
  2. CurvyCoop

    Is it possible to graft lilacs (syringa vulgaris) to butterfly bushes (buddleja)?

    *I included the latin names in the title because english is not my first language and I wanted to be sure I was talking about the right plants* Lilacs and butterfly bushes are some of my favorite flowering bushes. I've always wanted some but never had space. Now I finally have some old bushes...
  3. CurvyCoop

    Rooster varies wildly in how many times in a row he crows in the morning, why?

    In the morning, when the hens are already up and about, I come and get my rooster Crumble (british araucana, approx. 16wks) from his rooster box. We have a short little cuddle on my lap and then he gets to join his girls. He usually waits till he's back on the ground to start his crowing, though...
  4. CurvyCoop

    Does the mille fleur colour exist in large fowl, or is it a bantam only colour?

    I love the mille fleur colour, it's probably one of my favourite colours. Right now I have two little dutch booted bantams in mille fleur, they live with my other 5 large fowl chickens. I love their pretty feathers. I'm expanding my run this winter so next spring I could potentially get some...
  5. CurvyCoop

    Barley isn't sprouting?

    I bought a 20kg bag of barley so I can sprout some and grow some as fodder for the chickens. I decided to test a small batch before I fill up my intended sprouting station. filled three jars about half with the barley grains. I filled the jars with water, rinsed the grains and then filled it...
  6. CurvyCoop

    Did my dutch booted bantam suddenly go broody!?

    Here in the Netherlands we're currently having a heatwave (let's be real, where in the world aren't we having a heatwave right now, climate change's a bitch) so when one of my dutch booted bantams was taking a little longer to lay her egg I wasn't that worried. My coop is nice and cool, but egg...
  7. CurvyCoop

    How high to make the fence?

    Hello all! I've just finished my coop and run and already I'm looking at ways to improve and add on to my setup 😝 At the moment my chickens have full access of the garden and while I love seeing them scratch around they do have the tendency to poop all over my patio and I actually enjoy not...
  8. CurvyCoop

    How do I train my chickens to be ok with being caught/picked up during the day?

    I have 6 lovely hens and one accidental roo (but I love him all the same). I've had them for about 2 months now. I know that you can wait until dusk to grab a chicken to check it for anything, but I want to know how to train them to be okay with it during the day. Both for health and safety...
  9. CurvyCoop

    Falconry hood to keep roosters from crowing too early?

    I am "blessed" with an accidental rooster. Dear Crumble was not the little pullet I thought he was, but like many other people with oopsie-roos I have fallen in love with him. I live in the Netherlands and I think my neighbourhood can be best compared to a suburb in the US, just to paint a...
  10. CurvyCoop

    Help me kill my conifer!

    I've got a conifer tree in my backyard and I've hated it since the moment we moved into the house almost 9 years ago. It's probably several decades old. There used to be two other conifer-like bushes that thankfully were diseased so I could get away with clearing the f*ckers out, but my partner...
  11. CurvyCoop

    One flock, but two separate groups?

    I have a flock of 7 chickens, 2 Araucanas, 1 Swedish Isbar, 1 Buff Orp, 1 BCM and 2 Dutch Booted bantams. The bantams are both a year old, I adopted them from someone who's had them since they were chicks. The others are around 14 weeks now, except for the Isbar who is a month older. I've had...
  12. CurvyCoop

    Will my Isbar start laying soon?

    My Swedish Isbar Elspeck is about 6 months now. Yesterday I suddenly noticed her face being much redder than it has been. Does this mean she is about to lay? This is what she looked like 3-4 weeks ago when I first got her And this is her today (first two pictures) and yesterday (last picture)
  13. CurvyCoop

    Need help deciding where to put nesting boxes in my coop

    I'm looking for suggestions on where to best place nest boxes in my coop. I have six hens and one (unintentional🙈) roo. Four of the hens and the roo are large fowl, they're also all still youngsters. Elsie the isbar is about 5 months now and the rest (Biscuit and Crumble the araucanas, Guineveer...
  14. CurvyCoop

    Lap chickens with dirty feet, solutions?

    So I'm a new chicken mom who was blessed with very sweet chickens. Almost all of them like to flap up to my lap whenever I sit down with them for a moment. Of course this is super adorable and I hope they never stop doing this, but WOW do they have some stinky feet! I keep my coop very clean...
  15. CurvyCoop

    How to build a latch or lock on my run door that opens from both sides?

    I'm in the middle of my first coop build. It's honestly going very well and I'm pretty proud of myself, because I've never done anything like this before. I initially planned to just have a simple latch om my run door on the outside, but I just read 3 coop build articles in a row of people who...
  16. CurvyCoop

    The search for a speckled hen! Swedish flowerhen or speckled sussex or...?

    My run will be finished in june so I'm looking around and ordering/placing reservations on chickens right now. I'm still looking for a speckled hen, one who lays white or cream eggs. I love the look of both swedish flowerhens and speckled sussexes. Which breed would you prefer? They will be...
  17. CurvyCoop

    Show me your chicken toys!!

    I'm building my very first coop and run and am looking for inspiration to decorate my run! I've seen some really fun things like chicken swings and a chicknick table as well as different kinds of holders for snacks, but I am hungry for more!! So if you have any cool toys or decorations that...
  18. CurvyCoop

    Building a coop and run up against a fence, advice needed

    Disclaimer: I'm from the Netherlands! Chicken dreams are finally becoming a reality and I've been excitedly planning and working. I'm going to be removing an existing gardenshed and will try to reuse as much of the wood as possible for the new coop. I've been tearing down stuff around the shed...
  19. CurvyCoop

    Bf is vehemently against having chickens :( What to do?

    It's literally been my dream to have chickens since I was a little girl. My bf and I are hoping to move to a larger property in the future, and he has grudgingly accepted that I will have chickens then. But that future is a long ways off and to be honest there would be room for a small flock of...
  20. CurvyCoop

    Does a hen get up to let the eggs hatch?

    Newbie chicken question :idunno Does a brooding hen get up to let the eggs hatch under her or does she stay seated on the nest and only gets up when everything has hatched? Mainly asking because I'm wondering if you can see eggs hatch under a broody the same way (or at least close enough) as...
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