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  1. PoultryPedia


    LOOKING TO BUY 1-3 BANTAMS in Northern Utah/Southern Idaho. One of our only 2 chickens died yesterday, and our remaining hen is acting lonely and afraid. :hit She needs new friends soon! Particularly interested in bantam Wyandottes, but could consider other bantam breeds. If you have...
  2. PoultryPedia


    Such pretty hens & darling chicks!!
  3. PoultryPedia


    LizCar-- You do SUCH beautiful photography!!! I liked the one with the light chick atop the mothering hen the best, because of the personality it captures.
  4. PoultryPedia


  5. PoultryPedia


    Bitsyhorse-- Cuties!!! Glad you could get some new chicks, plus be sure they are girls so you will be able to keep them for sure.
  6. PoultryPedia


    Very fun!!!
  7. PoultryPedia


  8. PoultryPedia


    Dixie's feathering looks positively luxurious! Cynthia--Your hubby can drink some mallow weed tea for gout. It's supposed to bring great relief from pain. Kind of hard to find fresh mallow weed foliage (though I think I've seen some in the produce section of Smith's Marketplace) this time of...
  9. PoultryPedia


    Sorry for your scuffle trouble. I really hope someone can take him soon.
  10. PoultryPedia


    Congratulations on your new little chicks! And your capacitous status
  11. PoultryPedia


    Silly-- Very sorry about your hen
  12. PoultryPedia


    Cynthia, What are the factors involved in deciding whether to keep the woofer?
  13. PoultryPedia


    Prayer sent up for you & your son.
  14. PoultryPedia


    For skin cancers & some other cancers, you can also treat them at home with Black Salve. However, it is recommended to do so in consultation with a medical professional who advocates its use. There is some info on it on the website at and you can find other...
  15. PoultryPedia


    Casa-- Very sorry about your loss of Alice. She sounds like a very personable, cute hen.
  16. PoultryPedia


    Bugs should be not problem (unless maybe they've been there so long there's a lot of build-up of poop or something?). Just a special extra treat! DON'T touch anything that's had ANY mold, though. And especially not corn. The chickens can get internal fungal infections that would cause them to...
  17. PoultryPedia


    madchicken-- How close do you need to stay to Lehi? I know of some possibly suitable places in far northern Utah.
  18. PoultryPedia


    Red, I'm feelin' for you with your wanderin' turkey. But I'm glad you've caught sight of her & have a better idea of where she is at least. Melisa, For keeping water from freezing--You can get a heated dog water bowl for about $20. Or you can buy a shop light in the hardware section at...
  19. PoultryPedia


    Melisa! How long have you had chickens? Glad you found the Utah thread :)
  20. PoultryPedia


    Your little Silkie is SO CUTE!!! And your Frizzle is very pretty, Thanks for sharing pics! It's always enjoyable to see good photos of others' chickens.
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