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  1. RanchGranny

    My Light Sussex hen died before my eyes.....

    Sometimes chickens have heart attacks, too, especially when they're excited or scared. Some just have congenitally weak hearts & at some point, even regular every day excitement can take them out. I'm so sorry this happened~ I have a sick hen, too, which is why I'm on reading various posts in...
  2. RanchGranny


    I don't know about other symptoms or things to look for, but I do know their combs or wattles start to change color, getting deeper, almost purple. That's the stage right before frostbite, which is apparent when they turn black. And you can feel their feet to see if they're OK. If their feet are...
  3. RanchGranny


    I'm in La Center, in Southwest WA, about 30 miles north of the Portland, OR border. We have seven incredible hens, all named. We have a mixed bunch of RIRs, Golden sex-link, Americauna, Buff Orpington's & a Polish/Orp cross. I've had them for about a year, and what a year it's been! I raised...
  4. RanchGranny

    When our chickens get old

    Being a small farmer, I am totally into the idea of becoming self-sustaining, growing our own vegetables for canning, eating "real" food as opposed to processed, grocery store varieties when I can. I believe if you are going to raise any critter for the table, you should afford them the best...
  5. RanchGranny

    Is chicken poop carcinogenic?

    I don't think so ... it IS really "hot" when it's fresh, so it will kill live plants or seeds if you put it in your garden before it's had a chance to break down a bit. Maybe that's what he's thinking about in terms of it being dangerous. You know, if it's strong enough to kill blackberries, ha...
  6. RanchGranny

    My chickens are being stalked. :( What to do?

    Quote: ~ Sorry for your loss ~ These little guys are pets to us, full of individual personality. It hurts to lose any of them. I can think of somewhere the hawks should go! lol. We have a pellet gun ... doubt I could actually hit something with it, but wonder if the noise alone would...
  7. RanchGranny

    My chickens are being stalked. :( What to do?

    Ugh! I know they have to eat something, but not my chickens! I have six cats & that's why I don't keep any little caged animals in the house; just doesn't seem right to have a predator staring at them all day, seems like they'd get the animal version of PTSD! Is it feasible to put a tarp over...
  8. RanchGranny

    Will they ever lay? (pics)

    It IS frustrating waiting. Then those funny little tiny first eggs come, and it's so exciting! They freak my husband out, lol, but the grandkids think those mini-eggs are laid just specially for them! I bought four free ranged Buff Oprington cross hens that were supposed to be four months old...
  9. RanchGranny

    How colld for heatlamp

    We have seven hens in a large barn coop. It isn't drafty but it also isn't insulated very well, and gets to the low teens here sometimes. When it dips below freezing, we turn on the heat lamp during the night. The power is on much more often than it's off (that rarely happens), & the birds are...
  10. RanchGranny

    It's finally done, I's dotted...

    Unbelieveable! It's like my dream garden/chicken coop! You are so blessed, as are your chickens to live with you. Heck, I want to be your chicken!!! It's absolutely lovely.
  11. RanchGranny

    UPDATED Condition / Help 100 degree heat wave is chicken too hot?

    Hi, Flock Mama! I don't know about the pale comb-thing, but I live in La Center, WA, about 45 mins north of Portland, OR, and we've had that same, horrible heat here. One day last week we hit 113 degrees here! I have 8 hens, & spent most of the week running in and out of the house to the coop...
  12. RanchGranny

    My Hens Have Wet Feet! Advice, please!

    We have had our hens in a "summer coop" consisiting of a nice angled roof, one solid wall and three wire walls. It has only rained a couple of times and it's not cold yet (daytime temps near 70, nights low 50's). We live in the Pacific Northwest in SW Washington state. They have a large shelf &...
  13. RanchGranny

    So,19,000 members, How many Chickens do we all have? 26,143 & counting

    Ranchgranny has 4 gorgeous girls .... you all's 19,124 + my 4 = 19,128 feathered friends!
  14. RanchGranny

    I'm Looking for Chicks in SW Washington/Oregon...

    Oh, I'm so jealous! They are just precious! Please reply and let me know where you got them, ok? I was just looking through my pictures this morning and saw some of my hens when they were chicks ... they were so adorable! Especially my EE, named by my grandaughter ... Easter. Actually, I don't...
  15. RanchGranny

    Poultry dying in 100-plus weather

    Sorry to hear about so many chickens & rabbits dying from the heat! I live in SW Washington State, and though we typically have cooler summers than the southern states (average high mid 80s), this year we've had a lot of upper 90's. I've been worried about my little flock (only have four hens)...
  16. RanchGranny

    Noobie Question About Laying Hens

    Well, that's a great relief - thanks! I was about ready to buy some KY Jelly, slap on the rubber gloves and look for the right place to apply it on a chicken, lol! Apparently, all I have are hens who are exceptionally proud of their hard work - not a bad way to be when you're putting out a...
  17. RanchGranny

    Noobie Question About Laying Hens

    So, here it is... sorry if this is really ignorant, but I'm a little worried about my girls. The four of them hatched in late February this year, and three have started laying in the past couple of weeks. Thing is, the coop is really close to the house and I can hear them in there in the...
  18. RanchGranny

    I'm Looking for Chicks in SW Washington/Oregon...

    Hi, Caran. Have you looked on Craig's List? You can find them there for free sometimes... I bought my babies at Pioneer Feed Store in Battleground/Ridgefield. They were inexpensive, at about $2.50-$3.00 each, and had 4-5 breeds to choose from. I'm thinking of adding to my little flock of four...
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