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  1. Quackers08


    I think the last time i had chicks inside under heat they stayed in for roughly 3 ish months. The weather was a bit wishy washy and i just generally wasnt sure. Thanks for all of the advice. Its been extreamly helpful and i might start to incubate within the next week so i hope it works out a...
  2. Quackers08

    Missing eggs

    I have a small rabbit hutch in the duck house and there is a small space next to that and the wall so there is 3 potential nests in a row, them just seem to prefer to lay in the one area next to the hutch. My last set of ducklings were hatched in the hutch
  3. Quackers08

    Missing eggs

    Yes most of them hatched and i might take all of the eggs out and let them start over because the nest just looks trampled and ignored now. Then i will write numbers on them so i know which the first ones are to remove them. How long will it take fror them to sit? Its been about a month of...
  4. Quackers08


    Thankyou for all of the information. I will try my best with the hatch. The last egg stored would have been 3-5 days ago and the first could be up to 2 weeks. I have an automatic incubator so hopefully this will be better than my last incubator which i used only twice and each time i got 2...
  5. Quackers08

    Missing eggs

    I have just let nature take its course so to speak with the amount of eggs. My neighbour had around 30 eggs under a call duck before so i thought it would be okay. Please tell me if thats wrong though. How do i add more protein into their diets?
  6. Quackers08


    How long can you leave eggs in the cool before they get incubated? I have a mixture of 6 chicken eggs i;d like to incubate but don;t know if they've been left too long (2-3 weeks tops)
  7. Quackers08

    Missing eggs

    I have 6 call ducks and all of the females that are laying are laying in the same nest. At first the nest was gaining at least 1 egg everyday. When i had roughly 21 eggs, i noticed the amount of eggs decreasing down to roughly 17 and there was yolk and broken egg all over the nest. Today i...
  8. Quackers08

    Bantam Pekins

    Hi. I am interested in maybe showing my Pekins next year at a local agricultural show. At what age can I start preparing them for showing - like getting them used to being in cages and handled etc? Also, is there anything else i need to show them? Equiptment, routie, preening, or anything else...
  9. Quackers08

    Pekin chicks

    Hello. I have 5 pekin chicks that are roughly 2 months old, maybe a bit more. What i would like to know is when do they not neeed heat, when can they move onto growers, when can they go outside? Thanksyou
  10. Quackers08

    Confirmation on muscovy sex

    Hello. I am selling 4 of my muscovy ducks in a few days and i am pretty sure the ratio is 3:3. Equal males to females. Could you please tell me if I am right, and how much to sell them for in pairs (english pounds) Thanks
  11. Quackers08

    Pekin Incubation Diary

    In my xperiance it is very difficult, especially as a first hatch. I hadmine at 4 ish. Sirry fo late reply
  12. Quackers08

    Micro Pigs

    Thankyou. I have images of the pigs and I would appreciate it ifyou could give me your opiion on them. I have a dit list from the seller also. This is a pic of Barnie, he is the piglets dad, he is with my 7 year old daughter. This is a pic with a large fowl light sussex chicken...
  13. Quackers08

    Micro Pigs

    Hello everyone! I really wat to get a micro pig but im worried itll turn into a huge pig! So, how do i know whether i am getting a genuine micro pig or not? Thanks:D
  14. Quackers08


    Thankyou Michelle :) Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been on for a while :( Luckily someone not far from me had some chicks for sale so i brought 9 of those (couldnt help myself). Unfortunately 5 have died and i have no idea how/why as they all have evactly the same things like food water...
  15. Quackers08


    I opened up the last 2 eggs and unfortunately they havent survived :( just a repeat of the last terrible hatch
  16. Quackers08


    Oh and there is no noise from either egg and i wanna act really quickly. Please help. Im praying on their survival
  17. Quackers08


    Yesaterday 2 pekin bantam chicks hatched on day 22. However, i checked the other 2 eggs in the bator and one has internally pipped but no external and the other one doesnt seem to be doing anything. Should i make an external pip to see if he needs help or is still ali9ve?
  18. Quackers08

    Pekin Incubation Diary

    Good luck! Still only one baby but the 2nd has zipped a fair bit by now. Here are some pics
  19. Quackers08

    Pekin Incubation Diary

    Well I've been woken up to a very noisy surprise this morning! And another baby has externally pipped! :D
  20. Quackers08

    Pekin Incubation Diary

    OMG I know what you mean!! i brought 18 duck eggs for quite a lot of money, and only 2 hatched and 1 died!!! I was so angry. L Luckily my incubator is better and I also only have 4 live eggs and i am prayin g they will all hatch fine because there are 2 of each colour of the breed. Its day 19...
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