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  1. auntie hattie


    Hey everyone it's been awhile. I've just been trying to do some catching up. I've missed being on here. You guys always make me smile. As always I'm loving my little chickens. I currently have a frizzle polish hen and frizzle polish roo that are just the cutest little pair. They won't leave...
  2. auntie hattie


    Oops sorry I posted the same picture twice. Lilwanis sorry about your little houdan. Sundance so happy to hear about Jacque.
  3. auntie hattie


    Hi everyone! It's been a while but the weather has been so nice here so I have been out changing some things around by the coop. I've got to get things done before the heat sets in. I'm seeing so many cute chicks and goats. Fun pictures. I am so done with hatching! So if I'm wanting to see baby...
  4. auntie hattie


    I've been trying to do some catching up on here and it has taken awhile! Sundance I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Serama's! I would love to have some of that breed. I candled the eggs you gave me and none were fertile. Maybe your little rooster is doing his job now though. I am done with incubating for a...
  5. auntie hattie


    Sundance you are home! I can't wait to see your Serama's. Lisa those are some cute little chicks. So glad they made it back from the deep freeze. There is so much hatching going on here! I for one am done after the ones in my incubator hatch. I just sold all my little Polish today except...
  6. auntie hattie


    I got to meet Sundance last night! It was so fun meeting her and her DH. Oh and their cute little dogs and those gorgeous cats! Pictures don't do justice on those cats. They are incredible. Diana brought me a surprise too. Quail eggs and Serama eggs. She isn't sure the Serama eggs are...
  7. auntie hattie


    Sasha you're back!!!!! We have missed you! You have been one busy lady. Oh man I wish I could have your little Cochin roo. I love Cochins! Your little girl looks like a sweetheart and she is beautiful. The little Ameraucana's look so sweet. I can't believe you got two girls from that hatch. So...
  8. auntie hattie


    Bird man I planted lemon balm last summer. I was always walking by and picking it to smell. It's a favorite. I'm hoping it will come back again this year. Do you know if it is a perennial? Just bought all of my seeds to get started indoors for planting my garden. I'm trying out some fun heirloom...
  9. auntie hattie


    Waiting until the grandkids see it before I open it up. Lisa I LOVE your avatar. Your eggs are just beautiful.
  10. auntie hattie


    Fun things going on here! I wanted to show you what I found today. I think my little black Cochin has started to lay. Well I guess kinda. It was the size of a quarter.
  11. auntie hattie


    Cyndiloowho cute little chicks! I think it is so fun that your kids know who the Beverly Hillbillies are!! I grow up with that show. Granny is the perfect name for a NN. Ok here are the chickies. I'm sad to say the little one I was worried about died in my hands a couple of hours ago. Poor...
  12. auntie hattie


    Cynthia glad the MRI is over for you. It was a lonnnng night last night. I have my babies. 8 hatched but one isn't going to make it. I have figured out what is going on though. This new incubator's temperature is to low and combined with the 40-50 % the instructions say it is to much. It is...
  13. auntie hattie


    Acemario way to go! Sorry I'm not able answer any of your questions but someone on here will. Will this be your first time incubating? It is addicting so now you have been forewarned. Cynthia so sorry you had to do another MRI. I hope all went well for you. Well I have 4 pips! I love...
  14. auntie hattie


    Cynthia cute little babies. I love the silver one! So happy your hatch went well. You lucky girl you. UGH! still nothing. Why are mine always so late to hatch!
  15. auntie hattie


    Yay!!! Sundance you are coming to St. George? Are you just driving trough or staying here for a few days? I would love to meet you if you have time. I need to remember what chicks you have hatched and are selling. I can only keep bantam size chickens but you have seramas right? How fun I'm so...
  16. auntie hattie


    I wish that would happen to me sometime! Mine NEVER come early. I'm sure yours will all be hatched before mine ever even start. I'm happy your fun has begun.
  17. auntie hattie


    Yay Cynthia! Green eggs! No chirps oh pips here yet. I can hardly wait. We have had a beautiful day here. My little silkie mama has been teaching the little chick she has to dust bath. Oh man I love watching babies with their mamas. It is the CUTEST.
  18. auntie hattie


    Cynthia my eggs went into lockdown about 3:00 today also. Hatching day is Wednesday! Sundance I showed it to my DH. I'll pick up what I need tomorrow. Thanks for all of the info on it that makes it easy! Red that is way to funny about your turkey trying to eat an egg. I will miss these...
  19. auntie hattie


    Sundance I love the stand you made to hold your light. I need to make me one of those. Ponto! Cynthia what day is hatch day for you? Can I ask is there no hope for my eggs with the liquid in the bottom? They are still moving and alive so I just put them in the incubator anyway.
  20. auntie hattie


    Wow I picked a great time to come on! Look at those cute little BABIES! So many too. Sundance you are having way to much fun! Don't you have some incubating too? Seriously I need to stay off of this site. It just makes me want to keep hatching chicks! Shessh! Red you caved!!! Here come the...
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