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  1. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    hi! long time no type. :) I can't sleep... thought I'd spill the dilemma here... although its been a super exciting day to come home & find baby chicks walking around w/the "rescue" hen I got a couple months ago, I noticed there are only 2 babies w/her & the other 8 eggs she was sitting on are...
  2. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Thanks Zoowee
  3. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Thank you a whole bunch, Megan!!!! I looked @ numerous sites that all say different things & for some reason, that page didn't come up in my google vent gleet search; very helpful! Wish us luck, starting treatment now!
  4. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

  5. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Help please!! My last post was a very long mulit-quote comment... Maybe too long... I could really use some advise right now: (I got no reply in the emergencies thread!) one of my 8 week old Columbian Wynadottes is suffering big time & I'd really like to help her make it thru this! "Gleet" is...
  6. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    HI! I'm back... Missed ya'll!! Welcome to the thread! It's the happening spot on BYC these days! Hope everyone there is out of reach of those fires... Stay cool! I use a DLM w/ straw for my big girls & do a full clean out 2x a year, cedar & pin e shavings w/ the babies & everything has been...
  7. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

  8. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Whatever Ron says is probably best lol... I waited until after dark & combined two different groups of birds w/ my flock last month & they were all to shocked & confused to raise a fuss... It was awesome... **But, I had no roos & all the birds were of similar size... I know that those factors...
  9. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Ur are truly a wealth of knowledge, Ron! I have to admit that I barely use the rest of this site anymore since I know I get such accurate & timely responses in this thread. Love Nor Cal! You all are the reason I have been checking into this site everyday instead of facebook Here are some...
  10. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Beautiful! I love that I got a white egg (3 days in a row now) for that reason; 3 eggs, 3 colors... sooooo pretty!) Does anyone know who has that incredible avatar pic of the circle of eggs, every color of the egg rainbow? It's such a great picture!
  11. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Thanks Ron! I couldn't imagine that it was the EE... I get a blue egg from her everyday & haven't heard of a chicken laying twice a day, let alone two different colored eggs! (Can they lay 2 x a day??) I could understand an older brown layer loosing their "coat"... I have seen white soft...
  12. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    I'm so glad to hear your babies are ok! YEAY! For future reference tho: there is an awesome vinegar & baking soda thread on this site that explains how to make a "gas chamber" to cull chicks... I had to use it once & it worked great! (But I hope you never have to... I buried the baby in the...
  13. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    I posted a new thread about my white mystery egg... Though I'd ask ya'll too since not many replies have come there... Here's the scoop: I have 9 laying hens, 2 that over 3 y.o. & 7 that are aprox. 8 months old There are 4 BRs, 4 RIRs, & 1 Ameracauna... I've only got blue & brown eggs...
  14. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    SO exciting! If they are Buff Orpingtons, the flighty-ness should subside... thats my experience at least. I'm sure just a lot of your voice & some hand feeding will calm them. Probably just need time to settle in. Mystery chicks are so exciting! (Sorry I am of no help, PAPA! My guess would...
  15. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    OH And: CONGRATS RON! That is so cool! Ditto on what Wings said: I know I have personally (my birds really) been helped multiple times by ur caring & experienced advice... We are all lucky to have someone like you on BYC
  16. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Welcome!!! This is an incredible site! (I think its safe to say we are all addicted to chickens here so have fun!) I have learned soooo much from the people here; lots of knowledge, different tricks of the trade & this is a great forum... What are you raising & why, may I ask??
  17. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Glad to hear that you have a health food store near, Zoo! Which is it, may I ask? I mostly make my own medicine but have to rely on store bought goldenseal sometimes: The goldenseal/echinacea tincture I buy for about $10 is made by Herbpharm in OR. (Great ppl, top notch facility & incredible...
  18. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    These are natural remedies I swear by for all animal & human ailments that I have used w/ great success. (I don't do antibiotics or pharmaceuticals for my animals & very rarely people. Hope this can be of some help! Echinacea/goldenseal tincture in their water: 5 drops per pint for babies. You...
  19. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    The last 2 Light BRAHMAS I will combine into this one post (I feel bad taking up more than a whole page!) #3, my guess: Roo And Last but not least... Light Brahma #4 my guess: Hen
  20. WasabiChicki

    California - Northern

    Light Brahma #2 My guess; Hen
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