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  1. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I'd be all over those Pekins if you weren't so far away!
  2. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    That's funny you should mention that Meri, I just had something happen a week or so ago. We got back in after being gone for the weekend and I went to let my birds out since they'd been inside for the time we were gone. I checked the live trap and sure enough, I caught something. It was a...
  3. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    farrier! : Real long shot but does anyone have a horse that is just too hot and wants to go too fast for them? We own two sweet quiet trail geldings I would love to trade for a potential endurance horse. Anything from 5-15. I know of a little gray mare that might suit you, she's definitely a...
  4. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Who's anatomy have you been studying?! ---- We've been doing great, the little guy is getting so big, his vocabulary has really taken off here lately. He has this thing for chips and dip so Christina was telling her mom about it and she spelled out D-I-P so he wouldn't want any, he...
  5. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Mojo Chick'n : Sooooo..... sam is watching TV this afternoon, and all of a sudden, the Dishnetwork takes a dump. I figure it'll work itself out - an hour later it still has not worked itself out, so I call neighbor, she says her Dishnetwork is fine, so I call Dishnetwork, jump through the...
  6. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: 1. If you know someone in the business, that's where I would start. There are many people advertising horse related businesses, so I would just keep an eye out, especially if you're near any horse farms. That would be a great way to find out as well which leads to no. 4 2. I would...
  7. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    You cannot beat a pitbull. I've had a few mixes and they've been great dogs, never an issue out of any of them. If you understand the breed, you shouldn't have any problems. It'd be great if you all came back up, I'm sure your son would love to go fishing, we've got some huge catfish in the...
  8. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: They're doing fine, Will is right around 30 pounds I think. Coco took off with Maggie and didn't come back, we were really upset about it. We just had a neighborhood dog that would wander over just get hit. The woman that ran him over was so upset, she was in tears. Congrats on the...
  9. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: They're doing fine, Will is right around 30 pounds I think. Coco took off with Maggie and didn't come back, we were really upset about it. We just had a neighborhood dog that would wander over just get hit. The woman that ran him over was so upset, she was in tears. Congrats on the...
  10. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    You'd be alot quicker using the by-pass right there at Wilson Chevy, no sense in going to town if you don't have to. You're going to be really close actually, I'd say you pass right by my place on the way out. I'm sure I can give you a hand with a bunch of that stuff.
  11. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Mojo Chick'n : I just had a fox take one of Miss Piggy's babies in broad daylight!! that fox is probably what tried to get Cinn the other day too (thought it was a stray cat from the white flash as it took off through the woods). Guess I'd better lock up the geese and ducks at night for...
  12. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Woooho Fr.Chuck is moving to my part of the country. Im just 15 min up I-64 from Winchester. Hollar if i can help with anything. Im usually to busy to wipe, but I can squeeze a little time when needed. Got load of Koi in this am from Japan... WOW you need to see when you can. Pop A...
  13. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Welcome to Winchester! We live a few miles out going towards Irvine. It's a great place to be in, if you need a hand with anything on that house, let me know, I can swing a wrench and turn a hammer with the best of them
  14. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Mojo Chick'n : Quote: Bummer on your ducks - I haven't lost any ducks in awhile - last one was my blue hen to a hawk. (keeping my fingers crossed for no more lost) I got rid of all of my blue swedes, the drake kept trying to mate my poor little call duck girls . All I have are call ducks...
  15. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    I haven't posted in a very long time, thought I'd share some bird related news though. The short story is we lost one of the hens and two ducks. I caught the coon soon after in a live trap. After I let my coon hound get a good smell of him, he took a little trip to the pond in the trap. I...
  16. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    I could tell you a story that a friend of mine went through, but it would only upset you even more. The short of it is a guy in China set up a portal in the bank and was going to clean it out completely the next day, they just stumbled onto the breach and shut it down, but it was close.
  17. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Maybe it's just easier to say "RIR" when someone asks what breed it is. I could see someone carrying on like some Euro snob and saying" My birds come from the ancient lineage of Easter Egger which begot the generation of White Silky which in turn begot the family of Polish of Werkenshire. In...
  18. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Hold the tire on the top and give it a good shake. If it has alot of slop in it, there's your problem. You might be money ahead to have the whole front suspension rebuilt. Usually if one thing's going bad, the rest are soon to follow.
  19. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    I'd check out the ball joints, your type of truck is notorious for wearing them out. It'll definitely catch your attention too when something is wrong. I'm turning into a Ford expert and I don't even have mine finished yet! The Oldsmobile guys are really going to love this.
  20. ChknLvnFam

    Kentucky people

    Mojo Chick'n : Quote: Dang, FrChuck, is that property up in Michigan? It sounds like it with those taxes . I didn't pay near that much per acre on my land - You got to move further out in the country and get a better deal, IMO. I think we only paid about 2,200 an acre. Of course, we...
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