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  1. msulaimain

    Got my Cornish Rock Chicks UPDATE

    So far, mine have done fine. I try to wipe off the dust that builds up on the walls of the plastic container (brooder) since they seem to like to rest their beaks on it, which is from what I think they start sneezing from. So far, however, they are growing fine. The smell is getting too much now...
  2. msulaimain

    New to Broilers

    I also just bought 15 cornish x from Tractor Supply and they are not quite a week old yet, but are getting close to it and so far, I've had the feed available to them at all times, but I believe after two weeks, I will start doing the 12 hours feed available and 12 hours feed not available...
  3. msulaimain

    Got my Cornish Rock Chicks UPDATE

    I recently bought 15 cornish x chicks from Tractor Supply and so far, I think they have been doing good. I have a concern though. They aren't cheeping a lot. Their fairly quiet. I bought them this Tuesday. Is that a problem that they aren't cheeping alot like I usually see them in videos on...
  4. msulaimain

    Play Sand in Brooder

    Thanks. Might use them since I'm thinking about growing some peppers and tomatoes this Spring.
  5. msulaimain

    Just got 15 Cornish Rock Chicks... What Now?

    How much is the flock raiser and where do you get yours? Can I get it from Tractor Supply?
  6. msulaimain

    Just got 15 Cornish Rock Chicks... What Now?

    Hi, I just got 15 Cornish Rock chicks that are, I estimate, 2-3 days old. They are in a plastic tub (50 Gallons) that I bought from Walmart. I bought a waterer and feeder tray from Tractor Supply as well that is in there. A heat lamp is attached to the tub and it is hanging approximately 12...
  7. msulaimain

    18% Protein?

    Looks like I'll be getting a good starter to start them off from Tractor Supply, then I will probably finish them off with 12 hours on and 12 hours off, feeding them a good grower/finisher with pasture as well. What kind of feeder/waterer should I get. I would prefer to use the same waterer...
  8. msulaimain

    18% Protein?

    Could I mix a bag of scratch with a bag of commercial feed you think... from what I have heard and what my local feed store said, nothing really harmful results from feeding scratch as a grower/finisher. It has 18% percent protein, which is only two percent below the recommended, which is even...
  9. msulaimain

    Play Sand in Brooder

    Hi, I'm about to get a few Cornish Rock chicks and was wondering if I could use play sand in my brooder. It seems that the sand would dry up droppings and make things a bit less stinkier with the addition of a odor eliminator of some sort. I just want to make sure that regular play sand will...
  10. msulaimain

    Is it necessary to gut a bird in all circumstances?

    Yes. The bird is dead and the organs inside the bird are no longer getting the nutrients and oxygen that they need to survive, which will cause them to eventually decay and cause your meat to become bad as well. Juts gut them really quickly. All you have to do is get the major organs out like...
  11. msulaimain

    18% Protein?

    This is my first time raising Cornish Rock chickens and I really want to make it as economical as can be, since feed prices around my area are pretty darn high. Should I just feed them scratch feed after they finish the first bag of chick starter (which is really expensive as well)?
  12. msulaimain

    18% Protein?

    I am thinking about starting my cornish rock chicks with the chick starter (20 percent protein or so) but was also recommended that I could use scratch feed, which is cheaper and contains 18 percent protein, to finish my chickens off. Will the cornish rock chickens eat scratch feed after their...
  13. msulaimain

    Barred Rock hen?

    That's definitely a pretty Dominique hen. I have a Dominique rooster and I can compare the pics together and definitely see differences and mine is a little older than 16 weeks too. Here's a pic: (you can also see my leghorn rooster...they both live happily...they've been together since hatch...
  14. msulaimain

    Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

    You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when you stay up all night with your newborn chicks.
  15. msulaimain

    Post your before and after meat birds!

    Quote: Boy does that chicken look good. How many weeks were they when you butchered them. I myself am trying to start some cornish rocks or broilers and hatch them from eggs and raise them and butcher them. Is it hard to hatch meat producing chickens like the white ones you have from eggs or...
  16. msulaimain

    Is it true some predators can break through chicken wire?

    I have two roosters, one is a Dominique and one is a Leghorn. They've been kept together since chicks and I keep them inside a room that I have connected to my garage. A solid wood and four surrounding walls made of wood protect them. I've had a bad experience with chicken wire. Dumb hawks and...
  17. msulaimain

    What time does your flock go to sleep?

    I have a Dominique and Leghorn which are both roosters and they go to sleep at around 7:30.
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