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  1. TajMaChicken

    And then there was one..... :( I need opinions!

    Three years ago I started my poultry adventure with 6 Rouen Ducklings and 4 chicks. A stray White Chineese Goose adopted us and then stole a duck egg and hatched it. Sadly last spring I lost four ducks when a bobcat moved in next door. Then a fox killed my precious momma goose. And a red tailed...
  2. TajMaChicken

    Unfriendly Silkie Chick????

    We got six new chicks this year. I was checking TSC everyday waiting for the bantams to come in. Finally they did! I got a Buff Silkie, a Silver Sebright, a Cochin, and the friendliest tiny what I believe is a WHite Japanese bantam, and I also got a NH Red and a Tetra Tint. I have handled them...
  3. TajMaChicken

    Need help identifying TSC chick, PLease!

    Ok here my little leap frog chick.....she? jumps over the over chicks and look just like she is playing leap frog. Can you help me out? Thanks!
  4. TajMaChicken

    Snakes in MS!!!! Baby Cottonmouths!

    So yesterday get home from work and go to let the girls out. I almost step on a baby cottomouth. Luckily there was a shovel near by. Off with his head!!! I really don't mind most snakes, but the poisonous ones die! Anyway today I was walking around the yard and about two foot away is the...
  5. TajMaChicken

    Can you identifity me? Help please!

    Ok, BYC, I need your help! Can you identify this little chickie? It was in the bantam bin at TSC. About two weeks old. Breed and/or Gender opinions.....
  6. TajMaChicken

    I don't socialize well......

    I just don't get it! I obviously don't socialize well with "normal people". I work with people who don't have the same ethics and standards I do. I am not saying they are wrong but maybe they just don't care very much. I was always taught do things to the best of my ability. I have always...
  7. TajMaChicken

    For those of us who love fuzzy butts......beautiful birds!

    I love my little fuzzy butt chick! I found this link to live video of some beautiful fuzzy butts! It is a family of bald eagles in Decorah, Iowa. The parents are awesome birds! One eaglet hatched 4/2/11 and the next one hatched 4/3/11. There is one more egg that is expected to hatch anytime...
  8. TajMaChicken

    Black Cooper Marans Chicks or Incubator

    Hey Everyone! I am looking for well bred Black Copper Marans Chicks to buy! I have seen hatching eggs for sale but I do not have an incubator, so I would really like to buy chicks but if someone has a easy and automatic incubator they would like to sell I would be interested in that also...
  9. TajMaChicken

    Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance Ex Wanted

    Hey BYC! Does anyone have a used Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance Ex they would like to sell. I would really like to try my hand at hatching and will need something fully automatic due to my hectic schedule. Anybody?
  10. TajMaChicken

    Hay vs Shavings

    We currently use hay inside the coop inside the nest boxes and on the floor. I have heard many of you talking about using shavings. We had discussed using shavings because after the hay gets packed of flattened down you can't just remove the soiled section under the roosts; the whole thing...
  11. TajMaChicken

    Hey for North Mississippi Ya'll!

    Hey BYC! I am from Hernando, MS. I currently have a small flock of six hens - 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Welsummer, 1 White Rock, 1 Delaware, 1 Buff Orpington. I also have 2 Rouen ducks, a yellow labrador named Decker, a Chocalate Chessie/Lab named Colt and a very understanding boyfriend who thinks...
  12. TajMaChicken

    Interested in breeding. Need advice.

    Hey BYC! I need your help! I have totally caught the chicken addiction. I started keeping chickens two years ago. I currently have 2 EE's, a Welsummer, a BO, a Delaware, and a White Rock. I really want to try getting some chicks and raising some to breed. I have really been looking at Black...
  13. TajMaChicken

    Duck Eviction Notice - But what to do???

    I need some advice please. I recently moved my 6 Rouen Ducks, 1 Welsummer Chicken and 1 crazy "Knothead" goose into my new coop. The chicken was previously in a separate pen from the ducks and goose. They get along well enough but the ducks and goose are getting the eviction notice from the...
  14. TajMaChicken

    Thanks to MyPetChicken!

    At first I was leery about ordering my new babies from MPC, with some positive feedback for some folks on here I went for it. So happy with the service and the chicks. They did a wonderful job. I was able to order only the 5 chicks I wanted and they all arrived healthy and happy with their...
  15. TajMaChicken

    Egg Crafts

    Does anyone Do anything creative with their eggs or egg shells? Please share ideas and /or pictures! I have gotten inspired but am short on ideas. I have Rouen ducks and they are laying and started sitting but have rolled many eggs out of th nest. I blew some out, but haven't done anything...
  16. TajMaChicken

    Help please! Silly Brown Chinese Goose!

    Ok let me first say I don't really know anything about geese. Then let me say that my "Knothead" adopted me and my ducks. I have 6 Rouen ducks and they spend the day on our community lake and come home every evening. About a year ago, we had 19 Canadian Geese visit our yard daily. I noticed...
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