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  1. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Dutch Bantams didn't hatch What's wrong?

    I set 30 eggs for the hatch date of 4/16. 8 dutch bantams and 26 blacksex links. I had great success with the sex link 24 out of the 26 hatched but none of my dutch bantams hatched . I candled before lock down and all eight were moving. I opened the unhatched eggs and I found one that...
  2. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    what I'm I? 2 batams

    can you please help in identifying these two ?pullets? first one... has black legs and 4 toes I think it's a silky pullet? second one... has yellow legs thanks Nancy
  3. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    new batch of Black Sex links are here and YELLOW

    I'm so confused I have pure Barred Rocks and pure RIR and the batch is hatching as I type. Can anyone help me understand why I have YELLOW chicks... Nancy
  4. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    will they still hatch????? help :(

    I set my batch on 3/10, I candled all the eggs before lock down and they looked fine, moving and wiggling ... and now not even a pip. I heard a peep yesterday. I watched temp ( 100-101 ) and the humdity (59 - 64) I set the batch in a auto turner and layed them on their side for lock...
  5. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Who's with me... set a batch of eggs today

    Anyone want to join me in a hatch off... I set 6 Dutch Millie Fluers and 30 Black Sex links..
  6. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    UPDATED Emergency my BR HAD DIED

    I when out to the coop this afternoon, I found Birdie in the nest just standing there. I talk to her and she didn't move. I had to turn her around to pick her up. She put up no fight and no chatter. She hasn't eaten all day, her craw was empty. I carried her to water but she wouldn't drink...
  7. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Help. what do I have from Ideal....

    I have had these babies for three weeks, and still I can not tell them apart what would the breed be and the gender if possible 1 2 3 & 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 #'s 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are not banty's I have gotten myself so confused over who is what? please... needing guidence...
  8. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Skunks... Are they a threat to my hens?

    For the past couple of days, I have gotten a wiff of a skunk.... so I know there is one close. Is a skunk a threat of my chicks and chickens? How do I get rid of him without get hit with a big stinky? Mrs Stumpgrinder
  9. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Help My Millie Fluers eggs are not coming to term.

    Please help. I have a trio of Millie Fluer's and I'm trying to incubate the eggs with out any luck. I candle the eggs at day 7 and day 14 and things look good. when I put them in lock down something must go wrong... I get nothing to peep or hatch. I have great success with BR and Black sex...
  10. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    best way to hatch - looking for ideas

    I'm looking for ideas on the hatching process. I have two incubators, one for the first 18 days of incubation and the second for hatching. My question is what is the best way to keep the incubator in semi-clean during the hatch and while waiting on the other soon to be chcks to hatch. I've...
  11. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    HELP my Mille Fleur are not laying

    Hi all, I need some advice. I purchased a trio of Mille Fleur, Belgian D Uccle about a month ago, and I have not seen one single egg come out of the bunch. I don't know a lot about the breed, but I like the way they look and I wanted to breed them for more. But this will be difficult...
  12. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    HELP!!! fire ants killed one of my chicks

    I have a very bad case of fire ants. They killed one chick and they have wounded two more. The momma hen moved them as best she could. I have another broody that I can't move and will go thru the same thing if I can't do something. right now I have the mom and chicks in the brooder...
  13. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Barred Rocks for sale in Upper State SC

    I have pure healthy barred rocks for Sale for $5. I have hatched and raised these. Ages range from almost 10 weeks to 6 1/2 weeks
  14. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Chicks not using the coop at night

    I have many barred rock chicks from the ages of 9 weeks to 6 weeks. The chicks are getting along very nicely, but I do have a problem. Last week we have a very heavy rain and I lost 6 chicks, to prevent this happening again, I go out every night after dark to shoo them in to the A-Frame...
  15. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Barred Rock Confusion roo vs pullet

    Hi everyone, I'm so confused! I know it's difficult to gender a BR but I have 14 seven week, 38 five week and 37 three week old chicks. I need some help . below are a few pic's of the seven week old. I'm afraid I'm over run with roos..... can any one help. I think the darker ones are...
  16. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Week olds with days olds together in brooder?

    Hey everyone, I have 38 one week old Barred Rocks in the brooder and are doing great. They hatched out on 6/20. I also will have new babies ready for the brooder this weekend 6/27 My question is can I put both ages in the brooder together? Will the older ones pick on the younger babies...
  17. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    unwanted broody

    I have one of my BR hens starting to go broody on me. I collect eggs everyday at the same time, so there are no eggs for her to set on. How do I convince her that she doesn't need to set. Now I have another hen starting grrr what can be done? She was a good layer and now she has none
  18. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Crooked leg??

    :Hatched 35 from the incubator this weekend and 1 babie has a crooked leg. Is there anything I can do for this crooked leg?
  19. Mrs Stumpgrinder

    Crooked Leg Chick ?

    :Hatched 35 from the incubator this weekend and 1 babie has a crooked leg. Is there anything I can do for this crooked leg?
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