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  • Users: BeastyBird
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  1. BeastyBird

    Dizzy Twitchy Clumsy Crested Duckling

    Yesterday I took home a pair of very young ducklings with problems from the local feed store, a lame runner duck and a dizzy crested duck. At first I was really concerned the crested had something serious and contagious, or maybe wry neck. It walks low to the ground, holds its head a bit too...
  2. BeastyBird

    Are there any diseases finches can pass to chickens?

    My niece works at Petsmart and they had 2 finches come in that they could not sell because they are missing a leg, so she gave them to me. I have them in the house for quarantine and also because it is so cold to add them to the aviary outside having no time to acclimate. The thing is I did not...
  3. BeastyBird

    newborn tossing head back and side to side

    I had to help a serama hatch last night, got half unzipped then sat for an hour. I noticed the behavior right away but I was hoping it thrusting its head back was a reflex from being trapped in the egg, but 12 hours later it's still doing it, and it may be worse. It also tosses its head side to...
  4. BeastyBird

    Is a spray can of Lysol good enough to disinfect a used coop?

    I got myself a little used coop and run off Craigslist, it is a small factory brand one used just a few months to grow out some chicks, the entire length is just 4 feet. It came to me power washed and I just emptied an entire can of Lysol on it every square inch of wood and wire inside and out...
  5. BeastyBird

    So when you breed cuckoo silkies to eachother will the chicks be barred?

    I have tried to do my own research but I am finding very mix information on how the genetics work with cuckoo silkies and I am very confused on what my 10 chicks will end up being. I bought a rooster and 3 hens a couple months ago, all with mottled skin and wonderful form (nice big hair puffs)...
  6. BeastyBird

    Using Gasoline to cure scaly leg mites on silkies???

    I acquired a trio of silkies Monday and I have them in quarantine from the rest of my large flock. I keep debating if their feet scales just look rough or if they may have a mild case of scaly foot mites. I had a huge problem with the pests 15 years ago (toes were lost) and I do not wish to ever...
  7. BeastyBird

    Has anyone seen this color of silkie before?

    So I let my many different colored silkies breed freely this year and I got quite a few new lovely cross colors as a result. Of the offspring I ended up with several like the one pictured below, they all have the basic salt and pepper color (some the black is pure black, some dark gray like her...
  8. BeastyBird

    Would "yard odor eliminator" spray be safe to use around chickens?

    This product Active ingredients: Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride The instructions say it is safe for pets once dry but I know birds are extra sensitive to things and chickens will actually eat grass and other things it comes into...
  9. BeastyBird

    Do pheasants molt really bad?

    Everything has been peachy keen with my 14 month old male ring neck pheasant until now, suddenly he is loosing a lot of feathers, his neck looks awful, he eats and acts fine, even still courts his favorite silkie hen, so I am hoping he is just molting. Do pheasants go through a more drastic molt...
  10. BeastyBird

    Eight is very old for a chicken correct?

    Eight is very old for a chicken correct? Because today at dusk I realized I had not seen my sizzle hen since yesterday and when I tracked her down I found her stone cold :( She seemed perfectly fine yesterday. Upon inspection I found her nose, mouth and eyes were clean, there was some food in...
  11. BeastyBird

    duramycin-10 does not affect hatching eggs

    So 22 days ago I could not find an answer to my question of if you can hatch eggs laid by hens being dosed with duramycin-10 ... well I had a 100% success rate with the silkie eggs I set under my broody cochin, so I have my answer! And I am posting here so the next person to google "can you...
  12. BeastyBird

    Why would tiny chiks be pooping pure water??? Should I be concerned?

    Okay so I have never seen this before and online research is not helping as all I can find is chickens get watery poop when it is hot, but they are not hot and this is not just watery poop, they are also passing pure water. I got some feed store chicks yesterday day, I have only had them since...
  13. BeastyBird

    Possible Silkie/Pheasant cross???

    So my ringneck pheasant very much loves my Silkie hens, I have seen him mate with them on multiple occasions and my hens treat him as they do the roosters (I only have silkie roos btw and he is my only pheasant). He very much favors the white hen, he follows the white Silkie hen most of the day...
  14. BeastyBird

    Chicks sneezing for more than 2 weeks, what is wrong with them?

    Okay so someone placed an add for incubating eggs, I thought this sounded fun and I wanted to optimize this year's hatch, so I gave them 40 silkie eggs and 10 hatched. I went to pick them up and he took me in back to collect my chicks, the incubator was in a shed next to where his chickens were...
  15. BeastyBird

    Can I use Duramycin and medicated chick feed???

    I woke to find all 30 of my week old silkie chicks are sneezy, a $90 trip to the vet and 2 antibiotics later I am hopefully on my way to a cure... but I forgot to ask if medicated chick feed is okay until after I got home at 7pm which was after both the vet and feed store (to buy non-medicated)...
  16. BeastyBird

    Can I hatch bantam chickens and quail in the same incubator with a chicken egg turner?

    According to my research the needs of both species are the same when it comes to temperature and humidity, the only difference is the time frame, but I figure that if I just add the quail eggs 4 days after the chicken eggs that I should be successful hatching them together yes? And if yes then...
  17. BeastyBird

    How can I safely cut a grown chicken's beak?

    Quaise was born deformed, I obtained her from a breeder to have as a pet vs let her be culled. One eye is remarkably too far forward and the top beak curves sharply. She has done well and is an egg laying adult now but her beak gives her issues, I continually trim the tips off the upper and...
  18. BeastyBird

    Guinea Fowl broke his crest! Crest is bleeding and wobbly!

    I put my guineas into a side yard when I let the chickens out twice a week cause the guineas are mean, a banty hen flew into the nearby chihuahua puppy pen and as was being chased, this excited the guineas and as I went out to rescue the hen I saw it happen, the one guinea in his attempt to...
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