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  1. tara3436

    14wo golden sexlink showing signs of ready to lay?

    On Jan 2 I got a 2 week old Golden SexLink and a Barred Rock of the same age. The girls are inseparable and I was told to expect eggs around 6 months of age (ish). Right now they're about 14 weeks and the GSL was caught "striking position" just now. She dug a little depression in the pot of an...
  2. tara3436

    PVC pipe waterer question - connect direct to hose?

    That's a good idea, but I have already started on the bucket version. Will update when complete!
  3. tara3436

    New Year, new friends! Just joining from Houston, Texas

    Thank you everyone! This forum is already my FAVORITE! So many cool ideas, helpful info, and lightning quick replies. Kudos to all who contribute!
  4. tara3436

    PVC pipe waterer question - connect direct to hose?

    Thanks for explaining this everyone! I opted to modify my plans slightly and use a toilet fill valve, which was $7 vs. $60 for a low PSI pressure regulator. I will post a photo tutorial once it is done and tested, but basically I have the 5 gallon bucket with two holes drilled in the bottom. I...
  5. tara3436

    PVC pipe waterer question - connect direct to hose?

    I bought some supplies to make a PVC pipe waterer using the little nipples that release a drop of water when pecked. My idea is just a length of PVC with the nipples (I only have 2 hens), with one end of the PVC positioned through a hole in the coop. My garden hose is nearby and could be...
  6. tara3436

    Comment by 'tara3436' in article 'NorCal CC'

    What a great coop! Question about your waterer - I am building a similar one by just buying the nipples and PVC pide, and attaching my garden hose. I see a lot of sites selling pressue regulators but I didn't see one on yours and wasn't clear if I need one between the hose and waterer. Do you...
  7. tara3436

    What does an out-stretched neck mean?

    Yeah it's definitely affection! Love this little girl!
  8. tara3436

    What breed is my 1.5 month old hen?

    I got some better pics of the legs - the black speckly girl does seem to have some yellow on the legs, and also some black/grey. Barred rock?
  9. tara3436

    Do my chickens need a ramp to the second level nesting boxes?

    So OF COURSE because I was wondering last night about them getting up to roost... where did I find them today after work? Guess they can get up there just fine! I'll just keep an eye for when they seem uncomfortably tight up there and build a larger coop or maybe an "addition" to the top to...
  10. tara3436

    What does an out-stretched neck mean?

    My six-week old little hen Nugget seems to have a very sweet, gentle disposition. She's very quiet and seems comfortable being held and snuggled. Since the day we got her at 2 weeks old, when she sits in my hand/arm she stretched her neck out seemingly as long as it can go and rests it on me. I...
  11. tara3436

    New Year, new friends! Just joining from Houston, Texas

    They look more white/pink! So I think Cuckoo Maran. I plan to snap a better pic tomorrow. Nugget and Noodle have the same colored legs if that helps!
  12. tara3436

    What breed is my 1.5 month old hen?

    Interesting! So is there a true Golden sex link breed or are all those with this monikar the hybrid? Hoping for the egg laying machine :-)
  13. tara3436

    Do my chickens need a ramp to the second level nesting boxes?

    Thanks - I guess I assumed they would be sleeping in the nesting boxes! But I sure don't want them pooping all over the egg laying area! There are two roosting bars up there, which are wooden pieces, I think they are 2 in by 3 in and run the length of the coop (long-ways). I do have safety...
  14. tara3436

    Do my chickens need a ramp to the second level nesting boxes?

    Oh my, I fear I have been poorly informed! The feed store said about 2 square feet each chicken is sufficient if they are free ranging a fair amount of the time. I guess I will just keep watching for a while and gauge. Do you think the space is the issue with them not wanting to be on the...
  15. tara3436

    What breed is my 1.5 month old hen?

    Thanks! I was checking some pics I have of her and the legs look more pink to me.. they're the same as the golden sex links legs. So mayve the Cuckoo maran. I was confident the feed store said her breed started with the letter B though. I will try and get a clear pic in the daytime tomorrow that...
  16. tara3436

    Do my chickens need a ramp to the second level nesting boxes?

    I have two hens and an A-frame bi-level chicken coop, which has about four and a half square feet of ground space on the bottom. The coop is about 5 feet tall total also, and mid-way up there are two wooden beams for roosting and a little shelf piece that holds two laying boxes. My hens are...
  17. tara3436

    What breed is my 1.5 month old hen?

    There are two in the photo, but we know the brown girl is a golden sex link. Can't recall what the breed of the black speckled girl is! Any ideas? Both are 1.5 months old in photo. Thanks Tara
  18. tara3436

    New Year, new friends! Just joining from Houston, Texas

    Hey there everyone! My name is Tara and I live in Houston, Texas... originally from Detroit, MI but I have been down south now for 8 years so it is home. I am 25-days-a-chicken-owner, so guess that makes me very green here. I live in the city, so we have two little hens... names Noodle and...
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