Play Sand in Brooder


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
North Carolina

I'm about to get a few Cornish Rock chicks and was wondering if I could use play sand in my brooder. It seems that the sand would dry up droppings and make things a bit less stinkier with the addition of a odor eliminator of some sort.

I just want to make sure that regular play sand will not have any harmful effects on the chicks.

for smells I use Sweet PDZ it works wonders but here it is pricey about 18 per 40 pounds so I only use a cup or 2 at a time and change the litter daily or every other day. Mostly daily

not sure on the sand part.....
river sand is really good to use like from the bottom of the river with the small rocks it drys droppings it makes it easier to clean and if water gets knocked over it will dry up in the sand and the little rocks are good the older birds eat the rocks not really eat but puts it in their stomach and it helps them break down the food better to
i prefer bedding pellets. they will break down, but they stay dry if them temp and air flow is good. when you are done they make great compost.

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