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  1. CluckyChuckCrazy

    My Chickens 39

    18th September 2010 I did only start with 1 chuck last year (thanks to liam my 5 yr old). A family friend has chickens and he took liam to see them on a regular basis and like 5year old's do he got hooked on them to the point he was nagging me and my hubby for a chicken. We went to a local...
  2. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Current Stock List 24th Jan 11

    Hi All Well not had a brilliant winter what with flooding and snow :-( but finally through the other side of it. while we unfortunately lost a couple of my beloved hens we have gained a few aswell and thanks to my Aunt an incubator which mean i can now hatch like crazy. Below is our current...
  3. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Our Chickens 23 Photos

  4. CluckyChuckCrazy

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    Fantastic thread thanks for posting it i am first time hatcher and have eggs in my incubator as we speak they have been in for 7 days today going to candle them later today thanks again this will help loads
  5. CluckyChuckCrazy

    What song....

    Bon jovi everyday and its my life
  6. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Buff Orpington, Male or Female? (pic heavy)

    Hi there i would definatly say a roo. You have a lovely little 1 there
  7. CluckyChuckCrazy

    What Do I Have, Are They Hens

    look definatly like roo's to me to :-)
  8. CluckyChuckCrazy

    8 Week old Cochin, Any ideas?

    from personal experience i had a cochin thought it was a hen but was a cockeral but in this case im 85% certain its a hen
  9. CluckyChuckCrazy

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    i only got 1 from 10 hens
  10. CluckyChuckCrazy

    For Sale...One Husband!

    husband's who'd have em, we carnt live with them and we carnt live without them
  11. CluckyChuckCrazy

    FINALLY! Lilly laid an egg!

    Thats Brill Congrats to u. I can remember when my buff cochin layid her first egg she was making a right noise in the nest box. Its exciting getting your first eggs
  12. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Hello everyone .....

    frm the uk
  13. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Hello to all BYC members old and new

    Welcome to byc from the uk
  14. CluckyChuckCrazy

    most gentle breed

    I personally would say Cochins, Pekins, & Booted
  15. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Hi all this is my 4 week old lavender araucana called anna
  16. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Cochin Thread, What are the pro's and con's of Cochins

    Quote: I have to agree with this it about sums them up i have 4 cochin's all in all 2 buff 1 black and a frizzle. About 6 months ago we nearlly lost one of them as she went broody and wouldnt eat or drink we had sum bought h/eggs under her in the end we pulled her off and lost the eggs id...
  17. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    hi all thought i would share with you all pics of our 2 naked neck frizzles they are called roadrunner and speedy Roadrunner (hen) Speedy (cockeral)
  18. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Looks like a good start. Does she have a crooked toe on the left foot or is she just standing that way? You have clean legged Marans in the UK. just thought I would point that out to anyone who thinks your birds should have feathers on the shanks. Walt Leonard Its just the way she...
  19. CluckyChuckCrazy

    Crash Course in Vorwerk bantams

    Hi Below are our 2 vorwerks double and trouble
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