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  1. BeckyOB

    Anyone Keep Multiple Roosters Successfully?

    It really depends on the personality of the flock and roosters. My main concern would be adding a new, young rooster to an already established older roosters flock. It can work, but only with enough hens to go around. Which 2 roosters for 18 hens seems good. But, the younger rooster has been in...
  2. BeckyOB

    Spill-Proof Way to Offer Oyster Shell and Egg Shell

    I use a vintage match box attached to the coop wall.
  3. BeckyOB


    I'm not sure I understand why feeding their own shells would cause them to lose calcium? They free range, so yes they eat bugs, grass, weeds etc. Plus plenty of table scraps.
  4. BeckyOB


    I only feed my girls their own egg shells. I've never spent a dime on oyster shells! I save the egg shells when I use their eggs by putting them in a bin in my fridge then when it's full, I spread them out on a cookie sheet, bake in oven, then certain them... No waste! Just look this up on the...
  5. BeckyOB

    Anyone have their coop inside of a large run? Pics?

    I have a coop that I created from a playhouse. The coop is attached on the backside to the run via the automatic door. The coop has a side door that I access to go into it and the run. I can also go into the run through the gates. The run is about 1400 square feet total. Hope this helps!
  6. BeckyOB

    What do you do with your chickens when they die?

    I bury mine. I've only had 2 die so far, but they're my pets and they deserve better than being thrown out like garbage or fed to wild animals like road kill.
  7. BeckyOB

    Help needed. New chickens not going into new coop at night. Airlifting 36 chickens is exhausting!

    I would almost bet there's two things going on... 1. They are trying to stay cool, so it's prob cooler under the coop than inside. So, place a fan inside the coop, make sure ventilation is good. Even close yourself in for a while and see if you're dying for air (I did this). 2. I won't attack...
  8. BeckyOB

    Plants for Shade

    Silk worms? Are these beneficial somehow? We get overrun with them yearly... But if I knew they'd benefit my flock I might not mind then as much!
  9. BeckyOB

    Help! Lethargic silkie hen

    This is someone else picture but this is exactly what I found today...
  10. BeckyOB

    Help! Lethargic silkie hen

    Ok. Thanks so much. I also found a soft shell In the coop... Which makes me think an egg broke inside her. But I'm not sure... I'll continue with the advice you gave. Thanks so much.
  11. BeckyOB

    Help! Lethargic silkie hen

    Hi. So I came out this morning to find my silkie hen very lethargic. She's about 6 mo old. I believe she's been laying eggs as I've gotten 3 one day from the 3 of them. They're new to me as I just adopted them a week ago. They're staying separate from existing flock currently and I was going to...
  12. BeckyOB

    Playhouse to Coop...good deal or nah?

    Yes! It's a great idea! My coop is a remodeled playhouse as well!
  13. BeckyOB

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Coop Smelling Fresh?

    I do many of the things listed such as keeping the coop dry, using dried and fresh herbs, using lime, daily or at least every other day poop scooping(not all but some at least),& I regularly spray with various essential oil mixes for various reasons such as wasp and fly repelling naturally etc...
  14. BeckyOB

    What is this breed called? And can he mate with other breeds?

    Just wondering what site you bought him from. You bought a rooster for$3000, but they didn't even tell you what breed it was?! That's shady...
  15. BeckyOB

    Frazzle pics?

    Wow..."they only can be disposed of"!!!! Not my frazzle rooster!!! Obviously you're a breeder and not an animal lover or even someone with a heart for living creatures! I on the other hand, believe each living creature deserves to live and live as good a life as possible! I have a frazzle...
  16. BeckyOB

    Need some ideas for shade bushes in a non roofed chicken pen. (Updated w/ pics pg 2)

    This is my exact situation nearly! So I'm following this thread for sure!
  17. BeckyOB

    Surinam cherry safety

    Ok. Well upon closer examination...I won't be feeding these anyways. There is a pit... The fruit is mostly pit! Not seeds inside. They could choke easily on these. So I'll def not be feeding them this!
  18. BeckyOB

    Surinam cherry safety

    Hi. I live in Florida and have a Surinam cherry tree/bush in my yard. I am wondering if these are okay for chickens. I would like to just prune it sometimes and throw some of the branches with the fruit on it in the chicken yard to give them something to do and something different to eat. I will...
  19. BeckyOB

    Comment by 'BeckyOB' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I'm just wondering a couple things. One, could the sand possibly be hurting the chickens feet? If it hurts our feet like you stated above, wouldn't it bother theirs too? Two, if the sand can cause serious respiratory issues in humans over time, wouldn't it cause the same in chickens especially...
  20. BeckyOB

    Frazzle Chicken??

    She looks like my rooster, Sunny. I'm pretty sure he's a frazzle. He's been showing neuro issue for a couple months now. Walking backwards etc. Can no longer free range without supervision... It makes me sad. I treated for wry neck hoping it was a nutrition thing, but that didn't help. If I...
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