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  1. Raccoon lady

    What animals can live with rabbits?

    I have two holland lop rabbits(they’re going to be fixed soon btw) and I’m building a bigger enclosure than the one they have right now. The one I’m building is about 8x4 feet. I was wondering if I could keep any other animals with them. The rabbits have been around chickens and both seemed...
  2. Raccoon lady


    @TudyBOT can male quails be kept together?
  3. Raccoon lady

    Lemon Blue Bantam Cochin chicks

    My orpington mix hen just hatched out a few lemon blue bantam cochin eggs that I got off eBay. So far 4 have hatched, but was one was eaten by another chicken, sadly.:( The ones that are still alive are two that are a blue/black color with yellow stomach and one silver/ light yellow chick...
  4. Raccoon lady

    Orpington hen acting strange, What should I do?

    My 2 year old lavender orpington hen is acting strange since earlier this day. She isn't making as much sound at all, she's barely moving around, and when she poops, its almost nothing. Shes the only one out of my six hens that's acting weird. I dont know what she has, so I haven't given her...
  5. Raccoon lady

    Thinking about raising quails

    I have chickens and rabbits and now I have been thinking about getting some coturnix quail for eggs as well as pets. I would raise them for meat, but animal slaughter is illegal where I live, and it also sounds hard. I know the basic info on quails like food, housing requirements, etc., but I...
  6. Raccoon lady


    @TudyBOT, What types of quail are there?
  7. Raccoon lady

    Should I get pigeons?

    I've been thinking about getting another type of fowl besides chickens. What do pigeons need? Are they hard to care for? What types are there? Any other advice is also appreciated!
  8. Raccoon lady

    Aviary set up ideas?

    I have been thinking about maybe building a small aviary with different bird species in it. Could I keep bantam chickens in an aviary with other birds? Also, how cold is too cold for budgies to live outside? Because I live in north florida, could I keep them outside year round? Any pictures of...
  9. Raccoon lady

    hen not sitting on eggs, but making mother hen noises?

    My buff Orpington cross has been acting weird for a couple of days. She's stopped laying eggs and is now making mother hen noises. How can I get her to lay eggs again? I thought about blocking off the nest boxes, but she's not going in them at all. Thanks!
  10. Raccoon lady

    duck laws for florida?

    What are the regulations for keeping ducks in florida? I've been thinking about getting a few for eggs and as pets.
  11. Raccoon lady

    Indoor farming hobbies?

    I am looking for an indoor farming hobby for a friend. Its very hot where she lives, so she doesn't want to spend hours in the heat and mosquitoes. Something for a new homesteader. Thanks!
  12. Raccoon lady

    rabbit hutch size

    I will be starting a small mini rex breeding program and was wondering how many hutches i need and what size. i will probably get a trio or pair. these will also be pets. Also, any pictures of your rabbit setup would be great!
  13. Raccoon lady

    How long will a broody sit on fake eggs

    One of my hens is broody and I just ordered some fertile eggs online. They will be here in a few days. My only concern is that my broody Orpington has been sitting on fake eggs for almost 2 weeks. Will she give up sitting on the ordered eggs before they hatch?
  14. Raccoon lady

    Best broody hens

    I will be purchasing more chickens soon, and I wanted to add broody hens to my small flock. If anyone has any recommendations on breeds or experience with broody hens please share!
  15. Raccoon lady

    6 week old chickens

    I ended up with 2 pullets instead of 4, so I've been looking online for any started pullets that are 6-8 weeks old. Does anyone know who sells these and will ship them? All I could find was ,but they're only shipping them until June 21
  16. Raccoon lady


    I have been thinking about getting rabbits and any advice would be appreciated! Also if you have any bunny stories I would love to hear them☺🐇
  17. Raccoon lady


    I have had 6 chicks hatch and its day #22. There is 3 eggs with no pip and no movement. Should I candle them again to see if there fertile and then throw them away. Is it still possible for one of them to hatch?
  18. Raccoon lady

    Frizzled orpington

    Hello! I will be hatching some frizzled Orpington and was wondering if anyone else has them and/or do you know what they look like?
  19. Raccoon lady

    Advice on hatching eggs!

    First time hatching eggs, I was wondering if anyone has any tips. They are hatching this thursday. Any advice will be appreciated!
  20. Raccoon lady

    New member!

    Hello, just joined backyard chickens! I have raised chickens for almost a year now and have had 7 chickens in total. 3 we had to get rid of because they were roosters 2 were killed by raccoons and 2 are living in the coop. They are a light brahma, fuzzy and a lavender orpington, lavie. I hope to...
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