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  1. binky1902

    Unreal amount of eggs

    I've read the world record for egg laying is 364 eggs in 365 days.
  2. binky1902

    Which are the best breeds for large brown eggs and lots of them?

    I have redstars also and the eggs are huge. I even get them from time to time over 2.75 ounces, which are considered super Jumbo I guess. They are always in the 2.25 range, which are a really nice size. Mine came from Mcmurray hatchery.
  3. binky1902

    Sexing my 3 week Barred Rocks.

    If they came from Ideal I think they are all pullets. My BR's roosters from Ideal were all solid gray with not spots or barring like the pullets. Then as they got older the boys bars came in.
  4. binky1902

    What Breed?

    Thanks that's what I was hoping to here.
  5. binky1902

    What Breed?

    Thanks for the help.
  6. binky1902

    I need the breeds of these 23 week old girls

    They look alot like my EE's. Mine are 24 weeks and no eggs as of yet.
  7. binky1902

    Help me decide the breed of my next batch of chicks

    If I could go back I would have gotten all red-stars (red sex link). They are laying machines and are pretty sweet chickens too.
  8. binky1902

    Breed or Breeds?

    Thanks so much for the reply. I believe that they get their chicks from Ideal. He is a young guy but he is a really good rooster. He spends most of his time making the hens eat, looking up and signaling at the sign of any large birds, etc. He also is very, very noisy but he don't bother me.
  9. binky1902

    Breed or Breeds?

    This guy was in the straight-run bin at Atwoods...which is kinda like TSC. He is around 14-15 weeks old now and his name is Russo. He is colored like the Black Australorp is but has some red in there. Could he be Black Australorp with a little red? Anybody care to guess what he may be? Thanks.
  10. binky1902

    My 6 year old hen has gone broody!?

    I would let her sit on them if she wants to. After six years she deserves it :)
  11. binky1902

    Hens turn 24 weeks this mo

    I have 9 that are 24 weeks, four different breeds. Only the Red-Stars are laying. The Marans, Buff Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers don't act like they are even close.
  12. binky1902

    Just six chickens can provide 2 dozen eggs a week!

    I only have two laying so far at 21 weeks and I got a dozen from them the past 7 days.
  13. binky1902

    What Treats Did Your Chickens Get Today?

    Whole uncooked crawfish. They actually got them themselves though out of the crawfish holes in my yard.
  14. binky1902

    Chickens Won't Eat Out Of Hanging Feeder

    I really do want them eating out of the plastic one though, because I like to take them down periodically and wash them. No telling how much bacteria could build up on a wooden one, because of course they climb all over it and poop on it once it's empty.
  15. binky1902

    Chickens Won't Eat Out Of Hanging Feeder

    Well I did try that back when it first started. I put in some mealworms and corn chops to try and get them more interested but they just pick out what's visible and leave the rest. I've had that feeder in there since they were moved to the coop at 4 weeks old, and they have never liked it. I'm...
  16. binky1902

    Diggin up worms

    Mine do the same day they fight over them, and the next day they may just turn around and walk off. I think it has to do with whether or not they need the extra protein. If their body needs it, they want it. Just one of those cool nature things I guess :)
  17. binky1902

     Crumble vs Pellets

    Crumbles all the way. I was desperate one time when the feed store was waiting on crumbles to come in and bought some pellets, and it didn't go too well. The chickens went on strike and didn't eat for two days. I ended up having to lay out the feed on concrete and take a sledge hammer to it to...
  18. binky1902

    is this Ideal's Production Black or something else?

    He sure looks like half Black Australorp/Easter Egger now that I think about it.
  19. binky1902

    is this Ideal's Production Black or something else?

    I have a rooster from Ideal that was in the bin with a bunch of Black Australorps at Atwoods, solid black at the time. Now he is Black/Green in the sun with some flowing red feathers.
  20. binky1902

    Chickens Won't Eat Out Of Hanging Feeder

    I have a hanging plastic feeder in the coop that my chickens refuse to eat out of. I have some little dishes out in the run that hang on the side of the fence that are really small, and I fill them daily in case they want to eat while they are outside. Well, when the feed runs out of the outside...
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