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  1. BahiyyihAyam


    So I never noticed before, but there are SUPER SMALL bug things on my Ayam Cemani. She is not doing well, she is laying down on the ground panting. It seems like she is having trouble breathing. WHAT CAN I DO? I have some silkies in the pen with her, and they seem fine. How can I get ride of...
  2. BahiyyihAyam

    One chicken died and other is puking her food

    Hello! Last weekend, my Ayam Cemani hen died, but she was getting weak. She wasn’t able to get up, and sadly died. Now my last remaining Ayam is puking her food. Maybe she is in a depression because she lost her sister, or maybe she is sick too. I bought 4 ayams and 3 have died over the past 3...
  3. BahiyyihAyam

    Ayam Cemani Hen’s wing is down, and she steps on it, what can I do to help?

    Hello, My Ayam Cemani Hen, Maddi has been dragging one of her wings for a couple days now. I am pretty sure that she injured herself from coming down from her coop or something. She has always been interesting (squinty eyes, not the best balance), so it only makes sense that she fell off. But...
  4. BahiyyihAyam

    HELP! Ayam Cemani Hen is acting a little sad, wing hangs down

    Help! I have a ayam cemani hen that seems to be a little bit sad. I have lost my two other ayams about a month ago, but this girl doesn’t have the symptoms the others had. She is a little “weird” I like to call it. Ever since she was a little chick, she would turn in circles and run around back...
  5. BahiyyihAyam

    Hello fellow chicken people!

    Hello! I have been using BYC for some time now for help with my chicken problems, but never thought to sign up! My name is Julissa. I have fallen in love with chickens and have been raising and loving them for 5 years now. I have chickens down where I live right now (along with my six cats and 2...
  6. BahiyyihAyam

    Help! Ayam Roo is "sleepy" and liquid is coming from his beak and Silkie Hen is "tired" and doesn't really want to eat/open her beak

    Help! I have a Ayam Cemani roo (he is probably around 17 weeks old) and just recently (today) he is acting very "sleepy" and has liquid coming out of his beak. Just yesterday he was fine and relaxing with his girls but today he is totally different. Should I isolate him? I also have a Satin...
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