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  • Users: ivy_huan
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  1. I

    When will you take goslings from the flock

    Hey guys I have a mama goose hatched 5 goslings. I have one hatched from the incubator n I took one from their group. Im gonna keep the two but planning on rehome the rest What's the best approach to do this ? Right now the whole flock is watching over the goslings I feel like if I waited...
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    Community nest with broody birds... Have you had that happened. How did it go

    Hi guys I have 2 chicken 2 ducks and 2 geese sitting on eggs right now Most of my birds free ranging except a few ducks. The one one chicken is sitting on is a community nest with many laid there... I didn't notice her being broody till a few days later. Now some of the eggs she sits on are...
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    Helping more or leave it alone , goose egg hatching

    Hey guys I need some advices here This is the goose egg I'm hatching. This one has been chirping inside the egg for 2 days. So this morning I decided to open a safety hole on the fat end of the egg. Which by the look of it, the gosling is in wrong position and I have no idea where the head...
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    Goose eggs day 29 been chirping for a day. When do I need to intervene ?

    Hey guys I'm hatching some goose eggs right now. They are not the best quality eggs, from my own flock. I have two goose that has been laying for almost two months and it is still very cold at night where I am. I was just stealing eggs from them so they would keep on laying till weather warm...
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    Injured goose with ruptured wounds

    Does anyone here have experience with ruptured wounds on the upper wings My goose got attacked last Monday with some very nasty wound. He is very calm and alert when I noticed him being injured. Took him in and called the vet. Vet came and bandaged him up even tho she suggested to put him down...
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    Should cornish cross not getting any outdoor time or daylight at all ?

    Not really free ranging but we have our broilers in the chicken run that no one uses ( all my layers 100% free ranging ). And I add leaves from last fall in there every other day. We processed our broilers today First time doing this My friend who did the process said some of my chickens have...
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    Gosling with weak legs... Can't stand. Tried Brewers yeast, niacin pills

    Hi everyone I have a 3 months old pilgrim gosling with really weak legs. I hatched him myself with another gosling. She doesn't have any issues but he seems to have trouble It all happened a month ago, I rescued him out of the kiddie pool where he was stuck ( I think his legs gave out ) kept...
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    Broody hen sitting on eggs day 22 now no chicks

    Good day everyone This is the first time I ever had a broody hen sitting on eggs She started around May 3, so technically yesterday is hatching day and I haven't seen any movements there She s been sitting there full time since and I have only really seen her got off the nest once. I can't...
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    Duck only sit on the nest part time. What shall I do ?

    I just noticed one of my ducks is sitting on the nest. She actually only has two under her but last couple of days I noticed she s been sitting there ( I thought she was just laying late that day ) then I noticed she has been sitting on them all day today till evening. I sneaked put a few eggs...
  10. I

    Help ! Lone gosling hatched. Need advices

    I just hatched out one goose I set 3 eggs and 2 made into lockdown with 1 I know for sure is good Just candled the other one, it's gone. I still have 3 more in the incubator with one looks promising and I can see movements. So I think I can expect one more goose to hatch Now I'm wondering...
  11. I

    Hatching gurus I need your help !! One goose egg in the incubator and alive day 30 when do I help ?

    Can anyone help me here I set 3 goose eggs last month and 2 made into lockdown with my duck eggs All my duck eggs are done hatching so I took a look at the goose eggs One I can feel the movement so I put it right back into the Bator The other one is very dark but I can't see any movements...
  12. I

    Day 29 Pilgrim goose eggs not doing anything

    Just wondering if anyone here hatched Pilgrim goose eggs before ? Its day 29 now I'm wondering if anyone can share you experience with me I have duck and goose eggs in the incubator and most of all my duck eggs are hatching today is day 29 for them too they started hatching around day 26/7 but...
  13. I

    Day old ducklings. What do I do ???

    I just had my first ever duckling hatched I don't setup brooders until I have hatchlings so I don't jinx myself lol Now what do I do ? I never raised day old ducklings before. I got my ducks when they are 1 week old. What kind of waterer do I use Will Tupperware with holes be good ? I'm...
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    Duck eggs day 26 pipped on the wrong end

    I have a Bator full of eggs (33 eggs in total, 24 supposed to be hatching the next few days and the rest in a week ) I woke up this morning with one pipped on the right end but no progress since ( not sure when it pipped. It's 5pm ) Sometime between 2-5 I have another egg pipped on the wrong...
  15. I

    Duck eggs shadowing on day 23. Help help

    I candled tonight and noticed half of my duck eggs air cell have drawn down significantly And I can see shadowing and and beak trying to push through the membrane I was going to stop turning them today anyway because I saw an egg wiggling last night Now after seeing the shadowing I added...
  16. I

    Day 21 goose eggs incubation. Air cell hasn't changed in 4 days

    Hi guys Me again I candled all my eggs last Sunday and marked aircell on all And today when I took the goose eggs out for cooling and misting I noticed that the aircell hasn't changed much at all in the last 4 days Is it normal ? Shall I let the incubator run dry so the aircell can grow a...
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    Are geese lazy mover in the eggs ? My eggs are filling up but I don't see a lot of movement when candle them

    I'm wondering if it's normal not to see a whole lot of movement when candling goose eggs I have 6 eggs in the incubator. I candle them every now and then. They are on day 21 I can see the eggs filling up and nice thick clear veins but I don't see very much movements Is it normal ? This is...
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    Ideas for adding water in hovabator mid hatch.

    I'm looking for some ideas on how to quickly adding extra humidity to my old hovabator during lockdown /mid hatch I have chicken, duck and goose eggs in my incubator due to hatch next Wednesday. My humidity is at 40% and I'm not sure if I should up it to 55% for the chicken or leave it. I know...
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    Staggered duck, chicken and goose eggs. Humidity and lockdown question

    Hi everyone I need a little advice I'm using an old hovabator forced air incubator. On March 31, I set 17 duck eggs, and 3 goose eggs from my own flock. They are first year layers. So I wasn't sure how fertile the eggs are Someone gave me a dozen of Plymouth barred rock eggs and I didn't...
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    Having geese to protect ducks. Opinions ?

    Hi I'm looking for some insights I had 8 ducks but lost one due to illness and then last week a goshawk attacked the flock and took one duck I'm looking to get either LGD or a goose to help with the issue It's very hard to find goose in my area and there is one person have them for sale...
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