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  1. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning all, feeling a bit less wretched today, thank heaven! John, sorry for your loss and yes, it's always a blessing when the suffering of a loved one ends. All this talk about goats, gosh how I'd love to have a couple again. Had one given to us years ago, she was tiny when we got...
  2. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hope all the Mother's had a wonderful Mother's Day and got treated well! Forgot to mention that my eldest DD is expecting her second set of twins in July. Poor baby is as big as a house! First set (now 6) were girls and this time around it's boys. Thankfully everything looks wonderful this...
  3. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Wow, everyone is so busy... and such wonderful pics! LMiller, I love your coop, so wish I was in a position to have one! Since I was last here I quit my job and have started a new job hunt, I'm too da*n old for 10 hour shifts coupled with an hour drive a day. Did manage to get some flowers...
  4. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Greetings! I got a phone call from Terri a week or so ago (time flies when you're waiting for the sun to shine, you know) telling me in the most polite way to get my tail feathers back here and let everyone know I'm alive and well... I AM! Been busy as a bee for... forever it seems... started...
  5. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning folks. once again time got away from me and I've had no chance to get on and get caught up on what everyone is up to After the birth of the baby my client went into decline and I've been working my regular day shifts with her as well as overnights. Today I'm a bit of a zombie...
  6. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Geeezzzz... I ONLY have 21 pages to read to get caught up.... but too tired at the moment. Just got home for Illinois (great, now I have CCR singing in my head!) and the birth of my grand daughter yesterday. She was uncerimonious evicted at 5:27 p.m. yesterday afternoon, much to her dismay...
  7. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Bigz good luck today at the eye doctors! That's all I got for now, not enough coffee yet! LOL Deb
  8. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Happy Halloween all! Welcome to all the new folks! Well we have the floor in for the wood stove and 3 face cords of wood stacked and covered.... Thursday she arrives! I can hardly wait!! Yesterday, chilly and raining as it was found me dreaming of the stove and how nice it will be on those...
  9. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Don't have time to get caught up at the moment, been busy, busy busy. New woodstove gettting installed on Thursday so been getting things ready for that. DH had cardio appt on Monday and they took him off all his meds except his bp meds! Said his heart stuff is GREAT! This coming week he...
  10. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Evening all. Been a tiring day.. had to run DH to ER this morning, which meant his DD didn't make it to Chicago to catch her plane, which made her witch of a mother more than just a little angry! DH was very confused, his muscles were craming terrible and he felt tingly all over... they did...
  11. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Carol, NOT A GRAY HAIR! OMG... you are in such good company! I love my grays... that's why I quit dying my hair, they are finally coming in good! Ahhh, another Monty Python fan, no wonder I like you so much!! My other 1/2 just doesn't seem to appreciate them Poor lad doesn't know...
  12. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Oh, here's cindlady's son and so as not to disappoint... a pic of me
  13. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Why do you think I stood BEHIND the camera???? Jim in his disguise....
  14. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Here are a few pics... CC L to R Terri O, H&R CC's hubby Cindlady L to R Terri O, WicChook (Carol) TO's hubby L Cindlady's hubby H&R's hubby Sleeping Beauty Terri O's adorable doggie... LIza? Lizzy? Lisa? Am I close? I do remember it's not Mitzi LOL Terri O on the left and...
  15. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Looks like I am the first to report in from the Southern Bash... I had a GREAT time and it was WONDERFUL to meet some folks and be able to put names to faces, although the way I am with names I may put them with the wrong faces! : FT we missed you. Well, pics are done downloading, so let...
  16. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: You are so bad !!! Poor Annie !!!! Just don't bring any of that road kill stew to the bash. How many jars of that are on your shelf ????? LMBehind OFF!!! Reminds me of years ago when we lived in Missouri. I had run to the store, hubby was sitting out front on the porch swing, truck...
  17. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Greetings all! Been so busy here I haven't had a chance to get on for... 35 pages! LOL, you are a gabby bunch! Working a bunch of 9.5 to 11 hour shifts these days as my client has gone to 24 hr care now. This week m-f is solid, but I've managed to keep my weekends free...speaking of which...
  18. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi folks! Tiki, sorry about the bad mama, hope the chicks are doing ok Welcome Jodie! Raimel glad to hear about your eyes! Didn't know they did glasses with anti glare, that would be MOST helpful. I'm pretty much night blind and try to avoid being out after dark in areas without street...
  19. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good afternoon all! Just woke up from a 2 1/2 hour nap! Feel much better now, or at least will once I'm totally awake! CC 15 or 22 would be okay with me... for you folks I'd brave the cold and not whine about freezing! DrH you are SOOOOO right about how they will recognize me! Cind...
  20. dkvart1

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So sorry about your canine buddy . Had to chuckle about your cats comment BBP! I must be losing my mind I accepted a shift for next Tuesday that starts at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 7:00 p.m. Thankfully DH will be back and can hold down the fort! If we move the date of the Bash any further back...
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