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  1. Littleshadow

    Pumped for my delivery

    Next week I'll be getting day old D'uccle chicks. Super excited to eventually expand my duccle flock! Can't find the birds around my area so I've had to import from other states. I'll update and post to this thread once they arrive and as each grow and develope personalities! Anybody else have...
  2. Littleshadow

    ISO: D’uccle Hatching eggs

    im located in Oklahoma and is having zero luck find eggs, chicks, or adult birds. Looking to half a half dozen shipped to me. Please be located in the following state or in states located somewhat close so the eggs don’t go through to much shipping stress. Message me directly or post here...
  3. Littleshadow

    The story of ivy

    Here I’m going to post pictures and eventually updates on my favorite chickens (and one of my favorite pets!). June 15th I was given quit a surprise when my cat brought me a tiny fuzzy bird. Now my first thought was, “maybe it’s a quail chick”, but it’s pattern wasn’t right and I soon noticed...
  4. Littleshadow

    Blue sex links

    Yes I know they aren’t a breed but rather a cross. How many people out there breed blue sex link chicks? We had two blue splash langshan roosters over about 30 cuckoo marans hens. (Accidentally got sex link) Male chicks are blue with a white yellow splotch on there head while females are...
  5. Littleshadow

    Eye scratching and death in day old chicks

    this first incident happened about two nights ago. I found a chick with her eyes scratched all the way to the bone. (This chick did not make it). I thought it was an isolated instance. However today I came home and another chicks eye was inflamed and bleeding. I thought maybe her companion was...
  6. Littleshadow

    Expedited first clutch

    So my blue Cochin hen has been Brody for the last 8 months. Since all attempts to break her broodiness has failed I have decided to allow her to sit on some of our eggs. Let me just say I absolutely LOVE crossbred chickens and how beautiful they tend to be. So we are on day 3 and all 7 eggs...
  7. Littleshadow

    LF: Easter Egger hatching eggs

    I'm looking to add some EEs to my next year flock and looking to hatch some out in late February early march. I'm posting early so I can, hopefully, line up at least one individual to buy from. Easter Egger - any color. Preferably with muffled parents. I might consider bantam EE. I need to...
  8. Littleshadow

    Breed help

    Got this little girl/boy yesterday and I need help indetifying its breed. It's a feathered leg bantam if that helps. I was thinking red cochin bantam but ive never really dealt with many breeds besides barred rocks and LB leghorns. Any Idea? Thanks.
  9. Littleshadow

    Bantam chick help

    Picked up a few chicks the other day. One is a bantam and I have almost no idea what breed or gender it is. Any ideas?
  10. Littleshadow

    RIR help

    About 16 weeks ago I got 8 chicks. One of my welsummers is defiantly a rooster, no question asked, but now I'm looking at my rhode island red and thinking I might have another on my hands. Rose is developing green tail feathers (some very bright) and dark, almost black neck feathers. Now my...
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