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  1. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Thanks for checking in. The little chick died. I would have liked for my first chick to live.
  2. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    The chick got a slipped tendon today. Here is how it looks like. We made a splint to keep it straight so the tendon doesn't shrinks. It seemed to have perked up right after.
  3. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Ok, I won't add sugar. I added children vitamin to the water. However, now I have to deal with this, I think it is a split tendon.
  4. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    The was eating abd drinking this morning. It is a spoiled because all it wants is to be held. I think The intestines are going to be ok. I has to go to The city toda y and realized that i was going to have to bring him. He is The only pone that has survived The hatch. No i hace another problem
  5. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Well it has drank. I gave it some raw yoke and some cooked yoke. It did show interest in both and ate some of both. I put it in its little brooder and it pipped loudly the whole time. I left the room and came back and it looks as if it pooped blood. I'm not sure if the belly is getting...
  6. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Why cooked and not raw? It is drinking water and seems ok. I removed it from the incubator. It was too hot.
  7. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    It loves the heat in the incubator. Is the chick going to be safe with more heat? 101?
  8. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Well it survived the night. I gave it the sugar water with acv this morning . We will see what happens. I still mostly wants to sleep and stay in my hands. I think it should start to want to move around.
  9. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    Here are some pic I just took. The stub is very dry and a circle has started to form around it. I haven't noticed a swelling of the belly. I'm in Europe, and it is night time. Everything is closed. I have wait for morning . I wonder if I can put honey? It is very healing.
  10. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    I'm surprised how they have come out again. When I was pushing the intestines in I noticed that everytime the chick chirped they would push back out. The navel hasn't moved all day and the stub seemed to have dried up nicely, it even seems that it has detached slightly on one side. I haven't...
  11. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    I had no idea how far to push the intestines in. I might have even poked some of them. It has pooped twice today, a green with white. I need to know what to look for if it is infected. And what is normal chick behaviour. Apart from only wanting sleep, find heat and snuggle, it seems ok. It...
  12. rianxera14


    I have been giving it sugar water. I'm thinking of giving it raw yoke tomorrow. It is their first food. It seems to appreciate the water when I give it...perhaps I should add some acv in the water. . Tonight will be the first night.
  13. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    The stub looks very good. The chick seems ok. Mostly wants to sleep and snuggle, find heat. It has pecked at things, but only wants to be held.
  14. rianxera14


    No , I'm not pulling at it. I was wondering if it will simply fall off. I guess the chick may get omphalitis? I doesn't have a swollen belly, it has tried to peck. There is no bluish color. It isn't very interested in food or water, but it isn't 24 hours old yet. It mostly wants to cuddle...
  15. rianxera14


    Here is the dry up stub. Is it going to fall off?
  16. rianxera14


    How do I add a clip? Also what is normal chick behaviour for the first few days?
  17. rianxera14


    I have a number of questions. My chick hatch with yoke and later pulled his intestines out by walking around. I pushed the intestines back in and cut as much as possible of what was left of the yoke. I left a stub. Does the yoke go through the vent? The chick has pooped twice and seems...
  18. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    These are pictures I took. The first one when it first came out and the last one after cutting off the yoke sac. Will the end just fall off? I'm completely clueless.
  19. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    I woke up to the chick chirping and going where it shouldn't in the incubator. The yoke dried but I noticed what looked like intestine came out. I think walking around caused her to pull them out. I learned that the news to grim for such a chick. Anyways I succeeded in pushing the intestines...
  20. rianxera14

    Shrink wrap

    How do I post a picture?
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