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  1. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Cackle... But they came today and all of them are very healthy and happy!:D With two extras!
  2. Norah22

    are cackle ameraucanas worth the price?

    I just received my 5 straight run Ameraucanas from cackle and they cost $8-9 each. But they did send an extra one for free! They all came healthy and happy!
  3. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Ok I just picked up my chicks from the post office! I Was supposed to get 11 chicks, but I got 2 extra, one of them is a blue Ameraucana, and one is a mystery’s bird. Can’t say I’m complaining tho...😂 Pics coming soon!
  4. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    From what I know, feather sexing does not work well on baby EEs, but an early indication would be slightly larger size for males (in some cases) or slower feathering out. Anyway, mostly for fun, here are some pics of male and female week old EEs. Male: Notice the large body with smaller...
  5. Norah22

    How much space do Serama Chickens need?

    Thank you! I’m a total newbie when it comes to breeding chickens… This helps a lot! Could you describe what you mean a little more?
  6. Norah22

    How much space do Serama Chickens need?

    I’ve done a bit of research, and for some reason I was under the impression that for seramas, that less girls is okay? But I really don’t know that much.:idunno
  7. Norah22

    How much space do Serama Chickens need?

    Sorry I forgot to mention that they would have some free range time outside each day. And I live in a hot climate so they would be outdoor chickens in a tractor type coop…
  8. Norah22

    How much space do Serama Chickens need?

    Hey guys! As you can see, I have a few questions about these sweet little seramas…☺️ In a couple of weeks I might have an opportunity to get a couple of young pullets and cockerels. I’m thinking 2 or 3 girls and a rooster? But I’m also wondering how big of a coop I would need. I know you guys...
  9. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Hi I have a little flock of six almost six week olds, and 4 of them look pretty pullety to me, but I’m not sure on two old them. If they are boys that’s fine, maybe, I’ll breed them with some of my older EEs. Here are some pics. Thank you in advance!Here is the second pullet/cockerel: Sorry...
  10. Norah22

    Aracuana, Amercuana and Easter Egger thread

    Hi, I have 8 Easter Eggers, 6 of which are 3 weeks right now. I do not have any Ameraucanas or Araucanas, but I would love to get some some day! Do you have any pics of yours?
  11. Norah22

    Pure Ameraucana Thread

    Hi, I am wanting to learn more about Ameraucanas, not green egg laying Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas. What is their personality like? How many eggs a week do they lay? Are they broody? Also, does anyone have any pics they would like to post?
  12. Norah22

    Breeding Chickens and Hatching Their Eggs

    I had no idea! Thank you guys soo much for your help!
  13. Norah22

    Breeding Chickens and Hatching Their Eggs

    Just to clarify, if you take the fertile eggs out of the laying boxes, you can store the eggs until you have as many as you want to hatch in an incubator, then they will still hatch on the same day?
  14. Norah22

    Breeding Chickens and Hatching Their Eggs

    Wait a second, do the fertilized eggs only start developing when they are at the temperature of a broody hen, either in a brooder or under a hen???
  15. Norah22

    Breeding Chickens and Hatching Their Eggs

    So, do you want the eggs that you choose to be from the same day as each other, so that they will hatch on the same day? If you want to hatch a large amount of chicks from 9 or 10 gals and a roo, will you have to use different broodies for eggs that are from different days?
  16. Norah22

    Breeding Chickens and Hatching Their Eggs

    Hi, I’m just wondering if you have a roo and hens, how do you hatch their fertile eggs if you want the hen to be broody and hatch them herself. What if the the eggs are a week or a few days apart? How does that work? Thank you in advance!
  17. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Update on Nellie/Nelson, it’s a pullet after all, because one day she decided to lay. Is a quite reliable layer.
  18. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    One more thing to add, his saddle feathers are actually a bit longer and more flowing than the girls. I don’t know if that means anything.
  19. Norah22

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Here is Nelson. He is almost 11 weeks old here in these pictures. S/he is getting defined red on his upper wings. Saddle feathers still looking relatively round. Hackle feathers looking a little pointy. Thank you for your time.
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