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  1. Tinman0ut

    Is this normal for a new layer?

    Are you giving access to calcium supplements?
  2. Tinman0ut

    Bald Stripe Straight Down Hen’s Head - Mohawk

    Looks like overbreeding by your rooster… my 1 Blue-Laced Wyandotte is both my boy’s favorites and had that happen to her… she now has a helmet 🪖 to protect her.
  3. Tinman0ut

    Birchen Cochin Bantam Thread!!!!!

    Let my girl go broody on 4 barnyard mix eggs… only 2 hatched… but she’s being such a good momma to the babies
  4. Tinman0ut

    This is our new rooster, sammy. What is he???

    Does look like a light brown dutch for sure even has the white lobes… and I’m assuming that they were going for RIR (Rhode Island Red) because of the coloring… but the size, and body style is way different
  5. Tinman0ut

    This is our new rooster, sammy. What is he???

    I believe so… but might want to double check
  6. Tinman0ut

    This is our new rooster, sammy. What is he???

    looks similar to my Red Pyle OEGB… but not 100% the same… (don’t mind the frizzle feathers… it was high heat and dry here in AZ and he had just left the mister system)
  7. Tinman0ut

    Sweet Tasting Eggs

    Hello from the future 👋 I’m also interested in this and have been looking for sources to explain why my eggs have a sweet taste to them... every customer I get that buys my eggs says that my eggs are almost too sweet to use in anything besides baked goods... my chickens are free range (in the...
  8. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    So cut down all the cacti? Because the car alarm didn’t spook them last night (and they are getting through our perimeter fencing somewhere but haven’t found out where yet...)
  9. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey folks... long time no see 😅 but got a question for y’all... how do you deal with Javelina that are patrolling around your chicken coop? Non-lethal preferred just want them to move on... they have been here the last 2 nights, mostly munching on prickly pear cacti, but I’m worried they might...
  10. Tinman0ut

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Protect Your Chickens From Predators?

    That was my thought when I saw that 😅 guessing they came here from Mexico since I’m just off the border... we will see if the wall effects migration/mating 🤷‍♂️
  11. Tinman0ut

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Protect Your Chickens From Predators?

    I have ducks with my chickens so they have a 24 hr access run (hardware cloth bottom to top, it’s got a 2 foot dig skirt, and it’s covered with hardware cloth). During the day I let them free range but have flags, CDs, and wind chimes and a radio hidden inside the coop playing AP radio news to...
  12. Tinman0ut

    Does leg color relate to egg shell color?

    No... I have grey legged chickens that lay white eggs (EE), a yellow legged chicken (barnyard mix) that lay brown and another yellow legged one that lays blue (cream legbar)... really it boils down to genetics and if they are pure breed or barnyard mixes or Easter eggers...
  13. Tinman0ut

    Birchen Cochin Bantam Thread!!!!!

    Yeah when I got these 2 they were just in a straight run bantam mix tub... I got 2 Red Pyle Old English Game Birds and 2 Birchens... both the Red Pyles were cockerels so I asked around and found one a safe home (he’s breeder quality) and of course Mr. Poopybutthead was a cockerel also... but...
  14. Tinman0ut

    Birchen Cochin Bantam Thread!!!!!

    They really are... I’m planning to grow my flock by another 15-20 chickens this spring/summer and I already ordered more Birchens from Cackle fingers crossed 🤞 I don’t get all boys since they are unsexed
  15. Tinman0ut

    Birchen Cochin Bantam Thread!!!!!

    I happened upon 2 Birchen Cochin Bantams when I was shopping TSC last year hope y’all enjoy the pics I’ve taken of these 2 (they are the smallest birds I have besides my other roo but they are our power couple) From their first day outside (they still came in at night because it still got down...
  16. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    Less contact with a human host the better... gives less chance it mutates to something that does effect humans... I’m with the cremate idea though... kill it off by removing the possibility it spreads to other hosts
  17. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    He stood out there and said he was on the look out for coyotes and hawks 🤣 he even had his binoculars out there with him
  18. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    Adorable 🥰 mine are out in the yard today with my chickens
  19. Tinman0ut

    Arizona Chickens

    I have trees as a natural wind/snow break... and their opening to the run is on the leeward side (I’ve been opening the coop door to the outside since it’s easier for them then going out the run to the outside) and the window on the windward side is angled to block the wind for the most part...
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