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  1. CAmamateacher

    Question about ordering chicks

    This site really is wonderful! I bought six chicks and when I couldn't tell their sex, I posted lots of pics and all these smart chicken lovers helped me. Welcome! I'm pretty new too.
  2. CAmamateacher

    Question about ordering chicks

    I am no expert, but from what I have read, yes, you would be safe buying a female from a hatchery. Also, I believe hatcheries have experts who really know how to sex. I personally bought from a local breeder who could not determine the sex in the breeds I picked and I knew that I was taking...
  3. CAmamateacher

    Is she a welsummer?

    I know it was my Lucy girl because I walked in on her laying it. She was alone in her nesting box and it was warm.
  4. CAmamateacher

    Is she a welsummer?

    this is an older picture of her but the best close up compared to her 500 instagram pictures. hehe
  5. CAmamateacher

    Is she a welsummer?

    thank you. happy holidays!
  6. CAmamateacher

    Is she a welsummer?

    I thought she was a welsummer but she just started laying and they are olive colored. {Super happy about the eggs! And that she did it in her nesting box. She's the first of my flock to lay... so it's like Christmas has come early over here!} Thanks :)
  7. CAmamateacher

    I think I have some roosters... help me figure out who is making those 6am noises!

    I have been spying on them and I have seen Ruby, Henrietta, and Mille all make crazy noises in the morning hours. The roosters up the street do their thing and then lots of noises from our yard. I am so sad. I bought six baby chicks to have 5 roosters. What the heck are the chances? haha! Thank...
  8. CAmamateacher

    I think I have some roosters... help me figure out who is making those 6am noises!

    Thank you! So it's okay that the frizzle and lavender seem to have budding, darker combs coming in?
  9. CAmamateacher

    I think I have some roosters... help me figure out who is making those 6am noises!

    I think I have some roos in my little flock. They are all around 13 weeks old. I'm hearing lots of noise each morning and no eggs yet, so I think they're practicing their rooster skills. And this black frizzle is pretty fearless... no fear of our pug what so ever... jumps right out of the run...
  10. Coop Love

    Coop Love

    It all started when our friends bought chickens. And then my mom insisted that we 'needed' chickens. My husband and I both looked at her like she was crazy. We have two kids under three... we have no time for chickens! And then I played with the idea for months. I started reading blogs and...
  11. CAmamateacher

    So, what is your job?

    First grade teacher! I've also taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. Little guys are fun... and funny. I'm also a mom :)
  12. CAmamateacher

    removed baby roos... question about new dynamics

    I bought 6 baby chicks about a month ago. It turned out three were roosters. I re-homed the boys and now the hens won't come out of their coop into their run. The boys always led the way. Do I/should I do anything? Just let them take their time readjusting? Just curious. Their coop is roomy, so...
  13. CAmamateacher

    are any of these roosters?

    Hi again! Thank you for your help yesterday determining I do indeed have two roos.. Now I'm just a little nervous if I have any more. I believe they are all around 7-8 weeks old. Speckled Sussex (Hadley) Mix breed (Dotti) Frizzle? (Ruby) Lavender...
  14. CAmamateacher

    HI! New here... Do I have some roosters?

    I bought them from a lady who hatches many breeds locally. I know of two different families that will take them and let them live their sweet lives. That's what I plan on doing with them.
  15. CAmamateacher

    Hi! From San Diego, CA

    Hello. I am a new chicken owner. I live in sunny San Diego with my husband and two young children. I am a first grade teacher and we are pretty thrilled about our new hobby. And I have to show off my coop:
  16. CAmamateacher

    HI! New here... Do I have some roosters?

    They are about 6-7 weeks old. Darn! I kinda figured because the SLW has been a mean little thing. She/he was named Delilah... then T Rex. Oh I am sad. But thank you! I appreciate it!
  17. CAmamateacher

    HI! New here... Do I have some roosters?

    SLW on left and I believe a black maran on the right. SLW... I think a roo :( Maran... please tell me I can still call her Gretchen... I love her! Maran Thank you for your help!
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