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  1. FrizzlesRule

    If you could add two chickens to your backyard flock what would they be?

    I would love to have an Ayam Cemani and a couple of Seramas.
  2. FrizzlesRule

    is 11-5 National hug a Chicken Day?

    I was thinking about it yesterday. Everyday should be hug a chicken day. Make that hug and kiss a chicken day.
  3. FrizzlesRule

    You know you love your chickens when...

    When you make some of them house pets and take atleast one with you whenever you can.
  4. FrizzlesRule

    The rooster crows!!!!

    I have two bantam roosters as house pets and they usually don't crow as much as when outside. They will sometimes crow in the morning if they hear the other roos in the coop crow. But they do crow less as house pets.
  5. FrizzlesRule

    Cochin roo scratching his face

    He still is scratching but not as much, but now he has been having seizures about once a month and I still don't really know what is wrong with him. Is there any advice someone can give me?
  6. FrizzlesRule

    Coop cleaning

    I do some cleaning everyday. Never let poop build up. Use pine shavings and hay for bedding. Clean poop out every morning and add new bedding. Wipe down windows and walls to get rid of dust and cobwebs. It may sound like alot of work, but really isn't. It takes about 15 minutes including feeding...
  7. FrizzlesRule


    I've had both Leghorns and Rocks. Both are great layers but most Leghorns do not like to be picked up. Barred Leghorns seem to be tamer than the White Leghorns. Atleast Leggy, one of my three Barred Leghorns lets me pick her up and she even jumps on me. Barred Rocks are usually tame and lay...
  8. FrizzlesRule

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Blackberries, raspberries and zucchini.
  9. FrizzlesRule

    Silkies in a very wet climate?

    Silkies make good house pets. But get atleast two.
  10. FrizzlesRule

    Cochin roo scratching his face

    Can anyone help? it has been two months and he is still scratching his face.
  11. FrizzlesRule

    New To Chickens - Winter Breed Advice!

    Wyandottes, Brahmas and Ameraucanas are good winter breeds with small combs.
  12. FrizzlesRule

    Foods for roosters

    My roosters eat everything the hens eat. I also give them greens like lettuce, zucchinni, celery and grass. They also like berries, bread, watermelon and also eat things from the ground. They have fresh water, sometimes with vitamins made for chickens in it and sometimes just plain water.
  13. FrizzlesRule

    Blind Hen????

    That definitely looks like a cataract. My 13+ Porcelain Belgian D"Uccle has them in both eyes and I've had other chickens with them, but they were also old. I have never seen them in young birds. How old is your Brahma?
  14. FrizzlesRule

    do Silkie roosters crow loud as other breeds?

    Silkies crow and sound like most bantams. My Silkie roo crow like my Cochin roo.
  15. FrizzlesRule

    Let's play rooster or hen?

    Two beautiful roos
  16. FrizzlesRule

    Cochin roo scratching his face

    I'm really worried about him.
  17. FrizzlesRule

    Cochin roo scratching his face

    My 6 year old Cochin bantam roo has been scratching his face and earlobes for about three weeks and I don't know why. He is clean, no diseases, no worms, no lice, no mites. I can't find anything wrong with where he is scratching. I've looked and there is nothing there. He scratches around his...
  18. FrizzlesRule

    White leghorn?

    I would say White Rock. Two years ago I got five free white pullet chicks. They were supposed to be all White Leghorns. But by 8 weeks old, only two were Leghorns, one a roo, one hen and the other three were White Rocks. They are great layers and real tame.
  19. FrizzlesRule

    They are taking my chickens away.

    If they are named pets and you only have four, make them house pets.
  20. FrizzlesRule

    do I need to get rid of my rooster

    I would definitely keep him. What breed is he?
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