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  1. robynz


    My girls are cracking me up! They don't mind the cold at all! I'm still letting them roam during the day, and I went to close up the coop last night, I was following their little tracks in, love them!
  2. robynz


    Mine have slowed down their laying with the colder weather and shorter days... maybe that's it? I have 5 laying hens and get 1-4 eggs/day.
  3. robynz


    Thanks all! I've also added 3 more ladies to the group (total of 8 now), so hopefully that will help warm things up :)
  4. robynz


    That's exactly what I was thinking of doing... here's to hoping we have another mild winter! (like last year)
  5. robynz


    Heated or no? I don't have electricity in my coop right now - how do you all get through the winter?
  6. robynz


    Anyone interested in a 5 month old Golden Sebright Rooster? He's hit his teenage years, and he doesn't bother me at all, but he's started going after my toddler, which is not okay... I'd hate to put him down, but he can't stay here.
  7. robynz


    I'm in Middlebury, but it's my first winter with chickens too. From all that I hear, they will be fine, I'm just going to get a heatlamp for the water (so it doesn't freeze)
  8. robynz


    I've never heard of dusting before! Thanks for the heads up! This is my first year too - our coop is a fortress, but my chickens are free-ranging, so I've lost 2 over the course of the summer while I was at work. And now they've started roosting in trees and I lost 2 last nigh :( They are...
  9. robynz


    ((hugs)) at least this week is going to be much cooler again...
  10. robynz


    I'm so sorry about your chickens! The ice idea is a good one - good luck, and luckily the heat is breaking a bit today! Mine are doing well - when I got home last night, they had all dug out a little dirt bath under a bush and were relaxing in it :) As a side note, my two little roosters...
  11. robynz


    Holy heat, Batman! This is my first time with chickens and I'm worried about them in the heat... DH said that they spent the day in the woods yesterday, and they seemed fine coming out of their coop this morning. Any tips? They have plenty water available, and they are free ranging during...
  12. robynz


    Oh no! I worry about the road at my house too, but luckily they haven't wandered over that way... May I ask how the coon got in? I'm thinking that I'll need to latch down my nesting section too, right? (the little roof there) ((hugs))
  13. robynz


    aww! did you find a good place for him? I hope?
  14. robynz


    Wow! I still have to build my coop - the procrastinator in me keeps thinking that the chicks won't even be in it for a month or two, and they don't even arrive until next Friday...
  15. robynz


    Hello! Middlebury here - have you checked your local farmstands? or maybe a farmer's market - I know that Midd's farmer's market isn't starting until May, but they do have a small, indoor, one during the winter months. Good luck! I'm new to chicks to - they come next Friday!!! I can't even wait!
  16. robynz


    Thanks for the heads up - I'll check them out this weekend!
  17. robynz


    Hello! We were actually at the box stores today, and walked around Home Depot to get an idea of what we needed. I haven't decided on a plan yet (tractor or stationary) and figure I have a couple weeks to think about it because my chicks won't be out there for a few months yet (they aren't even...
  18. robynz


    Hello from Middlebury! I'm new to BYC and new to chickens (just placed my order at Agway yesterday). So excited!!! I'm still researching DIY coops and am going to run to the store today to figure out lumber costs. Any pointers? At this point I'm just hoping to keep them all alive and happy...
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