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  1. DogChickenDad

    New decree from NC Agriculture Head requires registration of even one chicken with the State!

    Figures MD would have it that state is in love with Government regulations.
  2. DogChickenDad

    New decree from NC Agriculture Head requires registration of even one chicken with the State!

    This pisses me off, I have 60 free range birds in an enclosed back yard, water foul does not come on my yard. If I have a farm number than I am going to pay farm taxes. Get out of my business Troxler!
  3. DogChickenDad

    Amdro and Chickens

    Well I may have a big problem. While working in the garden last night we came across a fire ant nest, I sprinkled Amdro on the ants and didn't think anything of it. This morning while leaving the house my wife called and said the chickens were around where I sprinkled the stuff, most of it is...
  4. DogChickenDad

    Winterizing the flock

    Supposed to be 0 tonight with negative wind chill. My son and I gathered all of the birds up and put them in their house, Some usually sleep in a seperate nesting box or outside. 58 chickens should stay warm in a 12x10 room.
  5. DogChickenDad

    Windchill and chickens being outside

    I gathered all of the open air campers up and put them in the house, the wind is really howling and it is in the teens, it is good to know they are out of the wind chill.
  6. DogChickenDad

    Windchill and chickens being outside

    I don't know why these birds sleep outside, heck, they could also go under a dry lean to next to their room but they open air, one even sleeps on top of the cage like Snoopy! I do not lock my birds in their pen at night. Their room is a 12 x 12 with shavings and perches and their food, plenty of...
  7. DogChickenDad

    Windchill and chickens being outside

    We are supposed to have 30 mph gusts and wind chills here tonight that are below zero. I have about 15 birds that open air camp every night even though they have a big house where the rest of the flock sleeps. Should I lock them in the house tonight or let them sleep outside?
  8. DogChickenDad

    Poultry Processor in Central NC

    I did talk to my feed store guy yesterday, he has arranged for me to get the 15 roosters to a local farmer in a couple of weeks to be processed when the farmer does his flock. I am tired of these boys assaulting my girls. They will sure be tasty in stew! It is a shame a custom processor can't...
  9. DogChickenDad

    Poultry Processor in Central NC

    The poultry processor I had been using in NC (Chaudry) has sold his operation and I am not sure if the new owners will do custom jobs. The next closest processor is 3 hours away. My wife and kids have said no to me doing the processing so I need to find someone who will. I have 15 roosters that...
  10. DogChickenDad

    My Chicken just died

    We lost our favorite 2 year old Red Sexlink named Nesty last Saturday, we found her dead in her dirt bath, my daughter cried for 4 hours, it was her pet. Tonight I went out to gather eggs and found a 1 year old RiR dead in the nesting box. It is very frustrating to find healthy birds like...
  11. DogChickenDad

    dog eating eggs out of the nest

    I ran a strand and it didn't take too long for the dogs to check it out. One dog knows about electric strands, saw it and walked away, the other one (the main culprit) hit it with her nose and yelped back to the house. Unfortunately I think one of the roosters hit it so I will turn the fence on...
  12. DogChickenDad

    dog eating eggs out of the nest

    Bringing up an older thread. I found my Pit Bull Mix in the nesting box yesterday and an egg in her mouth. She seems to have an egg addiction and begs to go outside to see the birds. She also wants to play with the rooster. I am thinking about running a strand from the electric fence that is...
  13. DogChickenDad

    First Time With Cornish X's

    I have 56 Cornish X's in the pen under lights, they are growing quickly, I should be able to process around Memorial DayThe birds are really starting to eat now, I need to get their outside run ready.
  14. DogChickenDad

    Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

    I may have just screwed up. I had an egg with a crack in the end about day 17 but there was blood dripping down from the crack, we threw the egg out, I hope I didn't kill a chick. We have had trouble this brood time with a hen pecking developing eggs (she is in solitary confinement now). I hpe...
  15. DogChickenDad

    mites, mites, mites

    I just lost a hen last night, she had a bunch of mites, I am not sure if they killed her or not. We found the poor thing weak and not walking much. I also feel itchy, I am concerned some got inside the house, we are cleaning like mad to try to head off an infestation. I need to treat the...
  16. DogChickenDad

    profit from cornish rocks

    I have been asked to grow meat chickens for some people, I have orders totaling 20. I don't want to lose money but I see this as an opportunity. I do agree the bedding costs add up as does the feed. I am going to try to free range these birds to keep bedding costs down but I will provide a...
  17. DogChickenDad

    Removing a Rooster, Would that Affect Egg Production?

    That makes sense, not only has the rooster been removed but 23 Cornish Rocks went with him for processing. After they left the cage in the house was populated with the 11 pullets. I have also been working on the coop, I put vinyl siding on it this weekend and the windows are in to keep it...
  18. DogChickenDad

    Removing a Rooster, Would that Affect Egg Production?

    I have about 33 birds in a large pen and there is a 10 x 12 room the birds can go into in bad weather or when they want to. I have a separate nesting box. 11 of the birds are pullets, not ready to lay yet. There is plenty of outside space for them to romp and play. Up until recently we were...
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