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  1. B123

    American Gamefowl

    I hear you. I really like superglue for closing up wounds and have glued some good ones, but that is in a tough spot. At the very least a good dressing and antibiotic ointment. Is your tetanus up to date?
  2. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Google an image of the nerves in the hand. Looks like you got just the right spot! Those wounds are hard to superglue may need to get out the needle and thread, like Shaw said.
  3. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Bit of a stretch... I haven't been getting notifications and when I check there are all of these pages!
  4. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Morning all! It sure is hard keeping up with all this reading.
  5. B123

    American Gamefowl

    lol, at first, I thought you meant the duck was over 20 years old...
  6. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Reminds me of a funny turkey story. Years ago we lived on the edge of town. I hatched some bronze turkeys, they looked like wild turkeys, and free ranged with the chickens. One day we were having lunch and this car pulls into our driveway and this woman gets out and goes to the back of her...
  7. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Glad you got back to a sensible avatar! Even though you cropped SOHC's pic, I couldn't unsee the original. It still haunts me to this day. lol
  8. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Finally caught up! Lots of beautiful birds!
  9. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Does she happen to have any Cuban in her? I don't have much experience with Cubans, but mine have those primary feathers like that and will have a white tip in a tail feather sometimes too. They come and go with successive molts.
  10. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Maybe he has insomnia?
  11. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Do you have an outdoor light? Never mind, should have read the last posts... It doesn't take much light to stimulate chickens. Inside commercial layer houses, it seems pretty dark, to me, but it is enough light to stimulate them to lay.
  12. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Are you asking if the wood duck had fun?:idunno
  13. B123

    American Gamefowl

    She just looks good. Should be a smart one too.
  14. B123

    American Gamefowl

    She is a very nice looking dog, Havoc! I am sure she will be a good one.
  15. B123

    American Gamefowl

    All looking good! I like the spangled fella.
  16. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Interesting, do you think that is a characteristic of black birds in general? I am not sure, I have seen some black flow that look like they are heavily feathered, but these black cubans I have are the same way, shorter and tighter in feather.
  17. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Sa Same here. The rain moved through the last couple of days and this week will be beautiful! Chickens sure are enjoying the cooler temps too.
  18. B123

    American Gamefowl

    Beautiful bird! Do you find that all of the hatch colored birds are heavier feathered than the black colored birds? Does the black feathering seem harder?
  19. B123

    American Gamefowl

    I would ask for a paternity or maternity test! Someone has been sneaking around... Better call Maury.
  20. B123

    American Gamefowl

    I had to go back and look at the picks again. He is a nice looking bird, but doesn't look like he has the same physical build. lol
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