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  1. Chickynik

    Any idea what this is?

    This chicken was adopted a few weeks after all my others. It was half their size for the longest time. I thought it was a bantam, but everyone was right, it was not. As it grew bigger, it stopped roosting and sleeps on the coop floor by itself. It eats and drinks
  2. Chickynik

    Is this a bantam rooster?

    Yes, I know the big one is not bantam. I was just thinking the small one was an awful lot smaller for only being 2 to 3 weeks younger, but maybe that is just how fast they grow.
  3. Chickynik

    Is this a bantam rooster?

    I have 9 and 10 week old Speckled Sussex chickens. I just got the little one in the picture yesterday and it is definitely 7 weeks. The gal that gave it to me thinks it is a roo and not a bantam. I have never had a bantam, but this baby seems awfully small for only being 2 to 3 weeks younger...
  4. Chickynik

    Speckled Sussex/Cochin Calico cross?

    Could a Cochin Calico successfully breed a standard Speckled Sussex, and if so, what would their babies look like? Thank you.
  5. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    we wanted to go to the Rockin' Roadshow, but were unable. I love Audio Adrenaline :yesss: and though I am originally from Southern Oregon, where Californians are eyed suspiciously... my parents were born there, so I would never hold that against you :hugs
  6. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    Thanks, I am a strange 70's/80's child, that loves Jesus! Yes, they usually lay an egg a day, when things are nice and calm, but we just got a couple of ducks, so they have been laying every other. You are welcome to check back, but I certainly won't forget you, either
  7. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    Sure CyndiD, I will ask my 3 girls to do their best- no need to talk to my rooster, he's always diligent in his duties :P Eating eggs is all we need. I sure hope this works out for everyone, it would be fun to see pics of their offspring :)
  8. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    Can do, I will save you 6 after Country Lovin's 6
  9. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    Can do- I will send you a PM when I have 6
  10. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    How many would you like?
  11. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    How about a replacement egg for eating? My husband won't mind if I share, as long as it doesn't cut into his breakfast! I don't know how the egg hatching thing works, we aren't set up to incubate. Just let me know when you will be passing by my area and I will make sure not to refrigerate the...
  12. Chickynik

    North Idaho / Eastern Washington

    I live near Cabelas and have all lavender Orpingtons. We have 3 hens and a roo. If you would like to try to incubate an egg or 3, I would be happy to save them for you.
  13. Chickynik

    Post your Duck names!

    We finally got 2 ducks this weekend, and as promised to my 21 year old son, who was 10 at the time, we named them Optimus Prime and Megatron
  14. Chickynik

    Is this a Pekin cross?

    Thank you, yes, she is a cutie. I was expecting a yellow to orange bill, but I like that she is unique. :) These are our first ducks and we have fallen instantly in love!
  15. Chickynik

    Is this a Pekin cross?

    We just got two ducks for free this weekend and the couple said the little dude is a Rouen and the white one, a Pekin, but what's up with her bill? Is she Pekin, a cross or something else entirely. Thanks guys
  16. Chickynik

    Ayam Cemani/Lavender Orpington?

    I don't understand how it all works, but what would we get if we crossed Ayam Cemani with Lavender Orpington?
  17. Chickynik

    Pullets molting before they lay the first egg?

    My lavender orps are doing the same. No eggs yet, pillow fight feathers, husband calling them freeloaders...After reading this thread, I made them a nice protein packed treat, because I can never do just a little.:P Here is an Armanian cucumber, sliced lengthwise. On top is a spread made of...
  18. Chickynik

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    I went out and measured my coop. 42 in by 46 in = 13.4166667 sq ft of main floor, plus four 10 in x 12 in nest boxes =3.3 more sq ft, so that is 16.75÷5 lav orps which = 3.35 square feet per bird. I think that means I am maxed out on birds...sigh...
  19. Chickynik

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    Yep, we will be putting in more ventilation, up higher. Wondering if the "Amish designer" has ever owned a chicken By the way,I didn't think my coop was that small-is it? I've seen lots way smaller! We have lavender orps . Never thought about the roundness of the perch...hmmm
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