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  1. laurelbrookhens

    hen comb has black spots that bleed

    Sorry I don't know how to post a photo. She's a Rhode Island Red. The spots aren't tiny speckles but not huge either. They bled when I tried to clean the spots thinking maybe it was was just dirt. Her legs are also not pretty. They are bumpy looking. She acts healthy.
  2. laurelbrookhens

    hen comb has black spots that bleed

    I don't think its frost bite as the girls have a warming lamp. Does this indicate any particular disease? How should I treat it?
  3. laurelbrookhens

    Possible bumblefoot, infection, or frostbite injury? Pics

    I'm no expert but we have had a rescued blackbird for 16 years. Her feet used to get raw on the bottom. I put padding on her roost and made a cloth sleeve to cover it. It worked. Don't know if that's reasonable for a chicken. I do know that many people think a roost should be round. Not so.You...
  4. laurelbrookhens

    7 Campine Chickens in Norco, California

    Don't I wish you lived closer and still had these babies. A coyote just killed both my Campine girls Henna and Rey'atta. We live in Virginia. They were a hit at our county fair "zoo" each year.
  5. laurelbrookhens


    Were you asking the breed of the hen? She's an Americana and does lay greenblue eggs. Easter eggers are not a breed but Americanas are a colored egg layer. I had 4 in my flock until 2 weeks ago when a wild dog killed 16 just for the heck of it!!! One Americana left that lays most every day.
  6. laurelbrookhens

    Campine Chicken thread?

    I have two Campine hens, Henna and Re'etta. Also have 4 Auaramericannas. Re'etta rules the roost completely. I took her to the county fair to the animal bldg. and handed out info about Campines to all "viewers". My CSA's are so happy to get one white egg and one blue egg in each dozen. (the...
  7. laurelbrookhens


    Wow I wonder what causes the variation in size? I'm guessing the hen skips a day and works on it for two days to make the extra large one. But that is just my guess. The really large eggs seem to have an irregular, thicker shell. Any comments?
  8. laurelbrookhens

    Topic of the Week - Lice and Mites - Prevention and Treatments

    We have ashes from our fireplace. I heard somewhere that you can dust the ground outside the coop and that will allow the birds to take a dust bath and get rid of mites. Is this true?
  9. laurelbrookhens


    So, I've heard about the smallest. What about the biggest?
  10. laurelbrookhens


    Just for fun......What is the largest and smallest chicken egg you have ever collected after the chickens were regularly laying? We have Sexlinks and Rhode Island Reds. Our smallest egg so far is 1.4 oz and our largest is 3.4oz.
  11. laurelbrookhens

    why the withdrawal time for egg consumption?

    WOW.... I never expected so many answers and good ones too!! I wasn't advocating pro or con. I was just curious as to the why for. I would rather no gov't regs but don't really mind as I drop off fecal samples before I do anything. I did notice my vet suggested a goat medicine last time I got...
  12. laurelbrookhens

    why the withdrawal time for egg consumption?

    I've seen many articles and opinions about not eating eggs after certain doses of medications. But here is my question: If a little 6lb chicken has a dab of an Rx and it doesn't hurt the chicken then why would whatever amount that consentrates in the egg be contraindicated for a human to...
  13. laurelbrookhens

    Round worm treatment...

    Yes, a typo. I meant "round" not "ring" Just saw all Rxs say for "large" round worm and wondered if "small" was something different. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll assume they are the same variety. My hubby brought home Wazine but it says on the label "Do not use in chickens producing eggs for...
  14. laurelbrookhens

    Round worm treatment...

    Is there a difference (and different treatment) between large round worms and small round worms? I took a fecal sample to my vet and she said results were small ring worm and cockidia (obviously spelled wrong). She suggested mesavamile for the worms but I was told this was a treatment for large...
  15. laurelbrookhens

    Topic of the Week - Lice and Mites - Prevention and Treatments

    Are pyrethrin and permethrin the same thing? ie either a misspelling of one or a brand name of one?? If they are two distinct treatments which is better recommended? I've heard folks say mites are just a part of being a bird and let it be unless it gets really out of hand. Advice there?
  16. laurelbrookhens

    healthy but has diarrhea

    I know its been a while but I finally took stool samples to the vet. Even tho my chicks are acting healthy, getting fat and laying eggs almost every day, I know they came from a flock that wasn't healthy and Re-etta still has watery stool. SO the samples were examined and my vet called hours...
  17. laurelbrookhens

    Blue egg layers??

    So where in so.w. VA can I find or order an Aruacana chick or fertilized egg? Or second choice an Ameraucana? I would rather a clean faced hen. If they are so hard to find, why aren't they on an endangered list? My Campines are critically endangered but I had no trouble getting two hen chicks...
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