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  1. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Listless hen, almost white comb. What’s wrong?

    Hello all! I found my 2 year old hen in my goat shed laying down in the straw. At first I didn’t think much of it until she never got up. I looked more closely at her and was shocked at her almost white comb color. She never quite got her dark red comb color back after her last molt in...
  2. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    *slightly* moldy feed, all trash?

    We have had weeks of pure mist and 100% humidity. I hadn’t seen the sun for a month! We had some bags of feed in the garage, and today I opened them. There was a little bit of mold on a few crumbles on the top, but the rest looked fine. Could I scoop the top off, and still feed then the food...
  3. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    Hi all! I hope all is well with you and your flocks 😊 (SHORT VERSION) My buck got into a fight, today, his eye is swelled and glued shut. What should I do? (LONG VERSION) Yesterday morning, one of my bucks got in with my other buck, and they got into an open fight within a matter of seconds...
  4. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Chicks on layer feed?

    So…I have a bit of a problem. I have 12, 8 week old chicks. I order non-GMO corn and soy free feed, but they mixed up my order and instead of sending me chick feed, sent me layer feed! I just ran out of chick feed. I unfortunately don’t have any feed stores near, and so I am in a bit of a...
  5. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Kiddie pool for ducks.

    Hi all! So, I have four pekins. I know that a kiddie pool will suffice for them, but I had a few questions. Does it need to be a particular height? Most of the ones I have found are 6-9 inches. Do you like a particular brand? Is it ok if I just buy the 15$ one from Walmart? Thanks in advance!
  6. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Is this a concern? Irritated bald spot and possibly broody.

    Hey everyone! I have a hen that just turned a year old in April. She is a Welsummer, and on the top of the pecking order. About a week ago, I noticed a bald spot between her legs and breastbone. I didn’t think much about it at first, but it seems much more red and irritated this morning, and...
  7. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Pekin broke a blood feather

    Hi! My 5 week old pekin broke a blood feather. It was bleeding pretty good this morning, and she got blood all over herself. I was able to wash most the blood off, put clotting powder on it, and I currently have her seperated so the other ducks and chickens don’t peck her. Will this heal up on...
  8. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Mist Haven farm: pictures, stories and updates.

    Hi all! I decided it was about time for me to make a BYC farm journal. I will introduce my animals here, give frequent updates , and post lots of cute pictures and stories! Our little homestead is quickly growing, and I figured a few of you may be curious. We live on about four acres in...
  9. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Good quality Welsummer?

    I am hoping to breed some good quality Welsummers. I ordered some hatching eggs from a farm, and this hen is what I got out of it. I wanted to get some more opinions on her conformation, to decide wether I should order from that farm again. Thoughts? She is a year old
  10. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    EE cockerel?

    Hi all! So, I have a 2-3 week old EE chick. I know that by comb it is much to early to tell gender, but I’ve read multiple places that if a EE feathers in with a red shoulder, then it is male. Is that true? If so, is my supposed-to-be pullet a cockerel? Thanks in advance!
  11. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Biggest chicken raising mistakes? Tell us yours!

    What was your biggest chicken raising mistake? Comment below!
  12. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Can I crush oyster shells I find on the beach?

    Hi all! I live in Maine right by a cove that I visit often. It always has lots and lots of shells. I was wondering if o could collect oyster shells and grind them down instead of buying oyster shells for my hens? Thanks In advance!
  13. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Some Pekin duckling questions

    Hi there! I have four, two-three week old, Pekin ducklings. I am new to ducks, so I’m sorry if this questions is silly 😅 anyways, my Perkins seem to big for their britches! They have grown SO fast, and seem to have a little trouble getting around. They kinda clunk around a lot, and lay down a...
  14. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Barn cat? Thoughts, suggestion and ideas

    Hi all! So, we live in the country in Maine and have tons of deer ticks, 50% of them carrying Lyme’s disease. My poor dog already ended up in the ER, and now she will permanently have Lyme’s, because she was bit by a deer tick. We have to be super careful, stay away from long grass and leaf...
  15. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    My 3 day old chick can’t walk! Please help!

    Hi everyone! My three day old chick is really struggling to walk. It just stumbles and falls everywhere, and I don’t know what’s wrong! One leg seems weak, and kind of goes out sidewise from its body just a little bit. It is always leaning left. It can sometimes stand, but usually falls Over...
  16. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Chick not wanting to use leg? Please help!

    Hi there! I just got a shipment of chicks in today. I noticed that one is having a rough time walking. It seems like it is not wanting to use one leg. It can’t very easily stand up, and leans every time it tries to walk. It mostly just drags that leg, and leans on the other chicks to walk. It...
  17. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Do my ducklings have a niacin deffiency?

    Hi everyone! about five days ago i brought home four Pekin ducklings. they were only one or two days old. I am currently raising them on chick starter, as my brand said it would be fine for ducklings and chicks. Anyways, i know that they need added Niacin in their diet, but because we live in...
  18. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Cutest bunny photos!

    The title says it all! Do you think you have the cutest bunny? This is your chance to prove it! So grab your cameras, some lettuce, and go take some shots of your furry friend! Judging ends on April 1. Winner gets bragging rights! RULES 1. A member Can have up to four entries- wether of 1...
  19. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Best duck breeds for garden?

    Hi everyone! I am planning on getting 3-4 ducks this spring. I am wondering, what is the best/your favorite duck breeds? I know this will depend on my personal needs, so I will give a bit of info on our situation. We live in Maine, so it can get pretty cold. I am mostly getting them to let...
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