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  1. ourlilfarm2015


    Hello! Hybrid chickens fascinate me especially how certain crosses make sex links and such. I would like to learn more! Is there a rhyme or reason to knowing what a cross will create? Or is it all trial and error? I would like to incubate eggs from my own flock just to have a fun group of...
  2. ourlilfarm2015

    Berries & other Fruits

    Hello! I would like to start out by saying I have NO green thumb. We live on an acreage and between myself, my husband, and our toddler we eat a LOT of fruit. I would love to start a few fruit bearing plants on our property. I would love a variety. I have 1 old claw foot tub that I would like...
  3. ourlilfarm2015

    Mash vs Pellets

    I have always fed the mash/crumble feed but recently noticed that pellets are also an option. Which do you prefer and why? The pellets look like there would potentially be less waste(?)
  4. ourlilfarm2015


    Hello! Are there any companies that will ship your chick feed directly to your door? Bonus points if its Nutrena or Purina brand!
  5. ourlilfarm2015

    Automatic Doors

    I need reviews on automatic coop door openers. We do have power to the coop so plugin ones are an option.
  6. ourlilfarm2015

    Coop Temperature Control - Nebraska

    Hello! I will need to add some photos so people can a better idea at what I'm dealing with. I am tweaking an old grain storage shed into a chicken coop. Is anyone else on here from Nebraska? I am wondering how you keep your coop temperature under control with such a varying climate. If you do...
  7. ourlilfarm2015

    Nebraska: Selling Eggs - Laws

    Wondering if anyone from Nebraska is selling their eggs and fully understands the laws/regulations. Please correct me if I am wrong... my understanding is that I (owner of 10 laying hens) could LEGALLY sell eggs by the dozen to family and friends as long as they are not in a container that...
  8. ourlilfarm2015

    FIRST EGG! But it wasn't in the nest....

    Do I need to worry yet? Or change something? One of my 10 silver laced Wyandotte hens laid the first egg today but it was on the ground outside in their run... The nesting "boxes" have been in there approximately 2 or 3 weeks (saw the idea on pinterest).
  9. ourlilfarm2015

    Chicken Deworming Protocols

    Okay I am a newbie to the world of chicken ownership. I have 10 silver lace Wyandotte hens that are approximately going on 4 months old as well as 2 ducks. They are on crumble feed that is grower mixed with layer in the process of switching completely to layer (they also get scratch grain more...
  10. ourlilfarm2015

    I think I was lied to...

    I puchased two little adorable blackish colored ducklings from TSC in April. Now we are in August and I do not think these ducks are the breed I was told they were (which I am super bummed about). I was told they were Cayuga ducks I am assuming these two are Runners? They are not tame and I...
  11. ourlilfarm2015

    Wyandotte Rooster vs Hen

    Okay my 10 silver laced Wyandotte hens are approx 3 months old (depending how old they were when I got them at bomgaars I picked them up the day their shipment came in). They all look the same and act the same (like hens) would I know by now if one was a rooster? I don't think I bought sexed...
  12. ourlilfarm2015

    Winter is Coming...

    So in the winter do hens still like to roost at night or do they huddle up in their nesting boxes or snuggle up together? This will be my first winter with hens and part of me is thinking I should put something like an igloo dog house with bedding inside the warmest area of the coop to provide a...
  13. ourlilfarm2015

    When to switch to adult food

    I have 10 silver lace Wyandotte hens I bought them from bomgaars when they were just tiny little things and that was middle of May it is now the middle of August. I have them on starter/grower feed when can I switch to the adult laying hen food?
  14. ourlilfarm2015

    Taming Baby Chicks

    I picked up 10 Silver Laced Wyandotte chick's from Bomgaars on 5/25 (1 week ago) they had just come in that day (I'm not sure how old they are when Bomgaars gets them). They are all penned up in my mud room (highly trafficked area of our home maybe that makes it worse). How do I tame the wild...
  15. ourlilfarm2015

    Need Watering Ideas

    I am in need of a watering system for 10 chickens. I like the idea of the little cups attached to 5 gallon bucket they appear like they would stay cleaner is this accurate? How hard is it to get them to use it right now they are just a couple weeks old but they aren't as easy to tame as I was...
  16. ourlilfarm2015

    In Need of Ideas

    We recently moved onto an 8 acre farm. There is a chicken coop on it that needs some TLC (I will attach photos). I recently purchased two Cayuga ducklings from TSC and in the future would like some Wyandotte chickens. My hope is to build a run next to my coop so secure they can go in and out as...
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