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  • Users: shawnm2639
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  1. shawnm2639

    what do polish crested roosters look like

    I have three polish crested chickens. Since I have never had any experience with this breed before I am confused I have one with kinda feather "beard" and two that don't they are smaller and have kinda waddles. which one or ones are the rooster or roosters here is a picture of both types. which...
  2. shawnm2639

    Polish crested "black top hats" missing feathers

    I haven't ever had this breed before so I am confused about what is happening to these guys. They seem to be missing feathers on their backs and a couple of them have really thing tails. I don't see any feathers on the ground or in their hutch so I don't think they are molting. They aren't very...
  3. shawnm2639

    Roos favorite hen starting to walk bow legged...should I "save" her

    Ok while I was writing the subject line I realized how many of our ol dirty jokes come from the live stock on the farm ...sorry gang. But really...he had 5 hens and lives in a commune. (all my chickens free range and live in the trees of my little jungle and yes I intend to round them all up...
  4. shawnm2639

    run made with green house hoops?????

    I found a post a while back that had a link to a site with already made green house hoops / half circles that you hooked together and covered to make a run. Does anyone remember that?? I have searched the forum and only come up with cattle panel construction threads. It is makeing me crazy...
  5. shawnm2639

    Do I have a mutt chicken...Or "what do you call a chick from..."

    I know I should have checked this out BEFORE I started letting my girls hatch eggs but....I have a Barr Rock Roo and then 6 BR hens, 3 Delaware hens, 5 English Game hens. The banties just hatched out 10 chicks. Some of them are obviously BR, but 3 are from the Delawares I think. I have never...
  6. shawnm2639

    Can someone help me with breed?????? (pics)

    Ok..had these girls for a while..don't know what they are...I call them.."wild girls" they are usually referred to as "game hens". This is only one of them...she has smaller feathers on her neck. I know not great photos..just give me a direction to go...these ladies are very small gals...
  7. shawnm2639

    How do I combine flocks

    I have 5 new "game" hens and the "old" flock is 3 Delawares, 4 Bar Rocks and a Bar Rock Rooster. They all free range together and eat scratch I throw out all together and the game hens are going into the open coop and laying eggs in the nest boxes. What would happen if I shut them all up at...
  8. shawnm2639

    When do I seperate momma from chicks?

    My girl had her 12 chicks in the old coop and we moved her and the babies to the new coop while everyone else was out free ranging. The coop was brand new and they have all been happily living in there all by themselves for 3 weeks now. I know they are not feathered out yet and Miss Hen is...
  9. shawnm2639

    My first hatch..the au natural...with "the momma" pics

    My girl hatched 12 chicks and 11 lived so far!!!! And check out the new coop made from salvaged material!! Thank you BYC for without you..well suffice it to say...your the stuff...
  10. shawnm2639

    Did a peahen kill my roo?

    Came home today and found one of my two roos dead next to the feeder in the coop. I have 9 hens and 2 br roos. Their 10 months old or so. Pretty big fellers and free range during the day when I am at work. Up till now the peafowl and chickens have be living pretty peacefully or at least not...
  11. shawnm2639

    Chicken wont stay out of house!!!

    I have 10 BR hens and 2 BR roos and 3 Delaware Hens...BUT I have one BR hen that won't stay out of the house...she comes in and has pretty much made it her routine to stay in the house all day long. My Great Pyr slides the silding glass door open after I go to work He has got a pretty strong...
  12. shawnm2639

    My hens free range during the I have to look for eggs?

    When do the BR hens start laying and will they lay during the day. I count them every night worring that one will lay while they were out for 12 hrs. You can tell I don't have much experience and have yet to get my first egg...Please help..BYC's are my lifeline
  13. shawnm2639

    BR pullet threw up clear fluid.

    I thought she was just broody...everyone else was out on the yard while I was working on boxes for the girls. She was roosting and I thought I would use the time to bond and I picked her up and out came about 3 tbs of clear fluid. I put her down immeidately but thought "omg, is she sick...will...
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